Last chapter! It's alright, I guess, for my first multi-chaptered fic.

"Are you still there?" Finn asked softly when the other line was silent, and he was answered by a sharp intake of air. "Don't cry, Kurt," he whispered, arms suddenly feeling oddly empty. "Please, just let me come and see you."

"No, that's enough. I bent over backwards for you, and yeah, I probably pushed too hard. Instead of telling me to back off, you screamed at me like a homophobic prink. I don't have to be afraid of who I am here, so now you are the one who needs to back off."

The line went dead, and Kurt pulled his phone away to see that Finn had ended the call. Guilt panged his chest, and he lied down hoping to sleep of the stress. But when he woke, he felt more alone than ever.

Finn threw himself into his studies for once, and he sincerely enjoyed his classes until he started receiving math work. He remembered how Kurt would always volunteer to help.

A thought entered his mind, and he called Burt on a whim.

"Do you still have the tracker app?"

Monday was rough for Kurt. Not only did he have a presentation to give, but he had multiple designs to review with his professors. And when he came home that night, all he wished to do was lie down and rest for days, but when he opened the door to his apartment, a vase of roses sat on the corner table.

"Mercedes?" He called out wondering if she had somehow found out where he was, but her voice didn't respond back.

He proceeded to the kitchen where two long candles were lit and another vase of roses sat between them. Sitting delicately on a clear plate was a letter written in familiar script.


It seems as if you've been gone for ages. When you left, home wasn't home anymore. There was no one to fight with or disagree with. There was no one to correct me when I mispronounced a fancy food name. There was no one to help me with my homework. But most importantly, there was no one for me to bond with.

Burt misses you every day, and he always tells me to tell you that he loves you if I were to see you. He told me you called the other day, and you know he loves you too.


As Kurt continued to read through the letter, he didn't notice the approaching shadow cast upon the floor until long arms wound around his waist. The young man screamed; the last thing he had expected was to have someone in his apartment.

"Shush, Kurt, it's just me."

Kurt's frame rattled as he came down from his sudden panic high, and he twisted his neck to see Finn looming above him.

"What the hell are you doing here," Kurt hissed though he made no effort to tear away from the lazy embrace.

"I found the spare key under your doormat. Try to be a bit more original next time," Finn chuckled, the atmosphere sudden darkened when Finn continued."I never got the opportunity to apologize correctly. Nowadays, the very thought of you rattles me to my core, so, I…uh…" his eyes, dark in the dim room, flickered down to Kurt's luscious lips. He dropped his head, and their lips met in a tender embrace.

Kurt struggled for a moment, but Finn's tight arms did not yield. Eventually, his body leaned limply against the other's body, and he gave into Finn who deepened the kiss. Hands began to roam over clothing before Finn palmed the petite man's tight ass.

The shorter man broke away from the other's mouth to gasp, throwing his head back. Finn latched his mouth on the other's neck, suckling on the sweet crook of his neck.

"Finn…think about w- what you're d- doing," he panted.

"I am," he breathed against the soft skin. "I want you, Kurt. God, I want you so much. Do you want me, Kurt?"

The man was only silent for a moment before Finn pulled his earlobe between his teeth. "Yes!" Kurt yelled, clinging to man.

Threading his fingers through thick brown tresses, Finn reconnected their lips, stroking his tongue straight into the other man's hot mouth. He pushed him up against the wall, and Kurt surrendered, allowing Finn to slam his hands above his head before grinding hard against him.

Kurt turned so he faced the wall; he placed his palms on the wall and pushed his ass out in a tempting manner, and Finn gripped his hips before thrusting against him. Kurt moaned loudly, and Finn broke out of his haze.

"Bedroom," he puffed heavily. It wasn't the right time for rough sex. The man deserved to be loved correctly, so he followed him to the bedroom, striping of clothing on the way. Kurt turned back to man, hesitation stood in his eyes.


Kurt didn't understand himself. 'Why am I depriving myself of this? I wanted this before…'

"I hurt you, Kurt," he soothed, gently undressing the man who stood lost in his own thoughts. "Forgive me, Kurt."

"I…I forgive you," he whispered, touching his lips to Finn's. They fell to the bed with as a tangled twist, and Kurt ended up on top, looking down at the other man who was prepared with a condom and lube.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Finn nodded.

Slowly, Kurt sank down, and Finn squeezed his eyes shut and his fist around the man's hips to restrain from simply pushing in. The man whined; he was aware that it was going to hurt, but it burned within him. So, he wiggled to adjust, but Finn's cock brushed against his sensitive bundle of nerves.

"Fi- Finn! Please, more…"

Their tempo speed quickly, and Finn watched with amazed eyes as a drop of sweat ran down the smooth plane of Kurt's chest. In the dark room, light reflected across the slick skin, and Finn dug his hands into his petite hips while bucking his hips up to met flesh against flesh.

"Mailman, mailman, mail-

Kurt bent to kiss him heatedly and sloppily. "Let go for me, Finn."

With a deep gaze into blue orbs, Finn came with a yell and flash of white hot pleasure. Exhausted, Kurt fell to Finn's chest, but Finn pulled out to spoon against the man before taking the hard leaking cock into his hand.

With one hand in Finn's hair and the other wrapped in his sheets, Kurt moaned and shook while pleasure over came him when one of Finn's hands flicked the erect nipple and the other stroked a thumb over his slit.

A strangle cry of Finn's name slipped from Kurt's mouth, and he covered Finn's hand in spunk while the man gently stroked him down from his peak.

Though they were sticky and rather dirty, the men took comfort in each other and fell asleep together. When Kurt woke in the morning, he released a large breath of relief for long arms were still wound around him.

Finn, who was awake and smiled at the man's sigh before snuggling back into his embrace, pressed a kiss to the man's ear for he felt at home than he had in a long time.

Thank you to all of you who stuck with me. :) Please Review!