There turned out to be a use for the horrid blankets Gamlen gave them after all and that was to keep their activities quiet, though there wasn't much Hawke could do about Carver cursing and moaning the way he was. If he didn't know that Carver frequented The Blooming Rose, mostly due to Isabella keeping tabs on him and informing him of Carver's night time activities, the mage would have sworn his brother was a virgin just because of how responsive he was to his touches. Seeing Carver so eager was rather endearing really, especially since he had gone to the brothel himself and Carver just happened to be in the other room with someone and Hawke had never heard him moan the way he was.

Hawke leaned down to press his lips against Carver's Adam's apple and sucked gently, his large hands running along Carver's naked, chiseled chest and down to push his pesky armor leggings off. Neither seemed concerned with the blood that bound them as they kissed and touched each other, and the bright-eyed boy's pride seemed forgotten when he willingly, though with a bit of hesitation, wrapped his legs around Hawke's waist and pulled him closer. He hated to sound cliché, but Hawke couldn't help but think their bodies molded together perfectly just as their lips did. Every eager touch and kiss continued to make Hawke drunk, like the finest wine in Fenris' collection. So sweet and addictive, Hawke knew that he wouldn't be able to give Carver up even if, or rather when, the young man grew tired of him.

Calloused hands made quick work of the Hawke's shirt and the distinctive sound of fabric tearing filtered through his ears, making Hawke forget his task of bruising Carver's neck to admire his ruined shirt. "You know, this was one of my favorite shirts."

"It's your fault for not taking it off sooner."

"Is that why you took your shirt off so quickly?" Hawke teased and pulled away to undo the lacing of his trousers, pointing out how counterproductive it was to have his legs around his waist already as it hindered his quest in being as gloriously naked as Carver, despite how cute the gesture was, which sparked a glare in those stormy blue eyes.

"You also should have taken your pants off sooner."

So blunt, even when in the middle of something like this. He mused as he kicked his pants off, something that took more time than it should have because his hands were shaking so horribly from it all, and to appease the young warrior after what was said and done, Hawke lowered his mouth to his chest and drew one of Carver's taut nipples into his mouth. The simple act drew a loud gasp and weak moan from the young man and Hawke couldn't help but smirk as he continued to tease the hard nubs for a few moments longer before he moved back up Carver's body to capture his lips again. The short quest made the boy shiver beneath him and when he pulled away to catch his breath Hawke learned why.

"Your hair is too long, it tickles." Carver mumbled, almost too softly for Hawke to hear, and turned his head to the side, the faintest of blushes staining his cheeks and Hawke had to fight the urge to openly coo at how cute Carver was when he was modest.

"It's all the more for you to pull, my dear."

"You – would you just stop talking and get it on with?"

"Well, since you asked nicely…" Hawke smiled and reached toward their discarded clothing, blindly searching for the vile of oil he could have sworn he had in his pant pocket. As it turned out, however, he found the vile in Carver's pants and when he looked at his little brother in question, Carver's cheeks flushed. "My, my, Carver. Did you know this would come in handy?"

"Shut up, bastard." Carver muttered and before Hawke could say something else, Carver asked him a very good question and one he didn't expect to be asked. "What position do you want me in to – well, you know…"

I wonder just how hard this is for him. Hawke thought suddenly and his stance in it all almost wavered, even as he kissed Carver and guided him onto his knees. For a brief moment he considered was he was doing as he pressed soft, comforting kisses to the back of Carver's shoulders but his hands moved strong and surely as to not alert to the young man to his sudden thoughts. Hawke promised Carver pleasure as he pushed one, then two, generously oiled fingers into Carver, while his mind promised guilt. Just where did his confidence from a few minutes go?

Hawke knew exactly where it had fled to, even as he removed his fingers and stroked the oil over his hard cock. His cocky attitude left him the moment Carver made it clear that he was willing to give up everything to him. "Shit." Both brothers bit out as Hawke slowly sheathed his cock deep inside of Carver. Hawke almost felt bad for the fact that the pleasure of being surrounded by such ridiculously tight, hot heat had been enough to shove all negative thoughts out of his head. For surely there was nothing sinful about what they were doing; only how lovingly Carver clenched around him and his brother moaned, not from pain, but from pleasure.

"What are you waiting for?" Carver panted after a moment, his head to look at him and Hawke swore Carver wanted to test his stamina by looking at him with those lustful eyes that also held anger for his brother to even assume that he was made of glass and needed to be treated kindly in bed. "Move already."

Not one to question when beautiful men gave him an order in the bedroom, Hawke began to move his hips until he find the perfect angle and pace that had Carver leaving marks in the wood floors and cursing him to hell and back. Hawke took each cursed moan as a compliment and gave his own, though his were much sweeter. As he fisted Carver's cock in rhythm with his hips, he traced the scars on the warrior's back with his tongue, murmured husky praise in his ear, which never failed to make Carver shudder against him.

Hawke made Carver come by sucking on the skin behind his ear and pinching his left nipple with a particular hard thrust and Hawke was sure he had never heard a more beautiful sound than the moan that tore from Carver's throat as he reached orgasmic bliss. He followed soon after, though rather than paint the walls of Carver's passage as he so wanted he painted his back, which he leaned down to clean after, causing the young man beneath him to shudder again.

"So," Hawke started to say once they had both caught their breath and he was watching Carver dress. "How are we going to explain this to our lovely traveling companions? You know they'll figure it out, Anders, Fenris, Aveline, Varric, and Isabella especially."

Carver snorted and Hawke took it as a good sign that he wasn't freaking out over the fact that he had sex with his big brother. "Let them figure it out. That dwarf will make up his own story to how we came together, anyway."

"Touché." Hawke laughed and pushed himself up, stopping Carver short of pulling his shirt on by wrapping his arms around his waist, still wonderfully naked. "You know Anders, Fenris, and Isabella will be jealous of you."

"They should be, because I won't allow you to sleep with anyone else."

Hawke had just been about to point out how they'd also get a lecture from Aveline on morals when Carver's words registered in his mind. There was still a bit of unease about what he did, but he had to admit he felt reasonably better at Carver's possessive tone. "Is that so?" He asked with an amused smirk.

The body in his arms turned to look at him and Hawke felt his breath taken away by the fire in Carver's eyes. "Yes, that's so. And next time, brother, I expect to be able to pull your hair, so you better not cut it."

For a second time Hawke found himself just staring at Carver, though rather than lose confidence under his gaze, Carver this time seemed to grow more full of himself the longer his big brother was quiet. There would be a second time? And even more times at that with what he saw in Carver's bright blue eyes.

The Maker really does have a sense of humor. Hawke thought bemused, again not nearly as upset as he should have been about the whole being attracted to his younger brother thing. "I wouldn't dream of it."