A New Student

Maka Albarn stood at the bottom step of the DWMA academy suitcase in hand. "Come on papa. We're already late!" She called her slow-poke of a father out of the taxi, "You shouldn't get all excited Maka, its not good for you." "Your just saying that you don't want to be here. Now COME ON!"

Maka started up the stairs, when she got half way there she looked back to her father who hasn't evan gone up yet. she rolled her eyes and continued up the stairs. Little did she know that she was being watched.

"Assassins Rule Number One - Silence: Dissolve in the darkness and erase your breath. Wait for an opening to attack your target."

When Maka got to the top step she thought she saw something move in the shadows. Maybe its just my imagionation.

"Assassins Rule Number Two - Transpositional Thinking: Analyze the target in order to predict his thoughts and movements."

"Come on papa. I don't want to be any more later than I already am!" "I'm coming Maka, I'm here. Now stay here while I go get lord death." Lord Death, I finally get to meet Him.

"Assassins Rule Number Three - Speed: Take out the target before the target notices your presence." Maka swore she saw something move out of the corner of her eye. She turned and was surprised at what she saw,"! I am the great assassin Black Star! And I've come here to assassinate you all!" "YOU IDIOT! Its not an assassination if you've been spotted already."

"chill Soul, I know what im doing," Maka just stood the confused and trying her best to not burst out laughing. "any ways I'm BlackStar. The biggest star of the entire school. One day im gonna surpass god!" "or one day you'll surpass the crazyest guy on earth," Soul added, chuckling at him self. Maka giggled, "I'm Maka. I, uh, I'm new to Death City and" Soul cut her off "Weapon or meister?" "Meister. Anyways I guess I'll see you two around, I think I hear my dad calling. Bye." "Soul why'd you ask her that?" "huh, oh no reason." "wait that's right you STILL don't have meister. I wouldn't be surprised, im mean the whole school thinks you're a monster with those teeth. Ever heard of a thing called" he didn't get to finish before Soul punched him in the jaw, "lets just get to class."