So I just wanted you and I to know how long this takes me due to my laziness to write this I am starting this on Tuesday September 4, 2012. Now look at today's date it's probably well past it but if not it is because I really want to get it done. I am working on an unpublished one right now as you're well aware if you bother reading these I want to finish it before it post so I can push it out. Anyways on with the story…UPDATE Yeah I know but in this time I have gotten a new job which was very exciting and busy!

Hermione had a knot in her stomach they were leaving for the burrow. She would be at the Weasley's until they came back after the New Year. She looked at her endless bag shrinking and stuffing items into it. She was nervous about staying over. Of course Hermione knew Molly and the rest of the family very well but this was the first time she would be there since she and Ron had sex. She knew it was stupid to think but she was afraid Molly would know. She was also afraid of with the many people in the house that she and Ron would have 0 privacy for the next month they were off. She put the last thing in her bag and looked over to Ginny.

As Ginny put items in her trunk Hermione began to ask questions.

" How do you think your mother feels about us all being together you know me and Ron and you and Harry?"

Ginny was caught off guard with the question. "What do you mean mum loves you I think sometimes more than she loves Ron." Ginny said jokingly. "If you're talking about us sleeping in the same rooms, I'm really unsure, I mean it will be so weird I think Harry's room has more stuff in it than this room does."

"I know same way, should we say something?" Hermione questioned

"NO, just if you want to stay Ron we'll just flip flop like always and if mom notices she won't say anything I don't think so anyways. I think she knows what goes on here, but she doesn't want to think about it" Ginny laughed."

Hermione nodded her head and helped Ginny with the rest of her stuff.

They arrived to the burrow and the as soon as Ron came through the door the Weasley clan was there to greet them all. Hermione was hugged and has several kisses on her cheeks and forehead. She knew then it would be a long month.

Ginny just smiled at the family ready to be done with the fan fair of being home. She grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him up the stairs before anyone could start asking the 10000 questions everyone was bound to ask. Ron had done no such thing with Hermione so Ginny came back for Hermione as well and they left Ron to talk to everyone.

Hermione, Harry and Ginny sat on Ginny's bed it was the first time they could all take a breath. It was as if they all were thinking the same thing this is going to be hard to get used too.

Ron kept answering several questions about school, about the upcoming holidays and of Severus Snape and the baby on the way buy Ron answered quick short answers and then he too joined the three on the bed who tried to plan out the holidays.

The month passed very slowly at 11:00pm every night Hermione and Harry would trade places as quietly as they could. Every night they would worry about getting caught, but it seemed that no one noticed or no one said anything that was until 8 days later. Hermione was super nervous that night almost like she knew something bad would happen.

Ginny and Harry where going laying bed together, Harry was playfully tickling her and Ginny was squirming around. Suddenly George came into the room with Fred screaming "Ginny Hermione will you test this for us." Ginny and Harry had no time to react as the door opened and Fred and George were screaming. George and Fred suddenly stopped when they realized that Harry not Hermione was in the room.

"Well I don't know what to say" George said. "I mean honestly I would say carry on but this is my sister and I really don't want to know what you're going to do you do realize Ginny isn't of age and you really. . ." "George, Fred, nothing is going on okay, look all our clothes are on it is okay nothing is going on and even it was it is okay. " Fred looked over at them. " I do not want to be an uncle any time soon." Fred said. "Well then you better go talk to Hermione Ron while you're at it too!"

"HERMIONE and RON !" Fred gasped. "Yeah, where do you think Hermione is?" Ginny ask. "Please don't tell your mum and dad." Harry pleaded.

" We won't say anything but so help me if mom and dad find out you guys are going to be in so much trouble! Could you imagine what mom and dad would say?" Fred ask.

"I know, but mom and I sort of already had a talk and I think she sort of knows what is going on but I would just rather her not hear that it really is happening let her think what she wants okay?"

"Yeah I guess but now you have to try this new product we made!"

Ginny agreed to just so they would leave them alone it was a cola which was dark she drank the the sweet liquid and she waited. She didn't feel anything. "Whats supposed to be happening?" Ginny ask.

"Well we decided to give you the light brown color it should give you a tan, but we also made other colors as well you know to trick someone, or you could by it to give yourself a tan. Ginny flipped on the lights to see a sunkissed glow on her body. She wasn't complaining she liked the color it gave to her skin.

"And how long does this last?" Ginny ask. "Well you see we right now only a day or two but if you drink more the longer you'll have it will build up in your system if you drink one a day for a week you'll stay tan for about a month, but of course were going to tone it down for our more um unusual colors." George had said.

"Well were off tinkering, we don't want to hear any noises up here like we said no baby Potters anytime soon!" Fred said.

"Oh sod off will you!" Ginny said as she closed her door back and put a silencing charm around the room.

The days hurried by after that night, no one had said a word about the sleeping arrangements but sometimes Fred would elbow Ron and ask if he slept well. The first few times Hermione blushed but got over it quickly she was right there would be no privacy in this home and she had no idea how anyone could keep a secret in this house. As the days went by Christmas eve was approaching and in all the chaos and bodies in the house everyone would be trying to find hiding places for the gifts they had bought.

Christmas came and passed the usual singing, and of course the inevitable Weasley jumper was given out. The 4 were out the door before they knew time had even passed, it seemed as if only a day or so had transpired but here they were back to finish the last little bit of their life at Hogwarts.

Hermione was quite as she was on the train she was thinking about what to do next. She had so many steps of what was next in her head, anywhere from being an apprentice to staying at home a while, maybe even learning some muggle education. She was day dreaming of the foursome living together in Grimmold, all doing different things but coming back at the end of the day to each other.

"Hermione, do you want some sweets?" Harry ask. She shook her head before his words actually hit her brain to understand them. It effectively took her out of the dream and thinking back to Hogwarts.

"I can't believe this is the last time we'll be on this train to Hogwarts!" Ginny said. "I know I thought we'd never get out of this place!" Ron said. Hermione slapped his arm and Harry giggled as Ron rubbed the red patch.

When they arrived back and were eating at the feast Ginny smiled up at the very large belly of soon to be . She was happy that her final year has been one of peace. And she thought about how She couldn't wait for that to be and her and Harry, but at the same time she could. She was glad she had been through everything she was glad Harry was beside her and Hermione Granger was soon going to be a sister.