This idea has been bugging me for a few days.

There new students at HA. Jade West seems to know them. Who are they and why is Jade so nice when she is around them?

I need one boy OC and another. The boy OC will be dating my OC in the story. The other will be one of thier friends.

My OC-

Full Name: Kya Lynn Jones

Hair Color: Auburn, curly/wavy to her shoulders

Eye Color: Olive Green

Height: 5'7

Appearance (What kind of clothes, etc): Wears mostly t-shirts, off the shoulder shirts, jeans and jean shorts. Wears purples, aquas, and maroons. Doesn't wear much jewlery or make-up.

Describe Personality: Kya is very sarcastic. Many people mistake it for her being rude. She isn't afraid to speak her mind, although she does become embarresed. She is nice to people unless they push her buttons. She doesn't have many buttons but when they are pushed its more like slammed down. She doesn't like to give away many details about her emotions, she generally jokes to push the attention away. She feels acting is an escape from life.

Family Member: Sister: Nellie, 15

Talent: Singing

Hobbies: Playing piano, because she does not play that often she considers it a hobbie.


Full Name:

Hair Color:

Eye Color:


Appearance (What kind of clothes, etc):

Decscribe Personality:

Family Member:



Please submit your OCs. If I pick your OC please expect me to ask a question or two.

PS: It will be thier senior year.