Hey !
So I've been getting a few emails lately of people following this story, which is crazy flattering and kind, especially after this long.
It's been 7 years since the last update, and I actually forgot how much time and energy I had put into this fic back in the day. I honestly could have sworn I wrote 2 or 3 chapters before abandoning it. But going back today and actually looking at it, and reading through all over again I'm wanting to do something with this.
I want to revise the chapters I currently have up, maybe add things, and actually continue this story. I don't remember where I was initially going with this story (sorry for the cliff-hanger, I'm the worst type of person), and I know for a fact I no longer have the story saved anywhere - the hard drive it was on died about 6 years ago. But I want to revisit and revise this a bit, so bear with me in the mean time. I'm sure all of you who have had this story faved/followed/etc are probably let down there's not a real update. But, I'm ... planning.
Thank you all seriously for the patience and the continued perusal of it. I hope what I can bring you gives you something worth sticking around for.