Disclaimer: I don't own anything, kay? It's just for fun and I don't win any money with it. Durarara! is Ryohgo Narita's.

Summary (which resumes the main prompt of the kink): Shizuo is a well-known magician. Shiki invites his informant, Izaya, to one of his shows. At first, Izaya isn't that convinced about it, feeling hate towards the magician. But after watching the show he gets impressed by his tricks. Of course, he demands to know how Shizuo does it, and then, his feelings towards him start to change. What will happen?

'It all started one day out of the blue.'

'What…am I going to do now?'

'Do I have a choice?'

'Should I really say it…should I hide…what should I do now?'

'W-What has happened to me…to my former life…'




Those words were the only ones that Izaya had in mind while checking his mail. He sighed while scrolling down the page he was looking at. The raven-haired informant of Shinjuku was struggling with those words while reading some lines of a client's profile. Eventually, he had to check it again because he wasn't paying attention. Suddenly, he just stood up and threw his signature black jacket over his right shoulder.

"Where are you going now?" His secretary asked him coldly as she cleaned the table. To that question, she never got a reply. She sighed at her boss' behaviour and proceeded to put her black long hair in the right place, adjusting her shirt and taking a final glance to a picture of her brother in her pocket, smiling at his frozen smiling face.

"It all started one day, out of the blue…" The raven-haired young man repeated to himself. With strong steps he made his way to the crowded street, looking for the same, old thing he was now accustomed to.

Several months earlier

"Hm…" A young man, about twenty-two or twenty-three, hummed while his fingers wrapped around a knight figure. Blowing a lock of smooth, black jet hair from his face, he moved it to another position on the go board. His face lowered a bit, thus making only his smirk noticeable. When he lifted his gaze, his dark red orbs met a familiar face.

"Magic? I think we're too old for believing in magic, Shiki-san." He said with a mocking tone. "And you should know better than me." He added.

"Izaya…" The older man said. His short black hair was not to be compared to the one of his younger fellow. His face showed some wrinkles, but in Izaya's opinion it only made him look more serious and "handsome".

"Sorry Shiki…" That moment he dropped the suffix of the other's name. "I stopped believing in magic at a young age…"

"I know, but it's not like you're old. You're only twenty-three! Besides, you're taking your job too seriously. You need to relax once in a while. Otherwise the quality of your results will only drop…and I'd be really sad if I lost my best informant." The older one insisted.

Izaya questioned everything. He inspected every part of Shiki's face. Then he wondered about their relationship. They were more than acquaintances, that was clear for him…but still…why would an underground boss want to take him to a magic show?

"I…well…Let me think about it, Shiki-san." He said, smirking and placing the knight firmly on the board. He started to fumble with his ring on his index finger.

"There's nothing to think about. I already purchased the tickets and you are coming with me, Izaya. Think of it as a token of friendship, okay?" Shiki answered. "Plus, you get to see some reactions you never might have expected."

Then he set his white jacket straight and stood up, followed by his two bodyguards. Of course, a moment later, he found himself in front of Izaya's apartment door. Opening it, he looked back, just to see the informant with his head resting on his palms, his elbows buried in his thighs.

"I expect to have the information I requested by tomorrow. Maybe I'll come back, but I think it's better you proceed like all the other times, okay?" He asked.

Izaya laughed, and raised his hand in approval. Afterwards he saw him setting two more pieces of the chess game on the go board.

Once the underground boss had left the room Izaya just stood up and smiled. He knew his 'sort-of-friend' was right. He cared too much about his work, but his work was his life…he had never known anything different to it. But lately, he felt tired. Maybe that little show would help him relax. Or maybe not.

"Who cares. It'll be the same old tricks they do in all the shows aimed towards kids."

"What are you rambling about?" A cold voice scolded him, as he heard the keys open.

"Huh, Namie? Already home?" He told his secretary.

"Slacking off work? Well, do whatever you want, but I won't be looking for your papers afterwards."

"I wasn't slacking off, Namie! You offend me! You hurt me! Shiki-san just paid me a visit."

Upon hearing Shiki, the young woman's eyes widened. She gulped down, but managed to keep off her cool character.

"Shiki? What did he look for?"

"Work related matters you don't have to know about. They are pretty dangerous. But it's not the first time I do that kind of thing. Don't worry, I won't die." Izaya laughed it off.

"As if I actually cared about your death."

"So cool, Namie. If you were a bit cooler, then you'd probably freeze everything around us." Those were the younger man's words, accompanied by a dramatic gesture, his hands pressing against his chest, were his heart was supposed to be. "Ah, he also invited me to a magic show."

"Magic show?"

Now Namie didn't expect a man like Shiki actually enjoying a magic show. He tried to picture him laughing tenderly, while eating popcorn. His eyes were closed, and he was really happy.

"Look at those tricks, Izaya! He's so great." He actually said, while smiling.

NO. Just…no.

That just didn't fit Shiki. Namie would never be able to see that man actually doing the things that she imagined. Ever.

"I'm also wondering what this is about. I'm pretty curious myself. What will it be like? I can't picture Shiki-san going to that kind of events…" Izaya mumbled while humming a random song he heard somewhere.

"I'm hungry, so I'll cook something now. You can go if you want, Namie. You should stalk your brother, anyway." He teased her. As a response, he got a loud bang from the door.

He continued humming that random song. He actually liked it. He imagined some fitting drums to it, and trying to get off the melody, he turned on the television. He didn't know why he had bought one, since he never watched it. Maybe some documentary film that was interesting enough, but the TV's only purpose right now was to entertain his secretary. That's why he was rather surprised when pressing the button, the screen received him with a vivid image of a blonde man. He was more surprised to hear the melody he had been singing playing in the background.

"Aaaah! Sh-Shizuo-sama!" A lot of persons screamed.

Izaya was looking at the news.

"Shizuo Heiwajima, the famous magician, returns to his home city." A woman's voice informed in the background. "His loyal fans have been excited to hear of his return. After being four years absent, the handsome young man has returned to stage with a new name. Still, many of his old fans recognized him and have returned to him."

A tall young man, not much older than Izaya himself was kind of smiling at the camera. He wore a fancy cloak, but his clothes weren't as fancy as he would have expected from a magician. They were still elegant, though. What impressed him most was his face. He was rather handsome, and his expression reminded him of someone.

"Bleh…a magician for kids." He said as he turned off the TV. But too bad for him, he couldn't stop singing that magical song.

Author's note: Sorry if it seems that I'm writing Shikizaya. I actually don't like that pairing, but if there are hints of it, don't worry, because it is meant to be Shizaya. Shiki belongs (in my opinion) to Akebayashi. So anyway, hope you liked it.