Disclaimer: I do not own Ao No Exorcist.

It had been a normal day. Yukio and Rin were both in school, and he was sure that Rin hadn't ditched school that day (he had better not!) so why did he feel so worried?

Nothing strange had been going on. He had received a couple of visitors. Some came to pray, some came for wisdom. What bothered him though, was the growing amount of demons that suddenly started filling up the city. He shouldn't worry though. It wasn't like an event like that was rare. It had happened plenty of times before, and it hadn't been a big deal. So instead of wasting his time trying to solve this dilemma, he went back to the church and kept taking care of everything that needed to be taken care of.

He slowly cleaned the statues in the abbey, taking his time to clean the gathering dust around them. It was peaceful if anything. The other clergymen were outside, probably cleaning the windows, or managing the storeroom. He liked taking his time and not being bothered, it was soothing and a relief.

Recently, things had been stressful. More specifically, Rin was becoming more stressing to deal with. Twice! Twice he had been called by the school that month. And it was only the first week of the month. No matter how many lectures on fighting he had given him, he couldn't keep his temper. It was becoming a serious problem. And he didn't even want to think about how many times that boy had ditched class.

Grimacing, Fujimoto walked out of the abbey, leaving the daily cleaning to the rest. He doubted many people would come to visit, it was past noon. Most people were busy with their daily lives, too busy to come confess themselves or pray.

He sighed. He should start making dinner. Or maybe he should just let Rin do it.

No, he though, he didn't want to give him an excuse to not his homework (even though he probably wouldn't do).

He had hoped that Rin would get competitive with Yukio, seeing as the boy actually does his homework and join in school activities, but he didn't. If anything, he encouraged Yukio to do his best. Rin was too proud of his brother to do try to beat him.

Speaking of Yukio, he should probably start getting ready for the Academy. As a teacher, that is. Yukio wasn't even out of middle school yet and he had already been accepted as a teacher at True Cross. He was so proud of him.

Not that he wasn't proud of Rin. If anything, one day he'd make someone a fine wife.

After checking the Kurikara (sealed as always), he began making the necessary preparations for dinner.

Today was a good day, he decided, a couple of hours later. He glanced at the clock. The kids were out of school and not a single call. He took a moment to breath and take in the silence (which had honestly bored him a while ago) before smiling.


"Father Fujimoto, there is call for you."


He arrived at the hospital in record time. The white building stood out among the city, ironically white when so many died in it. He was worried. Oh yes, he was worried. He had not been summoned to a normal hospital. No, he had been summoned to an Exorcist clinic, to treat those who had received injuries due to demons. Depending on what kind of demon, the chances of survival decreased, which was exactly why he was worried.

Taking out his keys, he quickly opened a secret door, leading him to a completely different room than it would the average person. He quickly walked into the small room, taking note that the waiting room was empty. It was a private clinic, reserved only for Exorcists. it was no wonder it was always empty.

"Father Fujimoto, I've been waiting for you," said a young woman (who he recognized a middle-class Doctor). She beckoned him to follow her, clearly noting his despair.

"What happened?' He asked, following her into office and to the hallway.

"Your son, Okumura Yukio, was retrieved about an hour ago. We received a call from his cellphone but apparently he wasn't able to speak. We picked him up shortly after. It seems they had been attacked by a middle class demon. We're not sure what kind, but fortunately it wasn't a Ghoul, or else we wouldn't have arrived on time. He's okay at the moment. Apart from a serious cut on his lower back -which is being stitched up at the moment- and a couple of bruises here and there, he's fine."

Fujimoto let out a relieved sigh.

"Wait, they?" So Rin was with him.

The exorcist made a face, biting her lower lip.

"You see, Okumura Rin was also with him." Just as he feared. "He has a severe cut extending from his right upper shoulder to his lower arm. We had to sedate him to treat him. It was quite serious too. He also has a few cuts and bite marks, but they have all be treated as well. " Fujimoto nodded, knowing the sedation was necessary. Bite marks though? What kind of beast did his sons face?

He couldn't even imagine what happened. He would need to speak to Yukio about it when he woke up.

"So what was the situation?"

"After we got the call, we tried to speak to Yukio but no one answered. We tracked the call and we found them in an abandoned building on the north side of town. It has been infested by all types of demons, so it was no surprise they had been attacked. Yukio was already out by the time we got there, and the other one was just sitting beside his brother. He hasn't uttered a word since we found him."

He nodded, deep in thought. They were both okay then. He felt a pressure off his chest but he knew it would no be easy to explain it to Rin.

"Can I see them?" He asked,even though he would not be able to talk to either one for a while. The young woman nodded.

"Yukio is being operated on as we speak, but you may speak to the younger one." She said, before adding, "My name is Hasoka Yuni by the way,"

"It's a pleasure. What do you mean by the younger one? Yukio's the younger one."

The disbelief in her face was priceless. "Oh. I just assumed tha-" Fujimoto gave a light laugh.

"It's okay. It is easy to believe that Yukio is older. Which room?" She pointed at the room on the right-hand side of the hallway.

"2B. If you're going to stay for a while, please inform us when he awakens. It'll be great help."

Fujimoto walked towards the door, "I will. Thank you." He bowed slightly before walking in.

Closing the door behind him, he walked into the room. It was not as bright as he remembered. The lights were out, but the lamp next to the bed was on. He took note of the room. There were no windows, nor any other sources of lights. The room was a typical hospital room equipped with a bed, a sink and cabinet, and that over-sterilized smell.

He took a seat next to the bed, gazing intently at his son.

Rin was not in his uniform, from what he could tell. There were blankets covering him from the chest down, both his arms laid outside the blankets. He could see thick bandages covering his right arm, making it look more like a cast. His face was unusually pale; he had probably lost a lot of blood. On his other arm, an IV was connected but there was no heart monitor, so immediate danger was out of the question.

His dark hair stood in heavy contrast against his face.

It was unsettling to see his oldest son this still.

He knew he should keep his head clear and calmly look for answers, but all those what-ifs' kept him tense. What were they doing on the north side of town when they were supposed to be at school? What kind of demon would be for it to be able to hurt both Yukio and Rin? Well, Yukio wouldn't be able to fight it with an ignorant Rin without exposing himself as an exorcist.

If Rin had gotten hurt by the demon, then he definitely received the Mashou. If he did, then he would have to tell him everything.

He was there when Rin woke up, two hours later.

He was quite surprised from what he saw.

Fujimoto expected Rin to get up and threaten/demand answers from him. Instead, the boy just laid there, blinking, staring at the ceiling. He didn't make a sound, not taking his eyes off the ceiling.

It had been this quiet since he had woken up, about ten to twenty minutes ago. Fujimoto was almost scared to go talk to Rin, not knowing what his son's reaction to events he had not witnessed himself.

He felt like a coward, preferring the silence.

About an hour ago, Hasoka-san had told him that Yukio had already been stitched up and he was asleep in the room beside this one. He knew Yukio was strong, despite anything. He would need to visit him when he woke up. Since she knew he would most likely spend the night there, she offered him a futon, and some blankets. She even told him where the kitchen was (since it was a small clinic, there was no cafeteria), in case he was hungry.

He was going to need some coffee, later on. He would also need to call the men at the church to inform them of their whereabouts.

A light cough brought his attention back to the still form of his son.

"O-Old man."

The voice was raspy, obviously strained. Fujimoto was at his side in a second.

After seeing him struggle to sit up, he quickly helped the boy, supporting his weight as Rin did his best to manage a sitting position. It wasn't like his back was hurt, so he didn't see a reason not to help.

Looking at Rin's face he noticed another odd thing. Rin, a well-known punk and brat, looked like he wanted to cry. He pulled his son's hair back from his face, before Rin turned the other way, almost ashamed. He could feel his son under him, a little too warm to be healthy. He should have called the girl, but he knew Rin wanted to be alone.

"What is it Rin?"


"Is he ok-kay? Yukio, is he...?" That's when the tears started sliding down his son's face. Was it guilt? Is that why he was ashamed? At least he was talking. He always knew Rin's priority was Yukio, even to this extent. He could be dying and all he'll care about was his brother. It was a fault that could kill him, but not one he particularly minded.

"He's fine. He's sleeping right now. You'll be able to see him tomorrow, if you want." He smiled warmly, trying to comfort him but at the sight of Rin's face, he stopped.

"That's good..." With the sudden shift in the pillow, he noticed it too soon. Judging by the almost sleeping expression on his face, he most likely passed out.

"Rin?" He lightly pushed the boy, but he received no response.

Was that normal? He wasn't sure if it was because of his injury. Most likely he got the bug in that god-awful building and his body was too busy handling the wound to eliminate the bug. That just made things worse.

Now he needed to call the nurse.

Author's Note: I really do enjoy this anime. I think it's a good combination of comedy, angst, awesomeness, and badassalness. I always feel like they underestimate Yukio and Rin's relationship. I'm not talking about bromance, I'm talking about the actual brotherly love. and Fujimoto just makes shit awesome. Period.

If anyone is wondering, this takes place a couple of months before the actual canon plot thing.

I would really like to hear any thoughts on this fic. It might not be continued, as it is only a plot bunny and beat the shit out me of until I had to type it out.

Please Review :)

Edit: I've fixed and changed a few things.