Logically she should have no trouble sleeping for the butcher of her people is dead. She along with the rest of the survivors are safe on another planet that is to be her temporary new home. It is illogical then that she finds herself unable to rest, for her shared quarters are more than satisfactory. When meditation also proves ineffective, she decides it logical (despite the late hour) to venture outside of her quarters in the hope of learning more about earth culture.
Strolling alone along the deserted grounds of the federation she peers through rooms and windows, her eyes and ears searching desperately for familiar voices or faces. She stares at the facilities strange architecture and marvels at the mesmerising gardens. She sneaks a look at the areas prohibited to the Vulcan survivors, catching a peek at the battered star ship that saved her.
The unusual sights and sounds overwhelm her already compromised mind. With her emotions threatening to get the better of her she seeks refuge inside one of the vacant buildings in order to collect her thoughts. The door slams shut behind her and for a moment she is blinded by the darkness. Groping in the darkness she ventures further inside the room. Her hand hits a panel on the wall and suddenly the dark room comes alive.
It doesn't take her long to realise that the meteors flying above her head are merely illusions. And while she does not have permission to remain here, she finds herself unable to regain her Vulcan composure so she stays in the semidarkness watching the stars dance in orbit.
She notices him the moment he enters the room. He isn't the first human she has seen but he makes for an interesting study. So she watches him surreptitiously. He is slightly on the skinny side and appears to be much more youthful than the other officers in the federation yet there is a maturity in his young green eyes that many of his elders seem to lack.
The golden pigmentation of his curly messy hair seems to fascinate her, perhaps due to its rarity. His smart golden uniform is dishevelled and he seems tired. In between glances she stares at the planets marvelling at how lush and vibrant they seemed compared to hers. Sadness washes over her again, as she realises she will never set eyes on her home world again.
Her eyes water but no tears fall, as she is incapable of them. Instead she quietly cries out for all of those who have been taken from them by a madman seeking revenge. She does not grieve for their culture, which is secure in the data banks of Memory Alpha nor for her life that has been radically altered. She grieves for the extreme waste of life, for the hundreds of millions of lives lost. The exact figure is unbearable large for her to calculate accurately.
He seems to sense her sadness approaching her to provide comfort and it occurs to her that maybe he has been asked by someone to look after her. He looks at her again and she dismisses the possibility for she senses a sadness in him that mirrors hers. The pain of a heart that has lost all that is dear to them parents, family and friends.
Although she doesn't know the young ensign's name nor he hers, she motions for him to sit beside her desperate for company. Despite his silence the youth seems to be a most effective distraction from her pain. Sitting in silence staring at the replica of the cosmos she finds herself captivated by him. Staring more often than is polite she is r grateful for the gloom that hides her blushes.
She looks at the blemishes on his face the ones that look like freckles but aren't and understands the anguish in his heart. She is not afraid of him, to fear the disease is illogical for the cure has been found, making it benign. Preventing it from burning through worlds any longer. Wordlessly she brushes her bandaged hand along his damp cheek, using the knowledge she had acquired from watching antique earth movies with her elder cousin to comfort him.
She rests her head on his shoulder strangely desperate for this human's comfort having shunned the same from males of her own kind. She begins to speculate, to formulate an answer as to why she suddenly seeks his companionship above all else, when sleep finally comes for her.
Remember review are greatly appreciated! I am currently considering a sequel to this so let me know if there is anything you would particularly like to see.