~Warfang High~
I've finally come back to write the second chapter of Warfang High. But hopefully it will be worth the wait.
Disclaimer: I do not own Spyro or any of the characters. I only own my OCs
If you don't like my story, then just don't read it. There are plenty of other FanFics you can read.
~Chapter 1: Late Arrivals~
"Those moles sure did a remarkable job with the details," Volteer said as he was looking at the memorial for Spyro and Cynder, "They look almost alive, as if they could walk right off that stand right now."
"I don't know," Cyril replied skeptically, "I think they may have made Spyro look a bit fat," he added bluntly.
"Of course Spyro's muscular body would seem bulky next to the slim figure of Cynder," Terrador stated.
"Big, bold, and blue is right," Sparx said as he arrived with a sad smile, "Spyro's just fat. He always has been in life...and in death," he added the last part solemnly.
"Sparx, what are you doing back here?" Terrador asked.
"Mom and dad thought that going to this school would be a good experience for me," Sparx said, "It won't be the same without Spyro though."
"Well then, I suppose we will have to get you a room then," Volteer said.
"We can't do that," Cyril said, "All of the rooms are filled. Some of the students even had to have roommates with others because of the lack of rooms."
"Then that just means we have to accommodate him in a room with another student," Volteer said.
"In English please," Sparx said, unable to understand Volteer's vocabulary.
"What he means is that we will have to put you in with a roommate," Terrador said.
"Then why doesn't he just say that?" Sparx asked. Then he was taken to one of the rooms.
"We should get ready to welcome the students," Terrador said, "We will be starting classes tomorrow. For today, everyone will be able to get to know each other, as well as the instructors."
"Is there still a position open for English teacher?" A voice asked from behind the guardians. It was a sapphire dragoness with a white underbelly and orange dorsal spines, "Sorry to suddenly arrive unannounced. My name is Dragonfire."
"Wait, aren't you from the city of Mobia?" Cyril asked.
"How could you tell?" Dragonfire asked.
"The shape of your head," Cyril said, "All dragons from Mobia have uniquely shaped heads."
"Well, you're right," Dragonfire said, "I'm actually here to keep and eye on Broc. I figured if I take the position as an instructor, I could do so easily."
"Broc..." Volteer said as he thought out loud, "Isn't he the black dragon with the bat-like wings? We decided to give him his own room. He looks like someone who would...well...prefer to be alone."
"That's him alright," Dragonfire commented, "He's not a bad dragon though. He's just misunderstood. However, he does have a bit of a temper. So I'm here to make sure that if he loses his temper, he won't hurt anyone."
"Well, alright," Terrador said, "You can be the English instructor."
"But I was looking forward to teaching these young ones some proper grammar," Cyril complained.
"Fine. If it means that much to you, we'll add a literature class that you can teach," Terrador compromised.
The guardians along with the new instructors headed out to the gardens where they would meet the students and tell them the details of each class.
"Aviarus is officially late," Cyril commented, "Once that slacker arrives, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind."
"Well, you know how he likes to make an entrance," Penumbra pointed out.
"The only way someone can make an entrance is to actually enter!" Cyril exclaimed in frustration.
"Think of it this way. Aviarus is still the same as he was all those years ago," Penumbra said, "Aviarus is simply a child at heart. And that's not going to change."
"That's exactly why he has not right being a guardian," Cyril grumbled, "He's childish and irresponsible."
"I have actually deduced from Aviarus's personality is that his childish nature is quite deceptive," Volteer said, "He may have a childish nature. But irresponsible he is not."
"Volteer is right, and you know it," Terrador said, "It may seem that he puts fun first. But when it comes to his responsibilities, they will always come before fun."
"Of course, if he can combine responsibility and fun, he will," Penumbra said.
"He's just a slacker!" Cyril growled, "He claimed he loved her, but he didn't save her!"
"Ah, so that's what it is," Terrador said, "You are angry at Aviarus because he loved your sister, but was not able to save her from her accident."
"You know Cyril, being her older brother means you were supposed to protect her as well," Penumbra said, "So that makes you just as liable for her accident as Aviarus. But neither you nor Aviarus could've prevented it. If it wasn't for Nightshade, we wouldn't have even known that she was still alive."
"Listen. We are going to introduce ourselves and give everyone their class schedules in twenty minutes," Terrador said, changing the subject, "That means that Aviarus still has twenty minutes to show up."
"In other words, I have twenty minutes to prepare to lecture him," Cyril said.
Twenty minutes have passed. And as Cyril expected, Aviarus wasn't there.
"Welcome everyone to Warfang High! I am Terrador," Terrador said in his signature booming baritone voice, "I will be your principal. I will also be instructing battle training and physical education."
"Hello to all of you young ones. You may address me as Volteer," Volteer said with his long-winded breath, "I will be taking on the role of co-vice principal. I will also be your instructor for historical studies and mathematics."
"I am your other co-vice principal, Cyril," the ice guardians said, "I will also be your instructor for elemental training."
"Only one class?" A somewhat cocky voice said.
"Who said that?" Cyril demanded, "I demand that you show yourself IMMEDIATELY!"
"Don't get you scales all in a bunch," the dragon said as he stepped out of the shadows. He was the silver dragon, Alec. He had a serious expression on his face with a cold look in his eyes that could even make Malefor himself shiver. His emotionless demeanor was bone chilling, "The less time I have to spend with a teacher of a class that's useless to me, the better."
"What do you mean useless?" Cyril scowled, "I could teach you to control you powers in a way that could put most adult dragons to shame!" Alec however just ignored what Cyril said and just walked away, "Don't you walk away while I'm talking to..."
"Just let it go, Cyril," Penumbra interrupted, "He's not intentionally getting under your scales, it's just how he is."
"And what makes you say that?" Cyril asked, finally calming down.
"Because for several years now, I've been watching over him...studying his behavior," Penumbra explained, "He has a past that torments him. He would do anything to forget his past, but it will always torment him. His serious emotionless personality is only a facade. But it's not by choice. He can feel emotion, but he's unable to express it. Would it make you feel better if I take responsibility for him from now on?"
"A tormented past?" Terrador questioned, "It sounds similar to Cynder's situation."
"However, if you are going to compare Alec with Cynder, you will have to take into consideration the fact that Cynder had a companion to assist her," Volteer said.
"That's right," Terrador said, "If I understand you correctly, then it sounds like Cynder and Alec both had bad pasts. The only difference is that Cynder had a friend. If Spyro wasn't there to be her friend, He'd probably be just like Alec."
"Alright, as long as you can control him," Cyril said, "But I highly doubt that his past anywhere near as bad as Cynder's."
'You'd be surprised how alike they really are.' Penumbra thought to herself.
As the other instructors introduced themselves, another dragon walked away from the crowd in the same direction that Alec walked in. It was the sun dragoness, Sienna. And something seemed to catch her interest.
After a few minutes of walking, she found what she was searching for...Alec. He was just sitting there, emotionless, expressionless, almost lifeless. If it wasn't for the fact that he was still breathing, Sienna could've mistaken him for being dead.
"Are you okay," Sienna asked a little nervously.
"I'm fine," Alec said in a serious tone, not even turning around.
"I think that something is wrong," Sienna said, "In fact, I don't think even you believe what you said." Sienna had a talent for seeing through the shell of emotions that someone expresses and see what they're really feeling on the inside. Alec had caught Sienna's attention because of how hard it was to see what was on the inside. But she could see something was there.
"You're having difficulty seeing what I'm feeling on the inside, aren't you?" Alec said, surprised that he knew what she was doing, "If it's so difficult for you to see, then how can you be certain that what you see on the outside isn't really how I feel?"
"Because if someone is showing on the outside how they truly feel, I wouldn't be able to see anything on the inside because there would be nothing hidden to see," Sienna argued. But something else got her attention, "But how did you know that I..."
"The life element," Alec answered, interrupting Sienna, "I am aware of all life energy around me. I would probably tell you things about yourself that not even you know about. I know that your a sun dragoness...with a unique scale coloration. Even for sun dragons, it's rare for the color of their scales to match that of the time of day. In the middle of the day...like right now, your scales are a bright yellow, just like the sun. As the sun rises and sets, your scale color changes to match the color of the sky at those times. In the middle of the night, your scales are a navy blue to match the night sky. I also know that your energy is stronger during the day than at night, and on a sunny day rather than a cloudy day."
Sienna was surprised that Alec was able to go into such detail. But most of it was common knowledge, "Well...everyone knows that a sun dragons energy is stronger when it's sunny," Sienna said, "And you could've found information on my kind of sun dragon and how my scales change color."
"I could've," Alec said in his monotone voice, "But then how would I know all that about you if we just met now? I don't even know your name." This seemed to get Sienna thinking. "I also know that it's more than just being stronger in the sun. I also know that sun dragons like you are in fact reliant on the sun for energy. If the sun were to be permanently blocked out, you would die. I also know that it's different with an eclipse. During an eclipse, a sun dragon like you would temporarily transform into a shadow dragon. And during an eclipse like during the eclipse of The Eternal Night..." The mention of this caused Sienna to gasp. "...you would become a pure evil shadow dragon." For the first time, Alec turned to look at Sienna with a serious expression on his face, seeing the fear on her face. "That happened to you during the Eternal Night, am I right?"
Sienna could only squeak out, "...yes..."
"And that event severely traumatized you, didn't it?"
"I had to go to therapy after that night," Sienna whimpered, "I nearly killed my little sister that night. If the Eternal Night didn't end and I didn't revert back when I did..."
"You'd be an only child now," Alec finished, "But you...and your little sister...are lucky. Compared to what I did to my sister, death would've been considered as showing mercy." Alec then turned away, "Now if you don't mind, I would prefer to be left alone."
Disappointed that she couldn't get through to Alec, Sienna began to walk back. But then she turned around, "By the way, my name is..." But Alec was already gone...almost as if he vanished. But before she could think about it, she noticed a dragon flying incredibly fast toward the school.
"There was one more instructor who was supposed to introduce himself," Cyril said, "But he decided not to show up." Cyril spoke about the missing instructor with hatred for his tardiness.
"Then without anymore delay, we will now hand out your..." Terrador said before being interrupted by a sudden crash into the temple. Out of the ruble that had fallen to the ground behind the guardians climbed a faded green dragon with sky blue wings and underbelly, amber eyes, and two thin golden horns that curved down the back of his head and extended down the length of his neck.
"I guess I should learn watch where I'm flying," the dragon said as he clumsily made his way out of the ruble, "I'm not late am I?"
"As a matter of fact..." Cyril said. But he was cut off before he could finish his statement.
"Good. Now let me introduce myself. My name is Aviarus," the dragon named Aviarus said, "I will be your instructor for Aerial Tactics."
"Oh great," One of the students said in a sarcastic tone. It was Spira, "We're being taught Aerial Tactics by an eccentric dragon who can't even fly straight."
"So you think you can teach Aerial Tactics better than me?" Aviarus asked.
"I think that an ape could teach Aerial Tactics better than you," Spira replied, "I refuse to be taught by someone who doesn't even know what he's doing."
"Well, if you think you're really better than me, how about for the fist class, everyone will watch while the two of us have an aerial battle," Aviarus suggested.
"Even if you did know what you were doing, I am a legendary purple dragon after all," Spira said, "I could manage to take on the guardians if I wanted. I wouldn't want to get in trouble for injuring an instructor."
"Isn't it considered as cowardly to make excuses in order to back down from a challenge?" Aviarus asked.
"I'll accept on one condition," Spira said, "That I will NOT be held accountable for any injuries I may inflict on you."
"Agreed," Aviarus said, agreeing to the conditions, "But if you lose, then you'll have to write an essay."
"What kind of essay?" Spira asked.
"I'll let you know when the time comes," Aviarus said. Spira, obviously having nothing to worry about, agreed.
"I'll be sure to prepare some red gems for then," Penumbra said.
"Well, not that everyone has been introduced, we will begin handing out you class schedules," Terrador said, picking off where he left off before Aviarus crashed into the temple, "Each of your classes are assigned with your preferences in mind. You have been given the option to choose your own extra curricular activities."
"We were pleased with most of your choices," Cyril continued, "Though there were some of you that we would have liked to see better results." He then lowered his voice to say, "One in particular." He then raised his voice once again to continue, "But...unfortunately...it is not our place to judge."
"Because we have made today for all of you to converse and socialize to get to know each other, classes will not start tomorrow," Volteer said, "Classes will start the day after tomorrow. So until then, everyone enjoy yourselves." With that said, the guardians began handing out everyone's class schedules. Once they were all handed out, they went back inside.
The rest of the students just mingled with each other, getting to know each other as they did so.
That night, two young dragons landed at the front gate of the temple. The darkness hid their coloration and appearance. But there were noticeable traits about them. One of them was a male and the other a female. They seemed to be in their early teens. The male's eyes were an amethyst color, and the female's eyes were an emerald color.
The young dragons seemed to be quite exhausted. They had been flying for a while now. But now that they were at their destination, they could finally rest. But before they headed inside, they noticed the statues of Spyro and Cynder.
"According to the guardians, those two dragons died saving the world from the Dark Master," a young playful voice said. The two dragons turned to where the voice came from and saw a shadow dragon laying on top of the Ignitus statue, "Why don't you two read the inscriptions."
The female then read the inscription on the Spyro statue, "Spyro: The savior with a heart of gold. His kindness was so powerful that he was capable of pulling the dark dragoness, Cynder from the darkness. He kept serious focus in the heat of battle, and a positive perspective in the darkest of times. With his companion, Cynder, he was able to defeat the Dark Master and restore peace to the world. A hero among heroes, the legendary purple dragon, Spyro." The dragoness then turned to her friend, "I'd say that's a pretty accurate description."
"Personally, I think it was a little over done," the shadow dragon said, "And I think they should've told more about his life. But for a memorial, I'd say it's pretty decent. I don't think they got the wings quite right though."
"Let's see what the inscription for Cynder said," Spyro said, "Cynder: A creature who was born into darkness. She was raised to be 'the Terror of the Skies'. But when a light named Spyro shone through, it allowed her to break out of the darkness. She is a sign that in all darkness, there is always potential for light to shine through. A light in the shadows, the dark dragoness, Cynder." The dragon then turned to his friend, "I'd say that they should've added that Spyro couldn't have achieved success without Cynder's help."
"Well, it's not like you can blame the guardians for what they wrote down," the shadow dragon said, "After all, it's not like they actually saw what happened in Malefor's fortress, did they?" Although the mysterious shadow dragon was playful, there was something suspicious about how he said that last part.
I've finally got around to finishing chapter 2! If you haven't figured out yet who the two dragons who arrived at the end are, then you're idiots. Nah, I kid about that. But seriously, I think it should be obvious, since it's basically a revised version of the original version.
It may be a while before I get around to finishing the next chapter. So please just bare with me. For those of you who have been patient, I thank you for that.
~The Angel of Darkness, Alec~