Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious or its characters. I just own the plot.
Andre POV
I understood why Beck didn't want to see Jade right away. He was angry hearing about Patrick and he didn't want to see Jade while he was angry, she didn't need that right now. And truthfully, I was glad I could see Jade. I needed to apologize for breaking my promise and telling Tori. It was killing me inside. I walked down the hall and came to her room: room 26A. I opened the door, but I just looked in for a moment. I looked at Jade sleeping in the bed. She had a large, deep looking cut on the side of her forehead that had been stitched, but was still red. Her cheek was dark purple and bruised and the corner of her lip was cut and red. She had a black eye that didn't look too bad, but the fact that she had a black eye at all was bad enough. The machines around her were beating and the IV needle was sticking in her arm. I stepped over to the side of her bed and saw her arms. They were covered with purple, red, and blue bruises, some looking worse than others. I sat down in the chair next to her bed and just looked at her. I sat there for maybe ten minutes before I saw her eyes slowly flutter open. She looked around for a moment, blinking, then she turned to me. I smiled, trying to keep her calm.
"Hey," I said as she looked around some more. She looked back at me. "Do you remember what happened?" She thought to herself for a second, then nodded sadly. "You had to go into surgery."
"Am I gunna be okay?" Her voice was weak, probably still groggy and weak from both the beating and the surgery.
"Yeah you're going to fine. The doctor said you're going to be in some pain for a while though." She nodded, as if she already knew. She was probably already feeling the pain.
"Did you find me?" This is what I was dreading. I had to tell her about Tori. She would probably hate me.
"No." I took a long pause before saying the name. "Tori did." Jade just looked confused. "She went to your house. She said your door was open and she found you in your room."
"Why was she at my house?"
"She went to check on you." Again, she looked confused. "I told her about your ribs…..and about Patrick." I expected her to look angry, but her face was worse. She looked sad and hurt.
"But you said-" I cut her off. I knew what she was going to say.
"I know I promised. I hadn't told her yet when I promised I swear! And I know that doesn't make it better, but she kept asking and I knew she wouldn't let it go. I was afraid if I didn't tell her she would want to know so bad she would ask around and it would get back to Beck or Patrick. I told her to keep it to herself! I'm so sorry Jade!" I was practically in hysterics at this point. Jade looked at me with a hurt look on her face.
"I know you told Tori." How could she know that? "When Patrick came to my house today, he said he heard you telling Tori about me and him." Some tears fell out of her eyes at this point. "That's why he did it." I sat in silence. I should've known that was why Patrick did it. Beck was sitting in the waiting room thinking it was his fault this happened, but really I was to blame.
"This is all my fault," I said feeling absolutely horrible. Jade immediately began to shake her head.
"No, no Andre! This is not your fault it's mine. You tried to get me to go to the hospital or the cops before and I didn't listen. I could've ended this then. This is my fault," she tried to convince me.
"Jade you asked me to do one thing and not tell Tori and that's exactly what I did and then this happens," I said.
"Andre stop! You have been there for me through this whole thing and you tried to tell me to say something about this. I was too stupid to listen. And asking you to keep something this big and this dangerous to yourself wasn't fair. I'm sorry I asked you to do that, but thank you for being there for me when I didn't want to be alone. It's not like I've ever been that nice." Both of us chuckled. "But seriously thank you. And this is not your fault…okay?" I nodded, believing she really didn't blame me at all. Maybe I still did a little bit, but not as much as I did 5 minutes ago. But I didn't blame Jade either, I blamed Patrick. But I could tell Jade didn't want to talk about him anymore.
"You know Beck's in the waiting room," I said. I didn't know if I should bring this up, but she would find out he was here eventually. He needed to see her; to talk to her. Jade looked at me stunned.
"Really?" I nodded. "Why is he here?" I thought it would be obvious he was here for her, because he was worried about her. She was hurt by what happened between them that she was surprised to know that he would be worried she was in the hospital.
"He cares about you. I called him and he wanted to make sure you were okay." Jade looked un-phased.
"He doesn't care like he used to." She was so broken from this. When I left this room, I was forcing Beck to come in here and fix this. To fix Jade.
"You'd be surprised."
"Yeah I would be." Jade just looked at the wall behind me, then looked at me and shrugged. We talked for a little bit more, then I decided Beck had to come in. I told Jade I was going to go tell Beck and Tori in the waiting room that Jade was okay. She nodded and I left the room, making my way back to Tori and Beck in the waiting room.
"Go," I said to Beck as I walked up to him in the waiting room.
"You need to see her and she needs to see you. So go." I sat down next to Tori and Beck rose out of his seat. He hesitantly walked off to Jade's room.
Beck POV
I stood in front of the door of Jade's hospital room. I had been thinking of nothing but of what to say to Jade when I saw her since Andre went in to see her. I finally put my hand to the door handle and twisted it open. I saw her. She was laying in her bed, face bruised, whole body bruised actually, tired eyes, IV needle in her arm. She looked up at me and her eyes went sad, but also surprised.
"What are you doing here?" I closed the door and stuffed my hands in my pockets. She didn't take her sad eyes off of me.
"I wanted to make sure you were okay." My voice started to trail off. I looked at her. Even with her bruised and cut face, she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Jade looked like she was going to cry.
"Why?" That word cut me to the core. She honestly didn't think I wanted anything to do with her. She was surprised I was even at the hospital to make sure she was okay. I had done this. I pushed this fight too far and this is what it came to. She was broken, both physically and emotionally. I walked over to the side of her bed and her eyes followed me the whole way.
"Because you mean something to me." I could tell she was choking back tears. She stared at me in utter sadness.
"I'm not your problem anymore," she said in a low, choked up voice.
"You were never my problem Jade. You were the best thing that ever happened to me and I'm sorry I let you down. I'm sorry I didn't stand up to that Patrick guy more. And I'm sorry I let you walk around thinking that I wanted nothing to do with you and that I hated you because I don't hate you, I love you. Okay I love you! And I don't care what you did before because when I walked in this hospital and I didn't know if you were going to live or not, I have never been more scared in my life. And I don't want to go through that again. I love you Jade." At this point, a couple tears were streaming down her face. She had a blank stare in her eyes, but then a small smile appeared on her face.
"You love me?" Her smile grew bigger. I chuckled a little bit and raised my hand to stroke her hair lightly.
"More than anything." I just gazed at her beautiful smile, a sight I hadn't seen in a while. Then it disappeared.
"I'm really sorry," she said in a serious, yet, sad voice. I continued to stroke her hair. "I'm sorry about what I did. And I'm sorry that I kissed Jason again. I was hurt and angry. And I just needed you." She was so hurt inside. She needed me to be there for her. But I was too busy being angry and stubborn.
"I wish I would've been there for you. I wish you would've felt like you could've come to me after Patrick kept hurting you. But I promise you I'm not going anywhere this time. I'm going to stay right here." She nodded lightly and I leaned in to kiss her forehead. I touched my forehead to hers and aimed my eyes directly into her blue ones. Before I knew it, our lips crashed together. The kiss was as passionate as they had ever been. I lightly cupped her face with my hands and continued the kiss. We stopped for a moment and I felt her smile into the kiss. "I love you," I repeated. I wanted her to know. I wanted to remind her every minute that I loved her and I wasn't leaving her this time.
"I love you," she said back as I stroked her hair again. I planted one more kiss on her forehead and took a seat in the chair by her bed. We played with each other's fingers as the room filled with silence. She watched our fingers twirl around each other and I just looked at her arms and took in all the bruises. Some of them were bad and looked painful, which killed me.
"I told Andre," Jade suddenly said. She said it like she had done something wrong.
"I know. And I don't blame you. It's not like I was any help." I really was thankful to Andre for helping Jade. And Jade didn't have anything to be sorry about. I was in the room for maybe another twenty minutes before I decided I should give Tori a chance to come into the room. I kissed Jade's forehead and walked to the waiting room, only to see Cat pacing back and forth.
"Oh my god oh my god is she okay? Is she hurt too badly? What did you say to her?" Typical Cat didn't even take a breath in between sentences.
"Cat!" I yelled, efficiently cutting her off. "She's fine. You can go see her okay." She smiled that classic Cat smile and nodded, running off to Jade's room. I stepped over to Andre. He looked curious as to know what happened.
"I told her," I said simply. "I told her I love her." Andre smiled and placed his hand on my shoulder.
"It's about time. This whole 'you two not being together' thing," he said with air-quotes, "was really getting old." We both chuckled and laughed.
"Thanks though man."
"For what?" he asked confused.
"For helping her when I couldn't." Andre smiled, letting me know we were okay and there were no hard feeling between us. "What are we going to do about Patrick?"
"I don't know but I made the mistake of keeping quiet once and I'm making that mistake again." I thought for a second. "He can't mess with her anymore."
"He's not going to touch her." I thought until something hit me. "I have an idea."
A/N: Bade! Here it is finally! It felt good
writing a good Bade moment. I feel like I haven't wrote one in so long. But there it is. And a little Jandre friendship:) I'll try to get the next chapter up soon. Keep reviewing guys! Thanks!:)
-Bade1206 (Emily)