I updated... Again... Even though I only got one review! URG!

Jessalyn's POV

Deep breaths, I told myself. It's just Prom with Conner. Then the scary part hit me. I had to enter the Aphrodite cabin... And let them put make-up on me. This is the nightmare I never dreamed.

Hesitantly, I knocked on the Aphrodite cabin door. A few moments later a curly blond answered the door. "Hi, Lacy, right?" She nodded. "I need some help with Prom."

She squealed excitedly. "Really? Can I be the one to help?"

"Yeah, you're the nicest Aphrodite I know, after all." Lacy ushered me into the Aphrodite cabin. I was greeted with scents of millions of perfumes. "Oh, god," I coughed. "That's a lot of... Stenches."

Lacy smiled. "Amazing, isn't it?"

"Amazing isn't exactly the word I'd use. Maybe, breathtaking?" I offered, adding 'literally' after it under my breath. She nodded enthusiastically. Lacy grabbed my forearm and dragged me into the bathrooms, the Aphrodites insisted they needed, while the rest of us had to share a bathroom. I had to admit, theirs' was a lot nicer.

"When does Prom start?" Lacy asked.

I looked at my watch. "In exactly two hours."

"That's hardly enough time! I think I can do it though." She fluttered around the bathroom, getting different bottles of more perfumes and shampoos. Before I could protest, she stripped all my clothes off. I made a noise between the cross of a pig squealing and a cat hissing.

"What the heck, Lacy?" I snapped.

"Oh, c'mon, Jessalyn, we're both girls." Lacy shoved me into a tub. I felt very self-concious of her seeing me like this, but I kept quiet. A pissed off Aphrodite is not good. She pinned my hair up so it wouldn't get wet, then filled the tub with bath soaps. They were those little circular things you were supposed to scrub into your skin. It did hurt a little though. After making sure all the hair was removed from my lower body, (which was very painful) I stood up and had to wash my hair with a peach smelling shampoo and conditioner.

At last, I was released from the tub. I put on a short, silky robe and rapped my hair in a towel. Lacy made me sit in one of those hair-salon style chairs. I had to admit, I looked a lot better after that major scrub. She made sure my skin was completely dry before she started applying make-up. I wasn't allowed to look though.

Lacy then waxed and plucked my eyebrows. I tried not to yelp or whimper. I felt Lacy start to apply eyeshadow very carefully. Her fingers were very delicate against my face. It felt sort of nice. After the eyeshadow, she put on mascara, foundation, blush, and lipstick. "Put this on your arms and legs," she demanded.

The lotion she shoved in my hands smelled also of peaches. She forced me to wash my hands next. Lacy forcefully blow dried my hair into soft waves. My hair now went all the way to the middle of my back, maybe a little past that.

I felt Lacy start to do something with it, but I didn't pay attention. "Only the dress now?" I asked hopefully.

"No way. We still have 45 minutes until Conner picks you up. I plan to make the best of it." Lacy took my hand. "Relax." I listened and closed my eyes, sitting back. She started to paint my finger and toe nails. I kept my eyes closed the whole time. Next, she used a nail drier to dry my hands. If I'd known Prom would be so much work, I never would've asked Conner to go with me. "Do you have a dress picked out?"

I cursed. That's what I'd forgotten! "Er... No..."

"We have plenty. No worries." Lacy directed me to the largest closet I'd ever seen. "Choose any."

"Just surprise me." I closed my eyes, dropping the robe that covered me. (I was wearing a bra and underwear though!) Lacy slipped a one-sleeved dress over me.

"Now shoes," Lacy declared.

"No, I have my own." I put on my blue and black Nikes then stood up. I laughed at Lacy's expression. She looked half-disgusted, half-Aphrodite help me now.

Lacy grunted. "Fine." She smiled. "Now look in the mirror," she commanded. Nervously, I walked over to her wall length mirror. What I saw almost took my breath away. That wasn't me with the glowing, flawless skin, the bright red lips, light mascara, and grey eye-shadow. I wore my black hair in two, fish-net braids leading into one. The dress had a draped over dark grey sleeve and the dress went half way down my thighs. It looked like colors were painted on at the last minute on the sleeve and bottom of the dress. The blue stood out the most. Finally, my nails were a simple french still, with small white flowers on the thumbs. "Beautiful," Lacy whispered.

I tore my eyes away from the mirror. "Oh, Lacy... Thank you!"

She smiled. "Few more things." I groaned. Lacy laughed, handing me some silver jewelry; a thick wired braclet, a glistening necklace with a fleur de lis, hoop earings, and a small tiara I slipped on my head. I hugged Lacy tightly.

"Thank you so much," I whispered.

"You're welcome," she said, hugging my back. Lacy pulled away. "Now we have exactly one minute to get you outside. Come on. Oh, wait!" Not again, I thought. She quickly sprayed on a peach perfume on my neck, wrists, and chest. "Now perfect!" She led me outside the Aphrodite cabin.

I sighed. "I have to get the my cabin. I'll see you later, Lacy." I quickly walked down the steps and across camp to the Hecate cabin. I grabbed my small, purple wallet off my nightstand. Then I made my way down the steps of my own cabin to see Conner walking towards me. I smiled so wide my face hurt. Tonight was going to be amazing!

REVIEW OR DIE! Oh and whoever gives me the best idea for a prom theme gets to make up their own character I will put in a later chapter. Checkout what her outfit looks like on my profile!
