Wordlessly, Neku closed the door to his room and flopped onto his bed. He wasn't quite sure what happened, only that, were he Beat, he would be going something like, "BWAAAAAAH!" right now. But he was Neku, and it's a well-known fact to the scientific community that Nekus are Nekus and Beats are Beats and aside from the number of letters in their names, there's not much similarity between them.

It was only after an hour of rolling over, trying to fall asleep, did he remember what Josh had said. Neku fell artlessly off his bed and stuck an arm underneath it to see what he could find. There wasn't much under there: a couple CDs, a few trading cards, a box of old grade school stuff, a sock or two. He felt no headphones, but eventually his fingers made contact with a piece of paper. He pulled it out to see what it was.

The pink Post-It note read:

"Dearest Neku,

One would not be far off were you to compare, say, trust, to products made in China. Both can be found very easily and for relatively cheap price, but both are just as easily broken. Also sometimes trust gets one's panties in a bundle, kind of like mass-produced, factory-made Chinese finger traps, which are fun to play with and have stripes on them. (Stripes are my favorite, you see.)

And so, it is in a conscious misunderstanding of trust and the maintenance thereof that I have fibbed about the location of your missing possessions, one set of headphones, and will see you tomorrow at the beach if you wish to receive them.


P.S. Just us this time."


Also Sho was a douchebag to more children.