A/N: Hey, this is my first attempt on a NarutoXHinata fanfic. Please be patient with me.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto nor will i ever will.

Counsel Therapy

The blonde haired boy drank his just now made coffee. It was ten in the morning and he was relaxing in his office. His main job was to counsel stressed, tired, enraged, and confused patients. He loved his job dearly and he gets a high wage payment for his hard work. He looked out the window and saw the gloomy gray sky. It was the middle of November so it the leaves on the trees had fallen already. He saw a small figure walking towards the building he was in. He continued to watch but smacked his head on the window because it was in his way. He then heard a slight knock on the door. "Come in!" he yelled.

A girl with midnight blue hair walked in. He could see how shy she was since she didn't bother moving an inch away from the door. That's right. She made an appointment earlier Naruto thought and recalled when he got a phone call last night.

"Please come in." he said cheerfully. The girl silently walked in to the room. Please have a seat here." He said and gestured her to sit down on the nice soft black reclining chair.

"Hyuga-san, is it?" he asked and the girl nodded.

"What can I do for you today?" she smiled.

"W-Well, y-you, see, because of m-my s-shyness, I c-can't w-work p-properly."

"What do you mean you can't work properly?" he said as he began writing down notes.

"I-It's just that, I', too s-shy to f-function correctly, l-like t-talking to people. I s-stutter a lot. I-I want to b-be able to s-stop doing t-that, but n-no matter h-how many t-tongue twister s-sentences I s-say, I-I can't seem to s-stop stuttering."

Naruto finished scribbling and smiled a caring smile, "Well, it depends on what you're shy about…" Hinata gasped slightly when she saw the breath taking smile.

"E-Everything." She said and blushed a bit.

"Everything? Like…?" he said and leaned closer to her. Hinata tried to find some personal space that she had before, but thanks to the armrest there was none available. "L-Like, w-will they g0get mad a-at me if I s-say this, or a-are they going to b-betray me, or-"she stopped when she heard him chuckle. "W-What's s-so funny, Uzumaki-san?" she questioned.

"Please, call me Naruto, Hinata-chan." He said and Hinata's heart thumped once. "Now…" he said and leaned close to her, so close that Hinata shut her eyes. "It's more of a fear, than being shy." He said closely to her ear. He backed away quickly and at the same time, Hinata opened her eyes and turned towards him to see chuckling. "That's enough for today, Hinata-chan. tomorrow; if possible, U would like to come over to see a preview of your daily life." He said. "It's part of my job." He added.

"I-I see, y-you may c-come i-if you like then." She said.

"Then it's settled. I'll see you tomorrow, then." He said with a smile.

"Mm." she said quietly and walked out of his office gracefully. She walked back to her elegant five story apartment that wasn't too far away. She walked inside her apartment and sat down gently and noticed she was shaking. She took noticed of the increased heart beat. She told herself to calm down and to relax. It helped a bit. She checked the clock and noticed she was late for work. Yes, she worked for the Hyuga Corporation her father owned. She quickly got dressed and sped out the door, driving herself quickly to her destination.

Once arrived, everybody was hustling and bustling to get everything down. She found her office and was surprised to see a huge stack of paper. With a meltdown she quickly skims read the documents and scribbled her signature. It was at least two hours before she got all the papers signed. She looked at the clock. She had fifteen minutes before the meeting she was supposed to attend to start. She walked to the cafeteria and saw a long line of people waiting for their coffee to be ready. She decided to walk to the nearest café shop, which happens to be her favorite one and right across the street. She saw her good friend Sakura working there as a waitress. Her hair was gracefully put up in a bun while the remaining stray of hairs cascading down.

(A/N: you can go to google and type in Sakura Haruno kimono and you can see how her hair looked like)

"Ohayo (good morning), Hinata-chan." Sakura said. "The usual?"

"Y-Yes, please." She said and Sakura marked down her order and quickly attend the same very scary looking customer who had red hair that came to café every time he had a chance. After few minutes, Sakura came back to her with a sweet smell of vanilla coffee in her hand. She sat down across from her with a smile. Seeing Sakura smile made her smile every time she saw it. "How's work today, Hinata-chan?"

"B-Busy, but i-it was o-okay…" she said and sipped her cup.

"Well, we're doing okay today. It's hasn't been busy in a long time. We're getting enough customers barely to make it out alive."

"T-that's not r-really good, S-Sakura-san." She said.

"I know. If the customers don't show up, then we'll have to shut down in the next two months," she said with a sad smile.

"But!" she said really loudly even for her, "I-I don't want i-it to c-close…" the shy girl said.

"Neither do I… If things don't turn around soon, I'm going have to shut down." Sakura said and stared at the hollow restaurant except for the cooks in the back and three people including her sitting down. The man with red hair got up slowly and said, "Thank you for the meal… It was delicious." And walked out the door. Sakura quickly got up as Hinata did too. "S-Sakura, I h-have to go t-to a m-meeting. I'll p-pick you up t-tonight." She said. "Mm. Thanks." She said and continued to pick up the plates , bowls and cups left by the man. There was something like green paper hidden under the pile of dishes. It shocked Sakura. It was a fifty dollar tip! She stood there paranoid. Why would he leave a fifty dollar tip… I think he misread it and thought it was a five dollar bill… Yeah, he misread it…. He misread it… Sakura thought. She tucked in the fifty dollar bill in her apron and continued to clean up the mess. At least the person wasn't a messy eater, right?

The meeting lasted over hours and hours. Hinata started to fall asleep, but woke herself up by pinching her arm under the table. She checked the time and noticed it lasted on for at least eight hours. A new record settled by the meeting. The debate when on for another hour. Nine hours now. When they finished wrapping it up, Hinata stormed out of there and packed up all the documents she needed into her handy dandy briefcase and ran outside the building. Sakura was waiting outside for her. Sakura wore a nice long red coat with a pink scarf with sakura flowers on it.

"Gomen nasai (sorry), S-Sakura. T-The meeting took l-longer than ex-expected." She said and bowed down to a perfect ninety degree angle position.

"Its fine, Hinata-chan. You're a busy woman after all." Sakura said waving the whole situation off. "Let's get going. It's probably going to snow tonight." She said and looked up at the sky.

"Y-Yeah." And they both entered her nice looking car. "Hinata-chan. You know that man with red hair that always come to the café earlier today?"

"Y-Yeah, w-what about h-him?" she asked not taking her eyes off the road.

"Well, when he left, he left a really big tip." She said.

"H-How big?"

"Fifty bucks." She replied.

"T-That is quite b-big."

"Yeah, but I'm not going to keep it."

"T-Then what a-are you going t-to do with i-it?"

"Use it for the café restaurant." She said. "It will help the restaurant in a way."

"I-I hope so, S-Sakura." And she stopped the car.

"Thanks for driving me, Hinata-chan." She said and waved goodbye. Hinata smiled and waved goodbye as well. She then headed home to her apartment.

Sakura and she had been friends ever since Hinata stumbled upon her café. At that time she was all weary and tired and was in depression. Sakura gave her one of her best coffee which happens to be vanilla coffee and at that moment, she fell in love with it. She came by the café whenever she had the chance and ordered the usual. The cooks in the back adored her hard work and were always friendly, though she had never seen them before. She never had a car because she thought it was too much of a hassle to pay the overpriced gas money that harms the environment. She always took a taxi in exchange or ride with Hinata's car. Sakura worked hard every day to meet each month's dead time. At first the café was really popular and had many others working, but soon after the ice storm that blocked that certain area and had to be reconstructed, it taken nearly a year before it was finished. After that, everybody forgot about that restaurant on that street. It was big downfall to Sakura. She worked hard to come up with new recipes for the restaurant, but she gained nothing but blistered fingers.

She took her briefcase out and walked inside the building. She took the elevator and pressed the number five indicating the machinery to go to the fifth floor. She waited and heard a ding and went into the hallway. She slid the keys into her the keyhole and walked in. She sat her briefcase down and took a shower.

It was ten when she finished. She decided to work on some projects left by the company. There was a request that they do something about people's health, and to do some sort of therapy to encourage to protect their health. Hinata thought for a moment and suddenly the image of Naruto popped up. She shook her head and remembered that he was coming to see a preview of her daily life. She looked around her small but yet elegant apartment. There was nothing misplaced or anything except the pile of magazines on the coffee table. She organized them and looked around again. Perfectly spotless and clean. She looked out the window and saw that snow had started to fall. It was beautiful and white. The stars in the sky were covered by the clouds but the moon shone beautifully. Her phone was ringing. She quickly answered it. It was Sakura.

"Hinata-chan? What are you doing right now?"

"N-Nothing. J-Just watching the s-snow falling."

"Me too."

"W-Why did y-you call m-me, S-Sakura?"

"Nothing. Just… wanted to talk… That's all." She said but Hinata, for sure, she heard a hint of her voice cracked.

"A-Are y-you sure?" she asked really worriedly.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine, really." She said. Hinata was not convinced at all.

"W-What's w-wrong, S-Sakura?"

"R-Really, it's nothing." She said and for sure again, Hinata heard something like scrunch of paper.

"S-Sakura, today, I w-went to the c-counsel t-therapy, you m-mentioned l-last time…"

"Oh, you did?"


"How was it? Did it help."

"W-Well, it's j-just the b-beginning. W-We talked a-about a f-few things and h-he said t-tomorrow, t-that he w-would like to c-come over to see a p-preview of my d-daily life…"

"Oh, and…?"

"A-And… I l-let him… I-Is t-that o-okay?"

"Yeah, of course. I'm not coming over to your place anyways, so you're basically free to do anything for the morning…" Sakura said sounding like some mother letting her daughter doing whatever she wants with a boy.

"Y-Yes, I k-know, but…" she said at first. "but, h-he's…"

"He's what? Weird?"


"He's what then?"

"I-I don't k-know how to s-say it…"

"…You don't know how to say it?"


"Are you infatuated with him?" Sakura said really curious.

"M-Maybe…" she said and blushed madly when she heard the word 'infatuated'.

"Hinata-chan I have to meet him! You have work tomorrow right? Whenever you have time, come to the café with him, please."

"A-Alright." Hinata said and she heard Sakura giggled a bit over the phone.

"See you, tomorrow then, Hinata-chan." She said and the phone clicked and Hinata sat the phone down. She looked out the window and saw the streets were covered with blankets of snow. It was dazzling when she saw them glistening in the dark night under the street lamps. She looked back at her paper work and continued scribbling down her signatures while reading carefully at every contract slash document that she has. Her father would be really furious if she had signed a document that demanded something more of what they could afford. Her cousin Neji was not what you call on good terms. He hated her. He despised her, but he never harmed her. Only the verbal words did. He called her a failure. His most famous quote burned into her head. "Once a failure, always a failure. You can't change that." She shook her head violently and decided it was time for her to sleep. She headed to bathroom and brushed her teeth and got ready for bed.

So.. What do you think? Review please.