Check Out The Sequel

I hope that you all enjoyed "New Beginnings". I had a lot of fun and a good challenge in rewriting this story to make it better fit into the X-Men Evolution timeline seeing as I'd originally written this story between seasons three and four. I'm currently working on the sequel, "School Daze" now which is now out!

I seriously apologize for the delay because the first chapter had a lot of timeline problems that needed to be sorted out. It's fluffy, but you wouldn't believe the number of issues I had in the fluff. Oye! But it's better now and hopefully the story will start to flow more from this point forward.

Also feel free to check out "When Everything Changes." This story centers around a powerful hydropath who joins the X-Men just after the show ended. So if there are any Sam Guthrie/Cannonball lovers out there, I think you'll enjoy this one a lot. The ROMYness will tie back into this story too. However, there's three more stories I have to write for ROMY before they tie together. So, lots of good ROMY times to come!