I don't own Okane ga Nai!

So this story is about Ayase paying off his debt. What happens after and how they meet again.

Do enjoy!


Chapter 1: the first day

Ayase stared down blankly, his blonde hair hung in front of his face as he read the letters over and over again, his cerulean eyes scanning quickly. His head was starting to blur and he couldn't think clearly as he heard his own loud heartbeat in his head.

"You just have to sign it." Kanou whispered quietly. For the first time in the four years the blonde had lived there the man whispered quietly, as though he was unable to utter the words. Ayase closed his blue eyes as the man proceeded.

"You paid of every single penny, Ayase… even the toichi. If you want, I can take you home now. You're free."

The boy felled a sudden headache rise. He didn't understand… wasn't he bonded to this man for the rest of his life? And now he said he could go home? But how… it's not possible.

Kanou stared at the boy as he kept silent. He was probably thinking about how happy he would be and what he would do once he got home… at his apartment. Without the man. Kanou turned away from the blonde.

"I'll go and prepare the car. You just sign the paper…" he said. "And pack your things." he added silently. And he simply walked out the door. He had learned to accept that it was now fully over. The boy was allowed to go home, there was just no way he could hold him here. He had tried to figure out some mistake in his counting, but no matter how many times he re-did it… it always turned out right. He even let the two Kuba's check it for him, and they both agreed in their boss' conclusion.

The man sighed deeply when the lift's doors closed behind him and pressed the parking button. This was harder then he thought. This meant that in a few hours he would lose the boy forever. He stared down at his shoes, while leaning against the wall of the elevator. His eyes slowly closed, and he hoped that once he'd open them, this would all just be a dream…

Ayase's hand trembled as he held the pen tightly in between his slender fingers. The document in front of him was so formal. It spelled his entire name on top… 'Ayase Sora Yukiya' and a whole text, with the numbers Kanou himself had probably figured out. And at the bottom of the letter was Kanou's autograph, big and unreadable, just like the man himself was. Ayase smiled at that thought and read the man's full name. He had never asked what Kanou's full name was… 'Kanou Ichiro Somuku'. It sounded just like him…

He placed the pen on the paper and slowly placed his curly autograph where he was supposed to. Why did he doubt so much… this is what he had longed for the past few years, wasn't it? He sighed deeply and placed the pen down, walking himself to the bedroom. It was no use to doubt. Either way, Kanou-san didn't ask him to stay, so… maybe he didn't want him to either. The blonde blushed and sighed. That was it… maybe Kanou had forced the numbers to turn out in his advance and is that why he can go back home this early. Maybe the man was tired of him… the boy shook away that thought. That wasn't possible… was it? But, he did leave to the parking lot so fast…

He opened the bedroom door and walked himself in, looking from the bed, where he had slept in, while the man held him closely and his entire warmth surrounded him, to the closet, where all his things lay. That's right. He had to pack. Somehow, he felt like he didn't have a choice.

Half an hour later, the blonde awaited Kanou in the living room, but when a knock came on the door, he was shocked to see Homare standing in front of him. The man bowed deeply.

"Kanou-shachou has asked me to guide you downstairs and carry your bags." he said. Ayase nodded slowly.

"Thank you." he said softly. And the man looked up at the clearly pained sound of the boy's voice. Ayase smiled towards him, but there was only pain in his sapphire orbs.

"I never really replied… to your feelings." he proceeded. Now it was Kuba's turn to blush. "I'm sorry about that. But I do thank you for everything you've done for me until now. I'm sure I'll miss you." the twin brother suddenly felt a strange feeling in his chest. An empty feeling. As though the boy just made a hole in it and he now felt how tears were pinching in his eyes.

"My feelings will never change." he said. "No matter where you live." Ayase smiled at the words and threw himself in the other's arms, which made the other's tears officially escape.

"I'll never forget you." Homare said and Ayase smiled again.

"Neither will I." he replied as he released the hug and now placed a soft kiss on the man's lips. Short, and meaningless, but affective for Homare. Kuba smiled as the blonde released him fully and he carried the bags towards the elevator.

"Time to go home." Homare said and his brother now appeared out of the elevator.

"It's time." Misao said and both Ayase and Homare nodded. Yes, it was time to say goodbye.

"Thank you too, Misao-san." Ayase said. Misao merely stared at the boy and bowed.

"It was a privilege serving you, Ayase-san." he said. The blonde smiled, kissing his cheek kindly, and then avoiding his gaze quickly… he hated goodbyes.

Kanou leaned against his car, doubting whether he should light a smoke or not. But he decided not to. He didn't feel like it and it had been a long time since he denied a decent cigarette. The front door of the building opened, and the blonde came out, quickly followed by Homare carrying his bag. Kanou tried to avoid his eyes as much as possible, while Kuba placed the bag in the trunk of the car.

Ayase stared into the man's eyes, looking for any possible way of contact, which wasn't given at all. Kanou merely opened the passenger's front door of the car, waiting for the blonde to get in. Ayase gave a quick glance at Kuba who now stood back next to the front door and bowed once again. Ayase smiled, avoiding his gaze as he felt slight tears welling up and quickly got into the car.

Kanou closed the door behind his blonde and turned towards the sundown. He had never felt like this, never had he been feeling as… strange as he did now. His legs felt weak, and his heart sometimes failed to beat firmly. It was like he could fall asleep any minute. When he realised he had been staring at the sun for at least a minute he walked himself to the driver's seat and placed himself down. He started the engine and took a deep breathe, still avoiding any way of eye contact.

"Lets go." he said after a short silence and the car slowly drove away. Homare waited until the car disappeared out of eye-sight and then walked back into the building, hoping that one day he would see the angel again.

The car stopped next the Ayase's apartment block and the blonde saw miss Debayama cleaning her porch. Kanou opened his door and waited for the blonde to get out. To which Debayama looked up. She smiled at the sight of her neighbour arriving with his handsome boyfriend, and quickly ran to the other two ladies living next door. The three of them awaited the arrival of the two full of eager. It had been a long time since they had last seen the cute little Ayase. But it appeared that he still had the same handsome boyfriend… or perhaps 'manfriend' fitted better in this case.

Kanou took out the bag and was the first to walk onto the stairs, towards the blonde's apartment. Ayase silently followed. He didn't know how to feel exactly. Some part knew he should be happy, he had the chance to make his own life, without the man interfering. But the way Kanou was towards him now, made him feel unwanted and scared.

The three ladies up the stairs sensed that there was something different and sad about the two of them. Why did the man carry a bag?

"Hello Aya-chan!" Miss Debayama said as he and Kanou reached the top of the stairs. Ayase smiled kindly, pulled out of his thought violently.

"Good evening." he replied.

"Long time no see! I'm glad to see you brought that handsome young man with you again." she said and the two other ladies nodded in agreement. Ayase knew that the three ladies from next door loved the looks of Kanou.

"I won't stay long." Kanou said and he took out the keys to open the front door, not giving Ayase a single glance, not even when he looked up. Ayase followed him with his eyes as he walked into the apartment and felt another stab in his chest. Why didn't he feel happy? Why did he feel so abnormal?

"I'm sorry." Ayase said. "I just… I have to go." he smiled kindly to his three neighbours and followed Kanou into his house, before closing the door.

"What's the matter with them?" one of the ladies asked.

"Something must be wrong…" the other added. Miss Debayama gave the closed door a worried look.

"Lets just wait, ladies." she said. "Maybe they just had a fight."

Kanou placed the bag down and took a deep breath. The blonde just stood there, staring towards the floor with a strange and… misty look, as if he was completely lost in his own mind.

This was the moment he wanted to avoid most. The part where the goodbye was official. The part where he would never see the blonde again. Ayase didn't seem to make any movement towards him, and he figured that it only could mean that the blonde wanted him to leave as soon as possible.

He coughed lightly, which made the blonde look up, and now, for the first time that day, they made eye contact. Kanou smiled weakly, trying to figure out what to say. He shouldn't have looked… he shouldn't have looked.

He removed the key from his other ones and placed it onto the table, before remaking eye contact. The blonde now stared at the key. It was obvious to Ayase that he wanted to leave the key there and in other words leave the boy himself. Another shiver ran down his spine. This meant he wanted to leave.

"Uhm…" Kanou said and Ayase looked up. The man pointed at the bag. "It wasn't that heavy. You sure you didn't forget anything?" Kanou couldn't believe what he just asked. He sounded lame, and desperate to find a reason to let the boy return to his place.

"No… I don't think so." Ayase replied, blinking once and then turning his head to the couch. He thought of it differently. The reason why Kanou asked whether he had forgotten anything, was only because he didn't want him to reappear in his house. Ayase blushed slightly at the thought that the man didn't want to see him again… somehow it made him feel warm and cold at the same time.

"I…" Kanou started and the blonde re-turned his head. Kanou felt something cold clench around his heart at the look the blonde gave him. He looked… somewhat lonely, even though he still stood right in front of him.

"I know." Ayase said and he tried to smile. "You've got to go." he nodded weakly. Kanou nodded in return, swallowing the strange feeling that crawled up his throat back. The blonde actually requested him to go. Maybe this was what Ayase wanted after all. Kanou now nodded.

"Sure." he said, not sure what that actually meant. "I do."

Ayase took a step away from the door as Kanou appeared closer. The man stopped when he was right in front of the blonde and turned himself towards Ayase. The boy didn't look at him. Perhaps frightened of what he might do now… he raised his hand to softly caress the boy's cheek, opened his mouth, about to say something, but decided to close it right after and pull his hand back. He then opened the door and walked himself out.

Ayase leaned against the door now, his breathing turning out to get more difficult and he heard Kanou stepping down the metal stairs. Each stair giving a soft 'clunck' when he step on it. What did the man want to say before he left? Probably that he forbade the boy to ever reappear in his life.

His legs trembled, his hands trembled and tears started to stream down his cheeks. It felt strange… so strange. Nowhere was there a glint of happiness in his body…

The car's engine started to run. He quickly turned towards the door, opened it and ran out, only to see the BMW he had been sitting in so many times drive off, in the darkness of that night.

His legs now fully gave in and he felt how he sunk to the floor, crying fully, feeling empty, cold and lonely. Miss Debayama walked out, grabbed the boy tightly and shushed him silently. The boy's face felt hot and his cheeks showed a bright red, but he still trembled… she understood. They didn't just have a fight. They broke up.

"It'll all be fine." she said as a tear ran down her face too, not because Ayase and the man broke up and she would now never see his handsome looks again, but because of how hurt her young neighbour was because of it.

Ayase shook his head. He knew that this time it was over. No more warm touches of the man. No more gentle smiles. No more rescues when he needed it the most. No more Kanou-san…

Kanou just stared at the road, pressing his foot firmly on the accelerator. He knew that he was driving way too fast and that hitting anything now could be nothing but fatal. But he didn't care. If he died now, it would all be over. This pain, this feeling… this wasn't like him, and the last thing he needed now was to lose himself. He had never felt like this before. The one thing he had wanted the most was now out of his reach once again. There was nothing he could do now. The boy was free and clearly only wanted to be free.

Kanou parked his car at the side of the road, looking silently at the floor. When he looked at up at himself in the rear-view mirror he noticed his pale face and depressed look. He was sure that if anyone would see him like this, they would think he was suicidal. He had never looked worse then the face he was showing at that moment, and there wasn't a glance of angriness in it…

He walked himself towards the front door as it started to rain. He stopped in the middle of the street, rain pouring down on his face and clothes. He put his hands in his pockets and stared up to the dark sky, closing his eyes… this was officially the worst time of his life…

Cars stopped beside him and honked their horns as the man didn't move. He reopened his eyes and started to the bright lights next to him.

"Move it asshole!" the driver yelled towards Kanou but the man merely stood there, staring towards the lights that blinded him. He didn't feel angry, even though the man just scolded him. It was like he never heard him. Like he only heard a distant whisper. Again the man honked and now Kanou decided to move further, for the honk was the only thing clearly audible in his head. He felt how his clothes were already soaked.

The porter opened the door for Kanou and bowed deeply.

"Mister Somuku." he said, but Kanou didn't reply. "Can I bring you a towel?" the man asked, but again Kanou didn't reply and he merely walked to the elevator, followed by the worried look of the porter. Every word sounded only like a whisper.

With a soft sound the doors of the elevator opened. Kanou moved out of himself, dripping onto the floor. The floor felt slippery, but again he didn't care. He pressed the penthouse button and waited as the lift went up. A soft music was playing and not a second later the door opened again.

Once he was back inside his house he started to feel emptiness again. He started to feel lonely for the first time in his life. His heart ached, his head ached, his entire body ached. He leaned his head against the wall in front of him and felt how the rainwater ran down his face. And as he slid down to the ground, he realised that it wasn't rainwater… it were his tears.

Debayama brought the boy to his bed, placing a cup of hot coco on his nightstand. Ayase merely stared toward the cup, realising that it was the one Kanou always used to drink his coffee out an he turned himself the other way.

"Do you want me to stay?" the lady kindly asked, but Ayase ignored her as another tear slid down his face and he sobbed loudly. The lady sighed deeply.

"I'll be next door if you need me." she whispered and she left the house silently. Ayase didn't want any help. He just wanted to be left alone. It was either Kanou-san or nothing and in this case; nothing was the answer.

And thus, he dose off to sleep silently, resting in his own tears.

This was chapter one, ! Let me know what you think! :D