I don't own Okane ga Nai!
Very short chapter, but I hope a decent ending!
Let me know what you think and do enjoy it, please!
Chapter 6: The next day
He heard voices in the distance. Soft voices, like whispers. The sapphire orbs were opening, but closed quickly at the harsh light falling into them. His head felt like it could burst and he was unable to move.
Where was he? What had happened? Where was the little dog? Ayase shivered at the mass of thoughts that appeared in him and felt like crying. He didn't know what had happened exactly, but he did know that the little puppy was with him and he had to help it.
"Ayase…" the voice next to him became clearer and Ayase turned his head towards it. He was breathing heavily. His eyesight was bad. He noticed dark hair next to his bed. Very dark hair.
"Kanou-san…" he said softly. Bright teeth were visible in front of the blonde and he thought the would faint any minute now.
"No, it's me, Kei…" he said. Ayase now noticed a faint green… who? Kei? He shook his head.
"Your new boss, remember? I gave you Kano-kun." the boy proceeded.
"Kei-san?" Ayase repeated. Everything slowly returned inside his mind. His first day at work, where he received the little puppy…
Ayase grabbed for the back of his head and shrieked out a small gasp. That was painful.
"You got hit by a car. While saving Kano-kun."
"Where is he?" Ayase asked.
"Safe, back at the kennel. He's fine…" Kei bit his lip before proceeding. "I shouldn't have let you walk him. I knew the collar was too big and still I…" he sighed deeply. "I'm sorry, Ayase." he said. The blonde smiled at little.
"Don't worry… I'll be fine, right?" he asked and Kei merely nodded. The blonde took a deep breath and coughed lightly because of the cold air, grabbing for his chest. That hurt even more then the back of his head…
"Two of your ribs are broken and they sewed the back of your head. You had some wound. They think you fell on a piece of glass… the car hit you hard. But you'll be fine." the last sentence sounded certain and the man nodded. Ayase noticed that he was still in his working clothes and he smiled. He had been here the whole night, for Ayase.
"Go home, Kei-san. I'll be fine. I need to rest anyway." he said. Kei looked up.
"I am, Ayase-kun, but… before that; I don't want you to think that I'm the one who brought you here. At first I didn't even know it was you. Someone else helped you, and I want to make sure you're ready for this." he said. Ayase looked utterly confused. What was he talking about? Kei smiled.
"I'll stay for a little while longer. Call me if you want him to leave." he said and he stood up and left the room. Ayase stared at the empty chair next to him. What happened? Who had to leave? The man that helped him?
The blonde took hold of his chest, trying to breath calmly. Broken ribs really felt awful… the door reopened now and Ayase looked towards the door. Another dark-haired figure walked in, but he didn't look like the boy remembered him. He was wearing a wet costume, but the jacket was gone and now only his soaked see-through shirt was visible. His face looked pale and he had something depressed about him, even though he smiled towards the blonde. Ayase closed his eyes. This couldn't be happening. He was dreaming… that wasn't Kanou-san. That was impossible.
"I'll leave if you want me to." the man said. And just by hearing the voice Ayase knew that he didn't want the man to leave. He turned his blue eyes towards the brown ones and felt tears welling up in his eyes.
"Kanou-san…" he said softly and he started to sob loudly, which hurt his ribs even more. "A-aa…" he sobbed, with a glance of pain in his voice.
Kanou shushed him softly, while placing himself beside the blonde on the bed. He softly caressed the blonde hair and stared towards the now red cheeks. The boy's normal colour had returned.
"Stop crying, you'll only hurt yourself…" Kanou said, but a smile was plastered on his face. The thought that the blonde cried because of seeing him could only mean that he had missed him.
"U-Uu… K-Kanou-san…" the blonde said and placed his and over the man's as he caressed the blonde's cheek.
"I'm here." he whispered in reply.
"Y-you saved m-me…" the boy sobbed, though his sobs started to disappear.
"If I really had saved you, it would be me in this bed." he replied. "I'm so sorry about everything." he continued after a long silence. "About not stopping you from leaving. I should've… told you." he stared down at the hand on his lap.
"… t-told me what?" the blonde asked, staring into the brown eyes intently. The man looked back, but somehow stayed fully silent.
Someya had asked the blonde to tell the man what he felt towards him, and back then he didn't have any courage left to say it. He didn't know how to put it into words, and maybe, just maybe, Kanou had the exact same problem.
"The way my heart thumps when you like at me like that." he said. Ayase could feel it too. "How hard I would suffer once you walked out of my door, and I did suffer." so did the blonde. "It's just that… feeling I get when I'm with you, and I feared to miss it. I should've told you before, but was unable to. You want this life, don't you? Without me." Kanou's stare became strange and blurry. The blonde shook his head almost unnoticeable, but the man saw it.
"I do want to lead my own life. Go to work, make my own money, have family, children… that's how I planned it. But you turned that plan upside-down… and I can't do it without you anymore. I feel broken and alone." the blue eyes stared into the dark ones and Kanou seemed shocked at what he heard.
"I need you, Kanou-san. I think that I am… like Someya-san and her girls. They all adore you. They're all in love with another man. I think I am too." the last sentence was pronounced so silently that Kanou had put his head so close to the boy's that their lips almost touched.
"I love you too." Kanou replied, also in a most silent voice. Ayase smiled faintly, turning a bright red now, and the man softly placed his lips onto the blonde's. They both had missed this… so much. Kanou placed his hands beside the boy's head and they now enjoyed every moment of the sweet touch.
"Would you like to come back home with me? I'll let you go to work. Without Kuba." Kanou said with a smile. Ayase smiled back.
"I'd like that." he said. "But why don't you come live with me? In my apartment?" Kanou stared at the boy bluntly.
"Everyone knows about us and my neighbours really love you. We can still take your house as a holiday place." Ayase smiled brightly. Kanou nodded.
"Yeah, I like that idea." he replied and he again stared towards the blue. He now realised that it didn't matter where he lived. As long as the blonde was around he'd be happy. He'd be having a family, and so would Ayase. And that's exactly what he had planned for from the beginning.
So? What do you think, reviews are very pleasurable! :D
Thank you for reading this short story... I was totally blocked with 'The Cute Blonde Vampire' and 'The Daughter of A Kami-sama' and therefore decided to write down this idea... I do hope I didn't disappoint any of you!
Love and hugs from me, my dear readers, whom I love sooo much!