Disclaimer: If I owned Bleach, I wouldn't be writing this…

Entry 3

I am considered by most to be a very grouchy and irritable person. But, no matter how old I am in my mind, I have to remember that people (especially those "older" than me) do not like to be reprimanded by (what they assume to be) a seventeen year old boy. I was in the supermarket (doing some grocery shopping for Yuzu) when this woman who appeared to be in her late forties, cut in front of a young mother with three little kids one line over from me. The poor young woman was too busy trying to get her toddlers to behave that she didn't notice the other woman. So, being the knight in shining armor that I am, I stepped in.

"Excuse me, ma'am. I think that nice lady was there before you. Why don't you go around her and wait your turn."

For some reason, I actually expected her to listen to me. I think it was my hopeful inner sixty-seven year old. However, seeing as I only appear to be seventeen, the woman's response wasn't very polite.

"You little shit. Do you have any idea what I have been through this week? Too fucking much, that's what! Now I don't need some smart-ass kid like you telling me what to do!"

Well. And I thought I was bitter.

Then she turned back to her stolen place in line.

Ok, I will admit that I have a temper. A pretty bad one. So this lady wasn't gonna talk to me like that. Little hooligan thinkin' she's all tough and important. She's only forty…something…..several…decades older than me…ah nuts.

I think I will leave this one alone.