Prophecy is back! Sorry to keep you waiting but I assure you it is well worth it!

Just a quick summary of part 1 (in case any of you ignored the suggestion in the description and came right to this part):

At thirteen years old, Wordgirl/Becky was glad to be finishing middle school, hanging out with her best friend (and crush) Scoops and secretly saving the city from mayhem. Then one day, she meets a warrior who claims to be from her home planet Lexicon and seems to know more about Becky than she is willing to reveal. After several chases and an encounter with the warrior's strange stalker (Lord Inexpert of Lexicon) Becky learns that the warrior is Sarvavisa Eychanten of the Star and she is here to take Becky home. Becky has issues trusting her because Sarvavi has told her very few details of who she is and why she is so involved with Becky, but Becky is still curious about the home world she has never known and the parents she never met. With the help of her sidekick Captain Huggyface (who was a close friend of Sarvavi's back on Lexicon), Wordgirl and Huggensa (as he is called by Sarvavi) manage to help the warrior escape a trial for a crime she did not commit and another attack from her old adversary, Inexpert. Although injured in the escape, Sarvavi helps Becky and Huggy escape Earth in return by repairing their ship. She convinces Becky to leave by telling her she is targeted by Inexpert (who referred to Becky as the "Ansa" as he tried to kill her) and assuring her Inexpert will leave Earth alone as long as they are both nowhere near it. After fending Inexpert off one more time, Sarvavi tells Becky the history of her home planet, attempts to explain some kind of inter-universal time flux (that has allowed twelve years to pass for Becky but only 2 ½ for Lexicon )and briefly describes why Becky was sent to Earth (see part 1: chapter 10 for full explanation). During their talk, Sarvavi collapses due to her injury and becomes delusional, shouting at Inexpert's son Dexter (who she apparently has some kind of history with), calling for her mother and apologizing to someone called Jayco. As Sarvavi finally sleeps, Becky talks to her sidekick, who reveals he doesn't entirely trust Sarvavi himself because he has no idea what has happened on Lexicon since they left and is somewhat doubtful of Sarvavi's motives in making them return. Becky begins to wonder just what she is getting into and if she will ever be able to return to her old life. Sarvavi wakes up suddenly and announces that they have reached their destination. Becky rushes to the window, eager to see her home world at last.

I'm picking up right where I left off.

Please enjoy!

Chapter 1: Lexicon

It was like a dream. Only it was better because Becky knew she couldn't wake up.

"This is Lexicon…?" she heard herself asking.

"Yes. Beautiful, isn't it?" Sarvavi sounded immeasurably happy.

Beautiful didn't even begin to describe it.

Becky had seen pictures of (or on the rare occasion, visited) many of the most atheistically pleasing landscapes and features of Earth. The Grand Canyon, Mount Fuji, the Amazon Rainforest…

Those were nothing compared to what she was seeing now.

Below GEN, the landscape flowed like a river: thick forests climbing their way up steep hillsides, flowing into long colorful plains of reds, blues and whites that melted seamlessly into small towns, surrounded by rolling hills of yellow and clear streams. Becky was unable to pull herself from the window as the landmarks went by. This is my home. She thought. This is Lexicon…. She never imagined it would be like this.

The awe-inspiring land finally ended in a sea that was the deepest shade of blue imaginable. Becky blinked as the water rushed by under them. Her eyes ached from gazing so much.

They didn't stop there; GEN continued to fly, crossing the sea beneath them, heading for the distant shore.

"This is Lexicon's Meridiem Sea, one of the two small inland seas." Huggy explained as he steadily guided the ship. "The Immensus Ocean is further west. But we won't see that today."

Sarvavi nodded, still smiling. "We just passed over the territories of the 'Ka temple, heading northwest…" Becky was surprised at her tone, which seemed thoughtful and sad.

Huggy looked over his shoulder and spoke in that strange, incomprehensible dialect of his language again making Sarvavi's smile fall slightly.

"I don't know." She replied. Becky wished they would stop talking in code around her. It was really starting to annoy her that neither one of them seemed to trust her.

"I'm sure he's fine." Huggy said with a smile. Sarvavi's worried look didn't change.

"I don't know how much time has passed… he could be long dead…"

Huggy rolled his eyes. "Optimism wins wars, sister." For once, Sarvavi looked like she was attempting to hide her annoyance. She gave Huggy the same kind of look Becky gave her brother whenever he pointed something out that she'd forgotten. But all Sarvavi said was: "Keep going north for awhile Huggy." He nodded and adjusted the wheel, still smiling in a cocky way. Sarvavi's gaze met Becky's, the smile returning. "There's something I want to show her." She said quietly.

As the sea fell away beneath them, something in the distance caught Becky's eye and she stared.

"What is that?" She asked breathlessly, pointing ahead.

Sarvavi followed her finger and chuckled. "That, Beckyan? That is Adár city. The city of the Flyers."

"The city of the Flyers?" Becky echoed, turning to face her, incredulously.

"Well of course, look at it!" Sarvavi said, seeming like she was trying to hold back her laughter. "Do you think anyone but flyers could live there?"

Becky shook her head then turned back to the window. She pressed her nose against the glass, her eyes widening.

Up ahead on their right was a huge city, floating in the sky.

There didn't seem to be anything holding it up: it was the highest thing for miles around in the rocky landscape below them. An entire section of rock from the ground was simply sitting a few thousand feet above the rocks below; not moving, just floating.

"How… how does…?" Becky started to ask.

"No one knows." Huggy said. "It's just always been there that way."

As they came alongside it, Becky noticed that the rock was formed in strange shapes; almost like it had been weathered and eroded to specifically form the shapes of buildings and towers. From this angle, it did indeed look like a city built entirely on air.

"There's no explanation for it at all?" Becky asked, turning to her companions.

"There is a legend as to how it came to be." Huggy continued, glancing briefly at the city beside them.
"But only the elders of the city know the whole tale…"

"It's a sacred city for anyone who can fly." Sarvavi said. "It's built just for them after all so it's hard for anyone who can't fly to get around let alone get there."

She met Becky's gaze and smiled at the look of awe on her face. "For most flyer tribes, it's a right-of-passage to visit Adár city."

Becky turned back to the window and watched the spires and formations of the city carefully; almost certain she could see hundreds of tiny figures zooming around them.

"Can…. Can we go there?" She asked Sarvavi over her shoulder.

Her companion was silent for a moment. "… we'll see…" Sarvavi sounded uneasy, like she was choosing her words with extreme care. Becky shot a glance over her shoulder. Sarvavi was watching the magnificent city warily, as if she didn't particularly like the place. Becky would've tried to inquire about this sudden change but she didn't want to miss a single sight up ahead. She stared at Adár city for as long as she possibly could; craning her neck until it disappeared behind them as they headed for the distant mountains. She wondered what it would be like to live there. In a place where everyone flew, nowhere was off limits…

She could've wondered about this forever but Lexicon's landscape still had more to offer.

"Look there." Huggy said, taking one hand off of the wheel to point at the mountains in front of them. "Beyond the mountains." He said to Becky's doubtful look. Becky stared at him. Was that a tear in his eye?

"The Celestial Gates…" Becky turned to Sarvavi again, surprised by the wonder in her voice. Sarvavi smiled at her and nodded towards the cloud-shrouded peaks before them. Becky was amazed. Even her eyes looked a little wet. "Don't shut your eyes." Sarvavi advised with the widest smile Becky had ever seen on her face. "This place is one of the most sacred spots on the entire planet."

Becky turned back to the window, curious as to what about this particular landmark had such an effect over her companions.

They crested the towering mountains at last and Becky felt as if time had stopped again.

In the small valley before them, there were two identical pools of water. Bursting from the center of each pool was a torrent of water: geysers that reached unimaginable heights. Only these geysers did not shoot straight up, they formed two giant arches that extended towards the pool opposite them. At the peak of each geyser, just as they delicately brushed the clouds, the streams broke and the water rained back to the land, falling in and around the pool opposite the one they had sprung from. They created a perpetual cycle: one filled the other and thus, the geysers never ended. The entire valley was shrouded in the mist created by this never-ending spectacle. The land around the pools bloomed with plant life of all colors and shapes; greens to pinks, oranges to purples…

Becky felt she could've stared at this heavenly sight forever. The flow of the water was mesmerizing, perfect…. She could almost hear the rushing sound of the water as it shot upward and the steady pattering of the rain as it fell back to the earth…

But as the ship turned and the geysers fell behind them, something else caught her eye and held her attention.

A strange shiver went through her. "What… what is that place?" Becky pointed at the new area beneath them. Sarvavi followed her finger and her gaze darkened.

High cliffs streaked with ugly scars of black surrounded a crater in the earth. A small, muddy river snaked through the hole like a vein, barely discernable from the land around it which was the color of ash and looked fragile, light and dead. It was as if someone had taken a giant knife and roughly carved a huge circle-shaped chunk out of the cliffs to create a bowl in the landscape then filled the wound with ashes or dust. Becky couldn't imagine what might've formed that place.

Huggy pushed the wheel harder and the ship sped up a little. But not quick enough. Sarvavi was staring down into the bowl, watching the dead river bleed its course. Her eyes had become as dark and sharp as tiny pieces of flint but Becky found it hard to tell exactly what emotion she was displaying.

Sarvavi took a deep, ragged breath and finally spoke in a flat, emotionless voice.

"…. That….. is a terrible place. We won't be going there." She abruptly turned away from the window and fell into the co-pilot's seat, her gaze distant and emotionless.

Becky saw Huggy glancing over his shoulder at the girl, his expression thoughtful. "Sarvavi?" He asked tentatively. "I'm not entirely sure where we're headed here…"

Sarvavi blinked but didn't look up. "Just head for the temple." She said flatly. "They should meet us…"

Huggy turned the wheel again so they returned to their northerly path. As they crossed a much clearer river and the strange crater fell behind them (giving way to more cliffs), Becky snuck a glance over her shoulder at Sarvavi. She was staring sadly at nothing, one hand over the star-shaped scar on her arm.

As if sensing her gaze, the warrior looked up suddenly. Becky gasped as their eyes locked. The brown filled the black and conquered the mind behind them. A deep emotion suddenly filled her; a grating ache of pain, loneliness and guilt clawed at her from nowhere. I should be dead… The thought was not her own. I don't deserve to be alive…Her vision was filled with a bright golden light; everything disappeared. Her right arm burned and stung horribly and her teeth clenched as she bit off her scream of anguish. The thoughts continued to flow through her mind of their own accord; she could not have controlled them if she'd wanted to. By this star in my flesh, I vow… I vow I'll never be weak again… I'll never fail…. I'll never run… I'll become a warrior.

The ship screeched to a halt, jarring Becky back into control of her own mind. What… what the hell was that?

"Halt! Who goes?" A new voice called.

Becky turned back to the window and felt her heart skip a beat.

It was a thin, shirtless man of about 20, flying in front of the ship, one hand held up as if to permit them from entering somewhere. Becky couldn't help staring. After all, it was only the second time she was seeing another person fly the way she could. The man's skin was the same color as hers but his eyes glowed a deep green that made Becky think of thick forests. His thin, wispy brown hair was pulled back in a long ponytail. He wore long, loose black pants and heavy combat boots with a single gold star on each of them.

Sarvavi stood and strode to the window. She glared at the flying man in front of them making him start, then stare.

"G… general Sarvavisa…!" The man came to attention in mid-air at once, seeming flustered. Sarvavi chuckled slightly.

"That never gets old…" She pressed a button on the dashboard and spoke into a small microphone mounted on the wall. "At ease, soldier. Greetings, Sergeant Falcoté." She said, a smile returning to her face. "May the Spirits light your path. What year is it?"

The man saluted once then floated casually in the air in front of them; crossing his legs and hanging upside-down in front of the ship. He grinned at Becky's open-mouthed stare.

"The same it was when you left, General." He said to Sarvavi, his gaze still curiously locked on Becky.

Sarvavi closed her eyes, looking relieved. "Same month?" She asked, eyes still closed.

Falcoté pulled his gaze from Becky and nodded to her. "Yes mam. You've been gone all of four days."

Her eyebrows rose at that. "Really…." She opened her eyes. "Go and let the Majors know I'm back. And…" She looked over at Becky, who finally closed her mouth. "…I've brought some new recruits."

The man called Falcoté beamed. "Excellent!" He turned a flip in the air and dove off toward the cliffs below, leaving a streak of red-light behind him.

Becky had a strong urge to fly after him; being cooped up in GEN too long had made her jittery and she was anxious to finally fly in the skies of her home world. She was considering making a run for the hatch when Sarvavi caught her by the arm.

"Just hold tight…. We'll be landing soon." She said calmly.

Becky yanked her arm out of the other girl's grip and watched the never-ending cliffs flow by underneath them, trying to be patient. Just where are we going? She wondered.

She found out much sooner than she had expected.

As GEN finally began to lose altitude, Sarvavi's hand shot out and grabbed Becky's shoulder.

"Huggy," she said to the captain, as he adjusted several levers and pushed a button on the dashboard. "I need you to stick by her while I'm gone okay?"

Huggy only nodded and continued to guide the ship in its vertical landing.

"Why…" The question that was forming in Becky's mind was promptly forgotten as the warrior bit off a curse and fingered the bandage around her middle.

"And you…" Sarvavi said, turning on Becky now and gripping her by both shoulders. Becky had a strong urge to squirm her way free but repressed it.

"This is terribly important." Sarvavi said, staring into Becky's eyes. The brown penetrated the black but Becky felt no thoughts overtake her as they had before. "Once we land," Sarvavi said, "stick by Huggy. Try not to draw attention to yourself, namely by using your powers. If anyone greets you, make sure you say 'May the Spirits light your path' in greeting. Got it?"

Becky nodded a little confused. Don't use my powers?

GEN jerked slightly and Becky saw Huggy let go of the wheel.

Touchdown successful. Welcome back to Lexicon. The ship sounded cheerful but tired.

Becky turned towards the hatch but once again found her arm in Sarvavi's strong grip.

"Just wait…"

Becky was about to turn back with a snapping retort when an entire section of the floor of the main room fell, creating a ramp leading out of the ship. A gust of Lexiconian air rushed in and crashed into Becky. Her vision went black for a second and her head spun.

"Careful there!" She heard Huggy screech as she stumbled, feeling light-headed. "This atmosphere's a little different from…" He trailed off as Becky regained her footing and opened her eyes, positively radiating energy. She had never felt this kind of power before. She took a deep breath, feeling the energy in the air filling her… consuming her… making her stronger.

A slight cuff on the side of her head made her stumble and lose the feeling.

"Try to stay focused." Sarvavi said, lowering her hand. "Now, let's go."

Becky turned to the exit. This is it. I'm home at last.

She started down the ramp only to be caught one final time by her companion.

"One more thing…" Sarvavi whispered frantically in Becky's ear. "Don't tell anyone your name." Then she let go and shoved Becky down the ramp and into her home world at last.

I cut this in two so that it's easier to read. Please review and let me know what you think of Lexicon! Part two will be up momentarily!