A/N: Before I start, I want to tell you all, this is the final Chapter of Deep Down. I'll tell you all more about the sequel in the note at the bottom.
As usual, thank you to everyone who reviewed!

He started knowing that something was wrong when he found her asleep on the couch in the middle of the day. Sweeney walked into the kitchen that smelled of sweet apple pie, looking for his wife.

"Nellie?" There was no response. He wondered into the living room, finding her fast asleep on the couch. He sat down beside her, looking at her sleeping form in the dim candle light. She began to stir, slowly opening her tired eyes, blinking at him.

"Sweeney? Wot's goin on? Wot…" Her eyes grew wide with shock, "Dinner! The pie!" She flew of the couch and into the kitchen, pulling a semi-burnt apple pie out of the oven. Frowning, she sat down at the kitchen table, placing her head in her hands. Sweeney walked into the room, placing an arm around her shoulders.

"What's wrong pet?" He asked, a little concerned at her odd behavior. She just shook her head, not looking up from her hands. "Nellie," He said, with a little more force, "look at me." After pausing for a moment, she finally looked at him, a little annoyed at the tone he was using. Sweeney took note of the look she was giving him and tried to soften his tone a little bit, "Please tell me what's going on."

Nellie looked at him sadly. Honestly, she didn't know what was wrong. She felt sick to her stomach and wanted to burst into tears at any moment. She tried to compose herself, but nothing was working, her eyes shone with unshed tears and she turned her face away from him, embarrassed that she was crying over being sick. Sweeney continued to stare blankly at her, waiting for an answer. Finally, after finding the strength to keep from crying, at least for the time being, she turned back to him.

"I don't know. I've been feelin' sick and tired and…" Her voice caught in her throat as the tears started coming back. "I'm sorry." She whispered, "You must think I'm being ridiculous." Nellie looked down at the floor, not wanting to look her husband in the eyes.

Sweeney continued to stare at her. Finally, he shook his hand and took one of her hands in his.

"You're not ridiculous, you're simply sick." He carefully lifted her into his arms and began to carrying her up the stairs. Nellie didn't protest as Sweeney carried her upstairs. When he reached their bedroom, Sweeney carefully placed his ailing wife on the bed.

Nellie looked up at him, "I'm sorry dear. I hope I'm not causing too much trouble for you."

"It's no trouble pet." He whispered, kissing her forehead, "As long as you get better, I'll be happy. Are you hungry?"

"Just a bit, but I can get myself something to eat." She tried to sit up, but Sweeney immediately pushed her back down.
"No you're going to stay right here and rest. I'll go get you something."

"But…" Nellie tried to protest but Sweeney cut her off with a glare. "Fine. There's some soup in the kitchen. It should still be warm." Sweeney walked out of the room to fetch the soup, leaving Nellie alone for a few minutes to think. That had been the second day in a row she had fallen asleep in the middle of the day. She hadn't been feeling well all week and had an appointment to go to the doctor the next day.

Sighing, she whispered to herself, " I hope I get better soon."

"What was that dear?" Sweeney asked, walking back into the room with a bowl of warm soup.

"Nothing important." She whispered, smiling at the bowl. "Thank you." Nellie could feel the heat coming off the bowl as she wrapped her hands around it.

"Not so fast Nellie." Sweeney said, pulling the bowl away from her. "What do you think you're doing?"

Nellie stared at him in confusion. "I was going to eat. Isn't that why you went and got me the soup? So I could eat?"

"Yes, I did." Sweeney sat on the edge of the bed, the soup and spoon still in his hands. Carefully, he filled the spoon with bits of chicken, vegetables and broth. "Open wide." He said, bringing the soup up to her mouth, trying not to spill it on the bed. Nellie smiled as she opened her mouth, remembering back to the last time Sweeney had fed her. When he had first begun to notice her. A smile tugged on Sweeney's lips too, as he thought about the same night.

The bowl was emptied faster than Nellie hoped it would. She swallowed the last bit and looked at her husband.

"Thank you." She smiled, leaning forward and kissing his cheek.

"You're welcome Nellie." He whispered, kissing her lips. She smiled even wider.

"Sweeney?" She asked suddenly.

"What is it pet?"

"Will you lay down with me?" She looked at him hopefully and he nodded, not being able to say no to her glimmering face. After carefully placing the empty bowl on the nightstand and slipping off his shoes, Sweeney slid into bed next to her. Nellie snuggled close to him, melting in his embrace as he wrapped his arms around her tiny frame.

Sweeney felt Nellie fall asleep almost immediately. He looked down at her peaceful face, wondering what it was that was making her feel so unwell. He hoped it was nothing too bad, that way she could be up and running as soon as possible. He hated seeing her so weak and miserable. He softly kissed her forehead again and held her closer to him, never wanting to let go of his loving wife.


Sweeney helped Nellie into the coach, before sliding in with her. Nellie had a doctor's appointment and Sweeney decided that he would accompany her into town. As they rode towards town, Sweeney could tell that Nellie was already not feeling well. It was only 9:30 in the morning, yet she looked as green as a frog.
"We're almost there pet, don't worry." He whispered, letting her rest her head on his shoulder as he stroked her hair. "You'll go to the doctor and see what's wrong. As soon as we get the medicine to make you feel better, we'll go home and you can rest. Does that sound okay?"

Nellie nodded, too weak to speak. She had vomited earlier that morning and wasn't in the mood for any type of carriage ride into town, but it had to be done.


After what seemed to be a lifetime in the carriage, they finally arrived at their destination. Sweeney carefully stepped out of the carriage, helping Nellie down as well. They walked side by side to the doctor's office and Sweeney waited as Nellie went to be examined.

Sweeney looked up at Nellie as soon as she stepped into the waiting room.
"Did you find out what's wrong?" He asked her eagerly. Nellie nodded, smiling a little.

"The doctor said it's nothin' ta worry 'bout. It's just a little thing that will be gone soon." She smiled, as he drew her closer.

"You're alright then?" Nellie nodded. "Are you ready to go?"
"Well, I wanted to stop at the market and pick up a few things before we went home."

"Fine." Sweeney grumbled as she tugged him along out the door and down the street.


After buying all sorts of fresh fruit, vegetables, chicken, flour and sugar, Nellie was finally ready to go home. Sweeney helped her load the things into the carriage before helping her in and climbing in himself.

The ride home was much smoother than the ride there. Nellie seemed to feel much better, claiming to be much more relieved.

As soon as they were home, Nellie immediately started cooking dinner with all of the supplies she bought at the market. She insisted Sweeney go rest as the delicious aroma filled the house.

"Come now dear, it's been a long day for the both of us. Get some rest before dinner." Reluctantly, Sweeney heeded her advice and fell asleep in a chair in the living room.


"Wake up dear." Nellie whispered, shaking Sweeney's arm lightly. "It's time ta get up and movin'. Dinner's all made and ready for ya." Sweeney opened one of his eyes to find his wife standing before him in a new dress, her hair redone and just the slightest bit on make-up on.

"Why are you all dressed up pet?" He asked, confused about her odd behavior. "I thought you were ill."
"Well, the doctor gave me a little somethin' ta help with that 'nd I'm feelin' betta already!"

Sweeney looked at her, still very confused, but got up and walked into the dining room with her. A wonderful meal was laid on the table. Chicken breasts, cooked vegetables and sparkling cool fruit sat on the table. Red wine was already poured into Sweeney's glass.

"What's all this?" He asked. Nellie frowned.

"Wot? You don't enjoy me 'ard work? Does there 'ave ta be a reason be'ind everythin'?" She snapped.

"Of course not. I just wasn't expecting all this for dinner. That's all." Nellie's anger slowly faded as Sweeney took her arm and lead her over to the table, pulling a chair out for her. She smiled as he sat down opposite her and began to eat her hard cooked meal.

"Do you like it?" She asked eagerly after a few minutes of silence. Sweeney nodded and kept eating the warm chicken and buttered broccoli. When he looked up, Sweeney noticed that Nellie was sipping water instead of the wine that he was drinking.

"Aren't you going to have some of that?" He grunted, gesturing to the wine. Nellie shook her head.

"No, I'd rather not." Sweeney raised an eyebrow, Nellie didn't usually turn down a drink. But he quickly brushed it off and went back to eating the delicious meal his wife had cooked. Nellie kept glancing up at him nervously, making him feel rather uncomfortable.

"Nellie is there something wrong?" He demanded, feeling a bit annoyed. She bit her lip, not knowing what to do.

"Well, actually…" She looked down at her plate, "there is. Not wrong, just different."

"Please." Sweeney replied, gesturing to her to continue before taking a sip of him wine. Nellie finally looked up at him, smiling weakly.

Two words. That's all it took. As soon as the words left Nellie's mouth, his eyes grew wide with shock and he spit out all the wine he had just drank, choking a bit. Unfortunately, the wine had landed all over his now horrified and hurt wife. They were really simple words, and he had only heard them used together in the same sentence once before, but that was a lifetime ago.

Two words he wasn't sure he wanted to hear again.

Two words.

"I'm pregnant."

To be continued…

A/N: And that my friends, is the end of Deep Down. Too predictable or was it interesting? Are you looking forward to the sequel? Thank you so much to anyone who has ever read this story. I loved every second of writing this for you all!

TIME TO TALK ABOUT THE SEQUEL! The Sequel is up now so go check it out!

Thank you again to everyone! This story has been such a pleasure to write and I hope you all plan on reading the sequel! Please, REVIEW like you always have. Tell me your thoughts on the final chapter. I look forward to reading your closing comments.

~Bellatrix Nellie Le-Lovett