"I am Aang. I am the last Airbender. I am the Avatar. I defeated Fire Lord Ozai. I love a Firebender named Zuko and he loves me. I am Aang. I am the last Airbender. I am the Avatar. I defeated Fire Lord Ozai. I love a Firebender named Zuko and he loves me. I am Aang. I am the last Airbender. I am the Avatar. I defeated Fire Lord Ozai. I love a Firebender named Zuko and he loves me." Aang repeated the words repeatedly to herself. They were the only things that kept her sane as she trudged through this frozen wasteland.
Avatar Roku had told her that there was a way to defeat Fire Lord Ozai, to end the war, without killing him. She could take away his bending…but she would have to pay a price. If she took away Ozai's bending she wouldn't be able to see Zuko for seven years. She'd thought that meant she would be blind for seven years, or something. If she had known she'd have to wander alone in this frozen hell for seven years, she would have just killed the bastard. She would have felt guilty, probably would have had nightmares…but she would be with Zuko. With her friends. She wouldn't have just vanished. The last thing she remembered before she woke up freezing cold in a snow bank was blue light shooting towards the sky. The blue light that took Ozai's bending away from him. The same damn blue light that dropped her in a frozen desert.
How long had she been wandering? She had no idea. She was taller. And her hair was longer. How much longer, she had no idea. It was one big matted tangle. Her breasts had developed from almost nonexistent bumps to being full and round. Her waist had gotten much smaller, too. She knew that meant she was at least a teenager, so it had at least been a few years. She hoped it had been close to seven. That meant she could go home soon.
She had made a parka like Katara's out of whatever animals she could catch. That and her firebending were the only reasons she was still alive. Well, that and the fact that she'd eaten the animals she'd caught. It had taken a little trial and error. Figuring out when the meat was cooked enough that she wouldn't get sick when she ate it, how to treat the hides so they didn't smell, attract huge white creatures like Bosco, or rot. The meat had still made her feel a little sick at first.
The only bright spot of her exile was the spirits. It was harder to get them to talk to her than the ones back home were, but it was better than nothing. She'd learned to avoid the one the others called the 'Windigo', though. That one was dangerous. Her firebending had saved her life then, too.
"Osulf! Kig der I sneen! Er det en person?" ("Osulf! Look there in the snow! Is that a person?" Danish) She lifted her head slowly. The spirits she'd encountered spoke a language that she could understand. She hadn't understood a word of what that man had said. He also didn't sound like any of the spirits she'd talked to.
"Du kan have ret, Haldor. Hej! Hvad bringer dig hele vejen herop?" (You might be right, Haldor. Hello! What brings you all the way up here?") Aang stared at where the voices were coming from. It was a huge ship, even bigger than the Fire Nation prison ship she had helped Katara rescue Haru from. She had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't even noticed it! She ran lightly over so that she was closer to the ship. People! Finally!
"My name's Aang! I'm lost. Can you help me?" The two figures on deck looked at each other.
"Forstod du et enkelt ord, hun sagde bare, Osulf?" ("Did you understand a single word she just said, Osulf?")
"Nej, hun lyder som om hun har brug for hjaelp, selv om." (No. She sounds like she needs help, though.")
"Unge dame! Bo lige der! Vi vil ned for at hjaelpe dig i et minut." ("Young lady! Stay right there! We'll be down to help you in a minute.") Both figures vanished from the railing. Were they going to leave here there?
"Wait! You can't just leave me here!" She backed up a few steps. It had been a long time since she jumped that high. And she had never tried in a parka. She made it, though. Both men stared at her in shock.
"Vidste du det? Hun sprang naestan halvtreds meter lige op! Hvad nu hvis hun ikke er menneskelige, Haldor? Hvad gjorde vi bare lod med vores skib?" ("Did you see that? She jumped almost fifty straight up! What is not human, Haldor? What did we just let on our ship?")
"Naturligvis er hun menneske! Hvad ellers ville hun vaere?" (Of course she's human! What else would she be?") The first man sounded scared. Maybe just jumping onto the ship wasn't the best idea in the world. She'd heard the second man call him 'Haldor' several times. Maybe that was his name. It was worth a shot.
"Haldor? I'm sorry I scared you. I didn't mean to." He shrieked. 'Spirits,' Aang thought, 'he shrieks even shriller than Sokka!"
"Den kender mit navn! Det skal vaere en slags daemon!" ("It knows my name! It must be some sort of demon!") He pulled a strange object from under his coat. A deafening noise erupted from it, along with a bright flash of light. Pain slammed through her, radiating out from her stomach. Aang fell to her knees, confused. Where was the blood coming from? He hadn't touched her, and there wasn't any arrow. Now the second man looked horrified. He grabbed the strange thing from the first man's hands.
"Din idiot! Du skudt hende! Det vil vaere okay, unge dame. Jeg henter hjaelp. Haldor! Hent laegen! Nu!" (You idiot! You shot her! It will be alright, young lady. I'll get you help. Haldor! Fetch the doctor! Now!") Her vision was going dark around the edges now.
"Hold ud, unge dame. Hjaelpen er naesten her. Hvad er 'Zuko'?" (Hold on, young lady. Help is almost here. What is 'Zuko'?") Aang tried to answer, but she couldn't muster the strength.