Uchiha Complex- Centre Courtyard

April 9th

10:05 PM

Narrative POV

Silence. It was the only language they spoke anymore. Lonely, bitter, antagonized silence. Only in silence could they truly understand the soundless emotions that washed over them- which was why the silence was torture and happiness all at once. When Itachi rose, for a single second he could feel the pleading pull of Sasuke's mind- trying to yank him closer. He ignored the sinful temptation of his brother and exited the peaceful place, just as quietly as he'd come.

The younger Uchiha watched as the weasel left. Ever-familiar with the sight of Itachi's back. How long? He wondered. How long would they linger on like this? Perhaps it would be better if they could bring themselves to remorse, regret- something. But no. They didn't look back, and they didn't think little of themselves. No one spoke of it, no one knew of it, and no one ever would. That was how it should have been- only that it should never have happened at all. Or at least, that's what Sasuke knew he was supposed to tell himself. He'd never believe it though. Every night when he went to sleep, at the ripe young age of sixteen, he would slide his hands under the sheets. He would ease himself into a peaceful slumber in the best way he knew how, and just before letting rest take him, he would whisper his brother's name.

How could he not?

It had only been six months. Six long aching months since Itachi had given into his deepest darkest temptation, and committed the shameful act of claiming his own brother in a way that no one else had. In a way that no one else ever would. In a way that no one else every could. He owned Sasuke through and through. Body and soul... and heart. He had complete control over the child that was once so innocent, and he knew it. But he'd satisfied his lust. He'd destroyed his brother's honor in a disgusting way, and he wouldn't do it again. It was just that simple. It happened, and it was over. One night of heaven, an eternity in hell.

That's how Itachi viewed the situation. Sasuke was the victim to him. And that was true. He'd completely taken advantage of his brother's love for him. However, there was a point in the aftereffects of that night that they disagreed on. It could never happen again, that much was clear to both of them. The problem was that while Itachi blamed himself entirely, and said that it was in Sasuke's best interest to stay away from him- Sasuke blamed Itachi entirely and was also able to realize that he couldn't live without him.

They were tied now. A platinum chain made up of each tear they shed out of love. Each laugh they forced out of pain. Each flinch they made out of pleasure. They were hopelessly addicted to each other. To the feel of each other's skin, to the sound of each other's voice, to the expression on each other's face. They'd tainted each other in such a way that it left an emotional scar- a deep confused scar that neither of them quite understood.

Tainted. That was the perfect word to describe it. Sasuke sighed, standing and exiting the courtyard walking the opposite direction of his brother. Yes, they were quite tainted indeed.

Uchiha Complex- Sasuke Uchiha's Bedroom

April 10th

3:24 AM

Sasuke's POV

Soft footsteps. Very soft. Gentle, even. They were being slightly careful, trying not to disturb my sleep. My door creaked slightly as he slid it open, but I pretended not to notice as I kept my eyes closed. It was another torturous game that we liked to play with one another. He approached me slowly, taking his time- and why should he not? This was perhaps one of the only moments when he'd have time to spare, so he should feel free to waste it however he pleased. With a soft sound the bed sunk to accommodate his weight.

I could feel my pulse quicken as he lifted a single callused hand and placed it on my forehead. I pretended to shift slightly in my sleep, and even without opening my eyes I could see the sad yet slightly amused smirk that he must have been wearing. For he knew I was awake. There was no deceiving him, it simply couldn't be done. But as he leaned down and pressed his lips softly to mine, he was pretending that I was asleep as well. As if that would somehow make him feel better. As if that would ease the need for him that grew not only in my heart, but deep in the pit of my stomach. A twisting, curling, lust that begged for him and him alone. I lived for Itachi. Breathed for Itachi. The very blood in my veins pulsed in an attempt to support my heart- and therefore support Itachi's home. Because that's where he truly lived. It was the only residency that either of us would feel comfortable in- each other's hearts.

With another whisper of a kiss, he pulled his head back away. "I have to leave for a mission in Amegakure in four hours." he says carefully.

I sigh, sad that he's broken the silence. When we use words to speak their all spoken through a mask. "Don't lie to me." I whisper softly. He has no mission in Amegakure. I know this because I know him, and I know when he tells me the truth. I open my eyes and let them meet his. The signature black and red pupil that represents our kekkei genkai is staring back at me. I've angered him somehow, but that's of very little importance. "Don't lie about why you're going to that place. Father is against that organization, you have no business meeting with Pein and Konan at such an obvious hour of the day. You'll be caught."

He gave me a gentle smile then. A genuine one. The kind that no one but me has ever seen on his face. "I only lie when you are not ready for the truth, Otouto. Fugaku Uchiha can be for or against whatever he wishes, it's of no consequence to me."

I frowned at him, an odd contrast since he was still smiling. I wanted to hold him in my arms then. To beg him with my words and my body alike- to please, please not keep secrets from me. I wanted to shield him from the world and whisper sweet lies about how everything was going to be okay. I wanted to look after him, and hold him, and care for him. I wanted to be the big brother, and do for him everything that he's always done for me. I don't speak my wishes aloud. They will only distract his thoughts from whatever it is that he's about to do, and since I know that he'll leave me here either way, I decide to spare him for now and let him at least go with peace of mind.

He kisses my forehead softly and stands to leave. "Don't worry over me, Otouto. I'll always come home to you. No matter what."

"Itachi!" I called after him frantically, before he could slide my door closed again. He turns back to me, asking without words what it is that I want from him. "Never mind." was what I said aloud. But what the words I really meant to have spoken were 'I love you.'

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Not the show. Not the movies. Not the merch. Not the Manga. Not any of it.

A/N: I hope this fic is to your liking so far! Please drop me a review and take my poll! Sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors, but English isn't my first language. (Okay, that's kind of a lie... I mean, technically it's not, but it might as well be... anyway, I'll continue using that excuse anyhow!)

Love you SO much for reading!
