A/N: Just some fun drabbles. They were originally Kurt/Blaine, but I've decided to focus more on Jeff/Nick. :)

Disclaimer: Glee, I do not own you. If I did, McKinley would be teaching their students Mermish (and Gobbledygook) instead of Latin.

Learn a New Language

"You couldn't pick something a little less obscure?" Kurt sighed, turning the page of a language version of a "For Dummies" book. "How about French? I can teach you that."

"What's wrong with Mermish? Blaine asked, looking over at Kurt from his position on the floor. Around him were piles of internet print outs—"Mermish for Beginners," "Most Common Mermish Phrases," and a "List of Mermish Curse Words."

"Just…no one speaks Mermish, Blaine," Kurt said, wincing at what looked like the Mermish word for "water newt." He looked up at Blaine's wide-eyed, tearing eyes. "At least, well…not many people do." Kurt conceded. "And it looks pretty difficult to learn, anyway."

Blaine shook his head. "No way!" He said, determination flashing on his face. "If Dumbledore can do it, so can I!"

R & R please!^_^