A/N: It's taking way too long for me to get my DVD's back so why not watch HBP online right? It could be that I've made some mistakes here and there but remember that I don't have any subtitles atm so i'm trying my best. I'm so sorry for the long wait and I still hope you enjoy even though i'm not proud of it.
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone except Keira McHard.

"These strange conversations, words that you tell yourself, are words you'll deny." - Long Wave, Satellites.

December, 22th

Before everyone had a change to correct their positions on their brooms, the quaffle was up in the air and came down. Blaise was the first one who shot off and catched it. He wrapped it tightly in his arm and raced towards the Gryffindor loops while his team mates flew next to him except for Keira.

Keira and Harry both shot off in a second and raced after the snitch. For neither had spotted it, they still wanted to make sure they would be the first one who saw it and catched the bloody golden ball. The weather wasn't exactly helping them at all. The entire Quidditch pitch was covert with a white sheet off snow and sooner or later it would become even thicker as Keira and Harry felt the snow flakes crushing against their skin.

Keira took one glance behind her and saw the Gryffindor's slamming themselfs into the Slytherins, trying to take the quaffle away from Blaise. He managed to dive down, almost seeming like he was going to hit the ground but just in time he pulled himself up again and raced further to the loops. The moment Keira saw Blaise plunging himself towards the ground, she held her breath and feared he was going to crash but when she saw him pulling up again she let her breath out with a sigh of relief.

Keira turned her attention back to the boy who was flying in front of her and leaned a little forward to pick up her speed. After some seconds she was flying next to Harry and the two shared an irritated look before looking back in front of each other.

Meanwhile, Blaise was nearing the loops and threw the quaffle but it was blocked by Ron who seemed very proud of the fact that he managed to keep one out. Blaise shot a quick glare at him before flying back and going after the quaffle once more. He shot off to the Gryffindor chasers and tried to snatch the quaffle away from them. Sadly the Gryffindors scored.

Minutes passed by and up 'till now Ron blocked every single thing that the Slytherin's threw at him. They tried all different tactics to get some points, yet Ron knew how to block everything and did it well.

Keira and Harry were still flying next to each other and watched as Ron sat proudly on his broom. Harry smiled while Keira rolled her eyes and looked back. When Harry wasn't paying attention, Keira suddenly flew off because of one thing. The snitch. She had spotted it.

Harry looked at the girl who suddenly shot off and quickly picked up his pace as well. Before the both of them knew it, they were flying so fast as if their lifes depended on it. Keira was flying in the front but Harry was not that far back. He quickly flew up next to her again and they gave each other a look. Harry smiled politely at her before flying even faster and stretching out his arm to catch the bloody ball. Keira frowned and did her best to catch up again.

After only a minute their frustration was starting to get the best of the two. They were flying almost against each other, both reaching out for it, and sometimes they pushed each other out of the way. Whenever the snitch went down, they flew down. If the snitch went further up, they went up. It was almost like a rollercoaster ride. Left, right, left, right, right, up, down.

Finally Keira got enough of Harry pushing her away. When Harry gave her one more push, Keira pulled her arm back and let it shoot towards Harry, elbowing him away. Harry gritted his teeth from the pain that shot through his arm for a moment before returning the punch with one of his own. It continued like that for more minutes and they didn't even realise that the snitch went in a completely different way.

Harry ducked as Keira threw another punch at him and he kicked against her legs. The entire crowd wasn't even paying attention anymore to the game. All eyes were on the boy-who-lived and one of his best friends.

Keira pulled her broom a little to the side before swinging herself back and slamming herself into Harry. Harry shot off to the side but quickly recovered himself. He then followed Keira as she dived down and under the bleachers.

Blaise saw everything and quickly looked back and forth between the bleachers and the loops of the Gryffindors. As a Gryffindor flew his way to take away the quaffle, he ducked but stretched his arm a little further out so Ginny could take the quaffle without really trying. Blaise shot a fake glare at her before all the Slytherin chasers went after her except for Blaise. He flew towards the place where Keira and Harry disappeared and looked around trying to spot at least one of them.

Keira and Harry continued to fight on their brooms and desperately tried to dodge some of the beams. Keira let herself fall to the side and dangled under her broom when Harry's elbow came her way. She pulled herself up again and slammed her broom against Harry's making him almost crash into a beam. Unfortunately for her Harry dodged it.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Harry yelled at her with his eyes wide of shock.

"It would help me win this match." Keira bit back.

Harry narrowed his eyes before slamming her almost against a beam. Keira quickly dodged it and turned to Harry with her mouth open from disbelief.

"That could help me win the match." Harry spoke casually.

Because of the glares that they were shooting towards each other, they didn't see a beam that was a little higher then the rest. Harry looked quickly in front of him, wanting to know if he was flying right, and looked back at Keira. Then he realized what he just saw. He instantly looked back at the beam and his eyes widened from worry and images of his second year flushed back into his mind.

"Look out!" Harry shouted a warning at Keira.

Keira furrowed her eyebrows and looked in front of her. Harry could dodge it just in time while Keira couldn't. The front of her broom collided against the beam which knocked her off her broom. Keira flew through the air, making some flips as she went. The crowd all gasped as they saw the student falling through the air. Blaise instantly looked at the place where the crowd was looking and saw Keira. She screamed as she saw the ground coming closer and eventually came down. Keira fell face first on the ground and rolled further until she came at a complete stop. Blaise watched in horror as he saw her lying lifeless on the ground with her eyes closed.

Keira let out a soft groan and lay her head on the side. She slowly opened her eyes and blinked a couple times to get a sharp vision again. Her hands were greeted by a soft material, as was her back. She slowly looked around with confusion.

She wasn't on the quidditch pitch. To her it looked like she was in the hospital wing. And she was right. Keira looked down at her body that was covered by the sheets and started thinking off how she got here. She couldn't remember a thing.

"Oh good, you're awake."

Keira turned her head to the door and saw Ginny quickly making her way to her. She grabbed a chair and sat down beside her. Keira didn't speak. She just watched her every move as the thoughts roamed around in her head.

"I was quite worried about you." Ginny continued to speak. "That was a nasty fall."

When Keira still hadn't spoken, Ginny began to get a little concerned over her friend. Even though she had a fight with Hermione and wasn't paying attention anymore to them, Ginny always remained at her side knowing that Keira had it harder with returning and not knowing what was going on at the moment.

Ginny watched as a slight frown krept upon Keira's face and knew she was trying to figure out what exactly was going on and why she was in the hospital wing. The only thing that left Keira's lips was a soft sigh from holding her breath for some seconds before she turned her head towards the ceiling and stared at it, still wondering.

"You can't remember anything that happened?" Ginny asked carefully but the nerves were cracking in her voice. She had hoped for a different answer from Keira as the memories of Keira fighting with Harry during the Quidditch game came back into her mind.

Keira's eyes drifted across the room and she shook her head and she turned her head back to Ginny.

"Well...I do remember." Ginny said unsure, not knowing if it was the right time to tell her when she just woke up and she looked down at the ground, fumbling with her thumbs.

When a couple of seconds ticked by and the silence surrounded the two girls, Keira got impatient and spoke, "Well, spit it out."

"Apparently you were fighting with Harry." Ginny informed her confused friend. When the frown came back on Keira's face Ginny continued to explain, "I don't know exactly what happened between you two on the pitch, but I saw you and Harry elbowing each other on your brooms. You went under the bleachers and Harry followed you. I can't tell what happened under there, because I didn't see it, but the next thing we saw was you flying through the air and falling down. Your head hit the ground so i'm not surprised you can't remember it anymore."

"Who won?" Keira asked, confusing Ginny by her question about the game and not her health.

"Uh, Gryffindor." Ginny stuttered slightly, still off guard.

"Ofcourse." Keira sighed and crawled a little further under the sheets from the sudden cold that swept over her. Ginny crossed her arms and gave her a small smile.

Slowly the silence started to drift into the room again and it remained for a couple minutes. Both girls looked around, not knowing what to say. Ofcourse Ginny wanted to know how she was feeling but by the attitude Keira had at the moment, she thought it was for the best to leave her alone. So after another minute she said goodbye to her friend and left, telling her she would check on her the next morning again.

"Wait, what time is it?" Keira stopped her quickly.

Ginny walked out of the doorway and back into the hospital wing. She looked at the wall and at the clock that hung there. "Just passed ten." She replied.

"In the morning?" Keira asked and sat up, trying to look outside.

Ginny shook her head, "No, in the evening. It's already passed curfew so I actually should go now before McGonagall finds me." With a last wave, Ginny left and walked back to the Gryffindor house.

"Bye." Keira spoke softly and fell back down onto her back. She stared at the ceiling again and wondered how long she had been out.

Draco leaned over the iron bars that kept him from falling off the astronomy tower. He sometimes wished they weren't there. Then he would fall and he wouldn't have to go through with all of it. It was exhausting. By now people could see that something was wrong. The last time he passed a mirror by he noticed he was starting to get paler, he had bags underneath his eyes and his eyes were a bloodshot colour, yet it wasn't so severe.

Draco looked down to the ground. He placed his hands on the iron that kept him steady and fumbled with it for a moment before leaving it alone. A slight frown formed on his face and he sighed before walking away from it all.

After a while of thinking and walking down stairs, he passed the hospital wing by but stopped once he saw a certain bed. Draco walked to the doorway and stopped in it. His grey eyes landed on the girl who was taken to a place, far away from all the evil that was going on in the world. He could see Keira's chest rising and falling in a calming way. It continued in the same rythym. Over and over again. Somewhere in the back of Draco's mind he slapped himself in the face for the logical answer but he quickly forgot it again once Keira's head rolled on it's side, facing him with her eyes closed.

Draco looked over his shoulder, wanting to know if someone was behind him or close, and silently made his way to her bed. He kept a safe distance at first but each minute he came a little closer until he eventually stood next to her. His eyes landed on the chair next to the bed and he softly sat down onto it.

Draco's eyes scanned her body for a moment until he looked back at her closed eyes. He couldn't understand why he didn't feel anything except for compassion. He wasn't as smart as Granger but surely you would expect him to figure his own emotions out? Yet he couldn't. Lately he couldn't figure anything out anymore. Not even how to get a simple vanishing closet to work. And it frustrated him. Badly. But sitting next to the person he didn't exactly like was an escape from all of it. Everytime he was close to her it felt like an escape. Draco rolled his eyes and looked to his right.

Maybe it was a cheesy way of thinking - it wouldn't be the first time - but Keira almost felt like she was supporting him. As if she was the iron bars that hold him back from falling. Why would she be something like that? They weren't that close with each other. Far from close. But perhaps in times of need people tend to run to the people you would least expect.

After a second he closed his eyes and sighed again, lowering his head. He knew that he was lying to himself. He just wanted an explanation to why he was going to her all the time.

"Pathetic." Draco spoke softly as he stared at his hands.

Draco's head slowly turned back to Keira's closed eyes. He took in everything he saw and after a moment or two, he stood up and left the room with a very small smile, not even noticing he was being watched.

When Draco was out of sight, Keira closed her eyes again and drifted back to sleep.

December, 28th

Keira only stayed at the hospital wing for six days in total. Even though she had a minor concusion and bruises all over her body, she claimed to be fine and madam Pomfrey could see that she was getting beter more and more each day so she finally let her go.

Keira remembered that Ginny and Blaise were the ones who had visited her every day in the hospital. They were concerned about her. Ginny showed it and Keira could see it in Blaise's eyes though he didn't want to admit it. She was greatful that he came to see her everyday. Even Draco had visited her somtimes in the night. But Harry, Hermione and Ron never showed their faces. Ginny claimed that Ron was busy because he got a girlfriend who wasn't Hermione and Keira just knew Hermione and Harry didn't show because she didn't want them to show their faces, knowing it was going to be awkward and she was still mad at them.

Keira banged her head down onto the table and winced as a sharp pain shot through her. Slowly she brought her head up and off her book and she rubbed her forehead.

"Note to self: don't slam your head on the table if you still have an concusion." Keira muttered to herself and she continued to rub her forehead.

Blaise looked up from his book and to his friend across from him. "That would be a logical thing." He smirked at her. Keira only replied with a smirk of her own.

She closed her book and got up from her chair, "I'm done with studying. We've been doing this for about two hours already and it's getting pretty late." Blaise nodded as an agreement. "Besides, I still have to get ready for Slughorn's party."

"I forgot that that was tonight." Blaise furrowed his dark eyebrows and got up. He started collecting his things as Keira leaned against the table and watched.

"Well you're not the only one." Keira said. She looked down at her feet and crossed her ankles. "Since I lay in the hospital wing I didn't have any time to look for proper clothes or a date. So i'm going to look like a wreck again like last time and like a fool because i'm alone."

Blaise's eyes snapped away from his stuff and to the blonde beauty. He stopped packing his stuff and placed his palms against the cold study table from the library. "If you're a fool for not having a date for the party then you're not the only fool who is going to be there." Blaise commented, his voice sounding like he was offended by some sorts. Keira looked at him and opened her mouth to apologize but Blaise cut her off. "Unless you agree to go with me."

"Like a date?" Keira asked confused. Blaise blinked twice and an awkward silence entered the area as he stared at Keira who shifted from side to side, trying to deal with it.

Finally Blaise shook his head and grabbed all his books. "No, like friends." He spoke. They both made their way out of the library and Keira let out a breath of laughter, hiding her embarrassment but when Blaise looked away she gritted her teeth and rolled her eyes, feeling like a complete fool now.

"So do you want to be a fool like you said or not?" Blaise asked, still not knowing her answer.

Keira quickly nodded and smiled, "I'll go with you. It would be nice to be there with a friend." Blaise gave her a nod.

"Speaking of friends," Keira continued as Blaise kept staring in front of him. "you are friends with Malfoy, right? Or at least you hang out with him, right?"

"Sometimes." Blaise answered.

"Well, is something wrong with him?" Keira asked carefully, hoping she wouldn't come over as nosy when she actually was.

"Everything is wrong with Draco." Blaise smirked.

Keira chuckled and nodded. "Alright, i'll give you that one." She smiled. She quickly got in front of Blaise and walked backwards as they continued to walk back to the Slytherin house. "But I mean...is Malfoy going through a tough time or something? He's been acting a little strange lately. I'm just curious, you know?"

"You shouldn't be worrying too much about him." Blaise told her, now looking serious again. "He can handle himself perfectly fine. He doesn't need any pity."

Keira shook her head and replied confused, "I'm not giving him any pity. That's the last thing i'm going to give him."

"I doubt that."

Blaise brushed passed her as Keira stopped walking. She stared into the distance with a slight frown, wondering why Blaise said that.

"Are you coming?" Blaise asked, snapping Keira out of her thoughts. When she wanted to turn to him, she saw a figure quickly walking through the corridors oppisite from her. Keira never took her eyes from the spot while she turned her head a little towards Blaise.

"No, you go ahead. I forgot something." Keira replied vaguely as if her mind was somewhere else. Blaise shrugged and walked further.

Keira quickly walked to the corridor the person just entered and sprinted after him. She wanted to find out why Draco was acting so strange lately and perhaps this was her only chance. But when she caught up with him in the final corridor, he was nowhere to be found. It was only a dead end.

Keira looked around her, confused of where he went. She sighed and turned slowly on her heels and finally left the place.


Keira and Blaise turned to the voice and saw Neville Longbottom standing beside them holding a tray with drinks on it. Blaise kept a numb face while on the inside he was smirking and Keira smiled politely at him.

"Thanks, Neville." She spoke and grabbed a drink from the tray. Neville carefully turned to Blaise and he only shook his head telling him he didn't want one. Neville gave him a nod and turned back to Keira.

"Quite a party, right?" He asked, trying to start a polite conversation and so he didn't have to walk around anymore as a waiter.

Keira scrunched her nose a bit up. "It's okay." She replied, not that impressed by it all. "I'm not really a type for all these formal parties."

Neville chuckled slighty, "I can relate to that. I always manage to do something clumsy, but perhaps I can avoid it now since i'm passing drinks around."

Keira smiled at him as Blaise continued to remain quiet. He started to look around, not caring if Longbottom was still standing with them, trying to have a conversation.

"Perhaps you can." Keira nodded in agreement.

Blaise finally turned back to the two and only looked at them. Keira and Neville turned their faces to him and Keira felt the uneasiness coming from Neville. She knew Neville never liked Blaise or any of the Slytherins since they always mocked him, but he didn't like Blaise at all from the way he always stared at him, as if invading his mind and bringing him down.

Neville shifted uncomfortably before speaking, "I should probably go around to ask if some people want another drink. Uh, i'll see you later Keira."

Keira nodded and smiled, "Alright."

As Neville tried to get away from Keira and Blaise, he still noticed Blaise was staring at him. He quickly wanted to squeez himself passed Keira and Blaise but accidentally tripped over his own feet and all of the glasses fell down onto the ground when they were empty. Curious of where the actual liquid went, Neville looked up and saw Keira standing in front of him with her mouth open from surprise and shock. He looked down at her dress and saw a big stain all over the part of her stomach. Blaise - who had taken a step back when the glasses fell - took a step closer again and looked at the stain as well.

"I'm so sorry Keira!" Neville quickly spoke and grabbed a cloth from his arm. He started to try and clean her dress but Keira pushed him away.

"It's fine, Neville! Really." She replied with haste and pushed him away again, trying avoid all the attention of the people around her. She grabbed the cloth from Neville and rubbed it over her dress, sighing as it didn't help much.

"Is there anything I can do?" Neville asked, feeling guilty for ruining her dress and perhaps her evening.

Keira shook her head. "No, it's fine. Just continue with serving, don't worry about this." She said.

"Are you sure?" Neville continued to ask. Keira looked up and gave him a quick nod, telling him it was fine and that he needed to go away. Neville glanced at the stain once more before cleaning the mess on the ground and walking away.

Keira turned to Blaise and said, "I'll be right back. I just have to clean this."

Blaise nodded, "Yes, ofcourse."

Keira threw the white cloth on the table and opened the door to the corridors and walked to the lavatories, not knowing Filch walked in with a guest.

"Get your hands off me you filthy squib!" Draco hissed as Filch continued to drag him into the room.

Draco continued to try and squirm out of his grip but failed and eventually all eyes landed on Filch and him. As he saw the teachers getting closer - wanting to know what was going on - Draco feared that he was perhaps caught. His breathing became a little quicker and he started to think of an excuse. His eyes met every object that was in front of him as ideas rushed into his head.

"Professor Slughorn, sir. I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor." Filch explained as Slughorn came to stand before him. Slughorn looked at Draco for a moment before turning back to Filch.

Draco knew he had to be quick with finding the perfect lie. Any moment now and teachers could ask him what he was doing there. If only all eyes weren't on him, he could think clearly and remain calm. But only images of what was to happen if he should fail spread in his mind, sickening him with each flash.

"He claims to have been invited to your party-"

Only one lie shot into his mind and that was it.

"Okay, okay! I was gatecrashing!" Draco spoke up. He looked around. "Happy?"

Suddenly he heard someone stepping closer and instantly he knew which teacher it was. Meeting his gaze, Draco heaved his chin a bit up.

"I'll escort him out." Snape spoke, never taking his eyes off Draco.

Draco shrugged himself out of Filch's grip as it loosened and swallowed the lump in his throat before speaking with as much confidence as possible, "Certainly, professor."

Snape turned around and made his way to the door as Draco followed him. He knew Snape would start to ask questions. He knew it would cost him time so as soon as the door opened he started to make a turn to walk away from Snape, but Snape quickly grabbed his collar and pulled him back, forcing him to walk with him.

Draco knew what Snape was thinking. He had a question in his mind. A demanding question as his gaze landed on him. Instantly the chills of fear and frustration crept up his spine.

Finally getting tired of the silence, Draco spoke, "Maybe I did hex that Bell girl. Maybe I didn't. What's in it for you?"

Suddenly Draco saw Snape turning around and grabbing his shoulders. Everything went by in just a split of a second and he was shuffed against the wall with an angry Snape looking at him.

"I swore to protect you!" Snape hissed under his breath, making sure no one would hear him. "I made the unbreakable vow!"

Draco leaned forward and hissed back, "I don't need protection! I was chosen for this! Out of all of us me! I won't fail him-"

"You're afraid, Draco. You attempt to conceal it, but it is obvious. Let me assist you." Snape cut him off.

Draco shook his head, not believing it could be done with assistance. Not wanting to risk his families life with the offer. Not wanting to make decisions anymore that could get him into more trouble.

"No, I was chosen!" He replied. "This is my moment!"

Snape took a step back and gave Draco the chance to step away from the wall. He looked at the young wizard as he brushed off the dust from his black clothes, not even wanting to face the teacher anymore.

"I am giving you the choice to make this task much easier-"

Finally having the gut to cut Snape off, Draco spoke, "And I am choosing to ignore the options that you give me."

Draco saw Snape lifting his eyebrow slightly and heaving his head up. "Very well." He spoke, not bothering to try and stop Draco. "If you wish to do it this way."

"I do." Were the final words that escaped Draco's lips before Snape left him and he continued to make his way back to the Slytherin common room.

Keira closed the door of the girls lavatory as softly as she could before leaning her forehead against it and shutting her eyes.

It couldn't be.

A/N: Nothing really happened between Draco and Keira in this chapter but she has found out some pretty improtant information ofcourse. I'm going to bring them closer in the next few chapters and I think the drama will begin here or at least the troubles will. Hope you still enjoyed even though I am still not very proud of it. Dunno when the next chapter will be but i'll see you next time! ~xXx~