Heir to Sora

Chapter 1

Don't own Naruto or Cissnei

It was early afternoon on a road going towards Konohagakure no Sato, The Village Hidden in the Leaves. Three figures were walking down the road. First one was a young woman stood at 5'5 She wore black dress pants that clung tightly to her hips, a sleeveless white button up shirt that covered her large C-cup breast with a long sleeve black dress coat, red tie and black fingerless gloves . With her heart shaped face, light brown eyes and long vibrant red hair she cut a very attractive figure.

She was silently glancing at her surroundings "Are you sure this is a wise idea coming here, Naruto-taicho? "

A young man that stood 6'3, spiky golden blonde hair and his eyes were sharp bright blue eyes walked listlessly down the road while looking at the sky. he wore a black suit with white pinstripes and a white undershirt with a orange tie. Over his shoulders he wore a long cape with a golden, decorated attachment. "Its not my choice Cissnei-chan, if it was we would be in Iron instead"

"Iron?" said Cissnei

"Why there?" she questioned

"Well for one they haven't tried to kill me" replied Naruto dryly while continuing to look at the sky

The last member of the group was an old man with long white hair and was wearing a red coat. He was also carrying a large scroll behind his back. "Come on don't be like that. The village has changed a lot since you was here."

"We'll see when we get there Jiraiya-san" Naruto's tone was full of doubt

"Don't worry taicho, If anyone every try anything they will meet their end by my Rekka"

"Please don't attack the civilians" said Jiraiya dryly

"Naruto-taicho remind me again why we are going to this place again?"

"*sigh* Because Lucretia-sensei said this would be a good place to set up the first branch."

Both Naruto and Cissnei sighed knowing if Lucretia said it then it was going to be true.

They reached the village in few hours. At the gate they were stopped by couple of chunin guards. "Jiraiya-sama! welcome back!" One with a bandanna greeted them. "And not alone."

"This is the leader of the daimyo's personal guardian and his second in command ." Jiraiya introduced his companions. "Merces Naruto and Nakata Cissnei "


"Is there a problem?" Jiraiya frowned.

"N-no! Not at all." He stepped back in shock. "Cleared of course. Welcome to Konoha, Naruto-sama, Cissnei-sama" He handed the papers back.

"That's a first." Naruto snorted slightly and walked away with his second in command following.

"That was the captain of the daimyo's personal guards and his second in command?" Kotetsu muttered in awe. "I had no idea they were so young"

The group made their way towards the big red tower at the back of the village. As they passed through they noticed that the village look like it was recovering from a fight. Cissnei glanced around the village "I hope you came out better then the ones who did this"

"We did" said Jiraiya "we had to fight off to villages in a surprised attack"

The two teens whistled

They soon begin to pass through villagers.

"Isn't that Jiraiya?" Someone whispered "Is that the Y-Yondaime?"

"Its the Y-Yondaime!" said another villager

"Wow your villagers really love to jump to conclusions " Cissnei said with here hand resting on her belt.

"Yeah, they also seem ignorant to the facts of no one can come back from the dead...freely anyway"

Similar whispers followed them all the way to the Hokage tower where they were greeted and led to a room. Inside the room were four people. One was a woman standing in front of the hokage's desk. The woman was fairly tall woman with light brown eyes and blonde hair that was weld in two loose ponytails that was waist-length with shoulder-length bangs that frame both sides of her face, violet rhombus on her forehead. she was wears a grass-green robe. Underneath she wears a gray, kimono-style blouse with no sleeves, held closed by a broad, dark bluish-grey obi that matches her pants. Her blouse is closed quite low, revealing her sizable cleavage. She wears open-toed sandals with high heels and polish on both her fingernails and toenails. She also wears a soft pink lipstick.

Naruto had to admit she was very attractive to say the least, with her large breasts, wide hips, and beautiful face. He could bet his right arm that she must occupied many wet dreams in her life.

The second woman had shoulder length black hair with bangs and dark eyes. she was wearing a long blueish-black kimono with white trimmings, held closed by a white obi, and open-toed sandals with low heels. Despite not being hot as the other woman Naruto could say this woman was just as beautiful in her own way.

As if reading his mind, Cissnei elbowed him.

The last two people in the room were two elderly. The first was a old woman with Her hair is pulled back in a twin bun locked by a traditional Japanese hair pin with two pearls dangling off the side. she was wearing a simple long kimono, closed by an obi, a jacket, and a sash over it. Naruto could help but noticed she was squinting, barely opening her eyes.

The last person in the room that he could see was a old man with gray hair, a beard, glasses. He also has a strong jaw-line a facial structure. He wore a poncho like top over his robes, a common look for rich or noble elder folk.

The blond woman spoke "Greetings and welcome to Konoha. I'm the Hokage of the village Senju Tsunade. To my left is my Assistant Kato Shizune" she point to the woman with the short dark hair who bowed "And to my right are my advisers Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu" then gestured to the old people.

Naruto stepped forward "Greeting Lady Hokage, Hokage's assistant and elders. My name is Merces Naruto, captain of the fire Daimyo's personal guard and this is my vice captain Nakata Cissnei "

The everyone in the room eyes widened (not counting Naruto, Cissnei and Jiraiya)when Naruto introduced himself.

Homura spoke what was going through their mind "N-Naruto? As in Uzumaki Naruto? "

"You must have misheard me elder, i said Merces Naruto." he said politely

Tsunade spoke before the other could "Its nice to meet you Merces-dono. i would like processed with our contact as i know you must be tired with your journey here"

(Two hours later)

"We of course agree with these terms." Tsunade nodded. "But you will still have to consult with the rest of the council and you must understand that when the word will get out people will surely show some emotions and there even might be some attempts on your life so we must place you under ANBU protection for time being."

"They weren't that much of a help last time." Naruto muttered under his breath. " You don't really think i need protection do you?

"Of course not Merces-dono, but its just a precaution" Tsunade quickly stated

Cissnei stepped forward "I'm all that protection Naruto-taicho need"

"I agree with my lieutenant. If I must have one protecting me, she is all I need. If that's all we'll be on our way" he said with a polity as he and Cissnei moved to the door

One of the elder spoke ""We can have a chunin to show you around…"

"No need, I know my way around here." Naruto said as he closed the door behind them

"We'll see you at the meeting" said Koharu before she and Homura left the room.

Tsunade slouched in her chair after the door closed "The was stressful. Jiraiya did you know...that he was the captain of Blaze?" she said looking at Jiraiya with a pointed look.

Jiraiya sighed in his seat "Yeah, i found out a while back. I was surprised when I found out he was not only alive but the captain of the damiyo's personal guard and trained by Lucretia. I know for a fact that boy isn't to be underestimated if he was trained by her."

Tsunade closed her eyes in thought for a moment before she spoke "Does he know?"

Jiraiya let out a sigh "About his burden and parents? Yes, I think the only reason he was talking to me was because of the meeting."

Shizune spoke after putting everything together "Kami help those that crosses him "

The two elder ninja nodded

(main street)

As the two walked down the streets, Naruto couldn't help but remember the familiar looking places. But none of his memories was a happy ones, Except one of the few times when Jii-jii had been with him and the family that give him food at the ramen stand. Those were his only happy memories of this place.


"Leave us alone!"

"Die filth!"

Memories yelled in his head. He shook those away. "Things are different now"

Cissnei looked at her captain with concern. Before she could speak they heard voices near them

"Who are you talking to?" A voice asked from behind them. they turned around to see a boy with a scarf around his neck standing there. The boy seemed to be mad about something.

"No one special." Naruto answered. "Who are you?"

"I'm… Konohamaru." Boy answered. He was about to say 'grandson of the Hokage' but that wasn't true. Not anymore. "Who are you?"

"I'm Naruto and this lovely female next to me is Cissnei." He answered. "Now run along kid. We have things to do."

"Like what?"

"Nothing you should concern yourself about"

"Idiot." Konohamaru muttered and walked past him but only to feel being sent flying for several meters by Cissnei. "What did you that for?" He demanded angrily holding his head.

"You shouldn't insult others brat!" Cissnei answered simply.

"I'm no brat! I'm the grandson of the Hokage!" He exclaimed angrily. He obviously had gotten used saying it. His face was glowing with knowledge: 'That's right! I'm the honorable grandson! You can't touch me now or you'll be in trouble.'

Naruto and Cissnei looked a little confused before "Like we care, brat! If you haven't noticed, your grandpa is dead. You can't rely on his name anymore!" He turned around. "You got to live your life yourself."

He started walking away when he felt something hitting the back of his head. "Ow! What the hell brat!"

"I'm no brat! Im Konohamaru! I'm the future Hokage of Konoha!" He yelled loudly. "And you will help me!"

"What!" Naruto watched in shock. "Like hell-"

"See you around, boss!" Konohamaru sprinted off. "Remember, if anyone asks, you work for Konohamaru!"

"What a weird kid…" Naruto muttered before he felt some people approaching from behind. They were a group of civilians. Had they noticed it already? Would he have to burn the village already?

"You two are very kind." Old woman smiled kindly. Others muttered something agreeable.


"Honorable grandson has been very depressed ever since the passing of his grandfather." Everyone flinched slightly. One of them even said a little pray for the old leader. The same old lady continued. "It has been a long time since he has been running like that. We've wanted to thank you."

"No problem…" Naruto was little confused.

"We haven't seen you around for a while. Are you new in this village?" Some other lady asked with suspicion clear in her voice.

"Yeah, I just arrived" he stated dully before he walked through the old people

"So where to now, captain?" asked Cissnei next to him

"To get something to eat, then to the base" he said as they moved through the busy street

After walking for a while they stopped in front of a stand "Sweet a ramen stand"


"Its only a few bowls, ten tops then we can go ok?"

Cissnei sighed but agreed. The two took a seat at the counter

"Welcome to Ichiraku Ramen Stand, hold on I be right with you" said a waitress

Naruto relaxed on his seat "This isn't a bad place don't you think? Its very cozy "

Cissnei looked around the restaurant "Its definitely a good busy " she noted seeing the place was nearly packed

A waitress smiled at the two "What can I get for you two?"

"Can you get me two beef's, two chickens, two sea salt and two shrimp?" requested Naruto with a smile

Cissnei was surprised when the waitress nodded not surprised by such a large order. Shaking her head at her friend's hungry she ordered " One beef and make it spicy "

The waitress nodded "Your orders will be ready soon"

As the two waited for their food Naruto noticed someone was sitting right next to them.

Next to him was a young women surrounded by bowls. She sat, but he could tell she would be about 5' 11", slightly shorter than the man sitting next to her, with long blonde hair that reached her ass and bright sky blue eyes. She, as well, wore ANBU armor but her spandex beneath was a dark burnt orange at the feet that faded into yellow at the top. Her breasts were easily DD while he legs were shapely and her ass, from what they could tell, was soft and plump. Simply put, she looked like Naruto's in a female form, and like a downright bombshell of a woman.

He watched as she ate a bowl of ramen gracefully but also quickly

"It ok to assume she ate all that by herself with no help" he thought as he watched her put bowl after bowl away

"Wow, Now that's my kind of woman" he stated

Cissnei looked at his in confusion at what he was talking about. She followed his line of sight and felt her eye widen "I see now why the waitress wasn't surprised by Naruto's order. That girl is as bad as Naruto!"

Feeling their eyes on her the young women look at them. Her eyebrow rose from not recognizing the two people "Can I help you?"

Naruto spoke with out thinking "Will you marry me?"

The girl looked at him blanking before answering "No" her reply was dull as if its a normal occurrence

Cissnei sighed before she elbowed her friend "Sorry about my friend. He loves ramen so when he finds any girl that likes it as much as him he seeing her as a godsend"

The girl giggled before nodding in understanding "Apology accepted. Are you new here? I have never seen you before"

The waitress returned with their orders "Enjoy!"

Cissnei nodded "Wow that's service. Yes, my name is Nakata Cissnei"

Cissnei turned to her friend but sighed when she saw him stuffing his face "And the one stuffing his face like a slob is Merces Naruto "

Naruto stopped him pigging out to wave at the girl with his mouth full of noodles before continuing. Cissnei sighed and the girl giggled "I see what you mean when you said he loved ramen"

"Indeed. But you haven't given your name? You know its rude to ask for someone's name before giving your own" Cissnei teased

The girl gave a embarrassed smile "Sorry about that. My name is Tsunami, Namikaze Uzumaki Tsunami"

Naruto begin to choke


Hello everyone!

I'm back with my computer. This is a story I had in my head for a while. Its my take on medic of Konoha but much more different! I like to thank ares88 for letting me use his story and Twin sliver dragon for letting me use his take on Naruto's sister.

Here is some good news, bad news and possibly really bad news

Good News:

I have not quit any of my stories and I have my computer back. I have already started writing the next chapters to my stories

Bad News:

My computer was wiped so that means all the stories and updates I had was deleted. I had three stories done before my computer crashed but now I have to rewrite them, I can tell you now that won't be fun.

Worse news:

I might put From Naruto to Balthier up for adoption. Its not like I want to, its just I have no idea where Tarl Zaralka was going with it. I'm currently working on the next chapter….again but unless I get some idea's flowing for it I might just see if anyone else want a crack at it.

Another note: if you want me to update your favorite damn stories I suggest you review damn it then! I keep telling you people if you like it review it, tell me what you think, how much you like it, Hell a good job would be great! Just review!

Until next time

Stay gold