Third Period, Ms. Reed

If you were to be an animal, what would it be?

Probably a cat.

What is your favorite color?


If you were trapped in a large dome with no adults around and you had mutant powers, what would they be?

Um… what?

Of which of your two closest guy friends is the most attractive?

Dr—Um, neither. (Since I know Caine will look at my test somehow and think it's him. Which it's not… Because it's, um, neither…)

If a guy was a complete psychopath with a tentacle for an arm and loved to hurt people, would you still like him?

Well… depends if I liked him before that. But probably not, he sounds like an idiot.

Who is your favorite character on Jersey Shore?

Wtf is jersey shore?

Would you ever eat human meat?

Ew no, that's disgusting! What the hell kinds of questions are these?

Who is better; Spongebob, or Patrick?

Spongebob. Obviously.

Pirates or Ninjas?

Neither. Pirates stink and ninjas could be creepy stalkers.

What is your favorite genre of music?


Country or City?


Black or white?


Hang out with friends or tease other kids?


If you were trapped on an island, all alone, but could choose one thing or person to bring on the island with you, what would it be?

I don't know… Someone who would know how to get us food and stuff, I guess…

Have you ever hated someone?


Who was that person?

Drake Merwin. AKA, psycho.

What material thing would you miss most if you were suddenly cut off from the world and lost Internet, phones, power, etc.?

Probably phones. What's with these questions? Stupid…

Results will be given back the day after you fill this out. Thank you :)