Title: Rhythm Pet

Rating: M

Universe: Movie

Pairing: Soundwave/Dylan Gould

Word Count: 1,946

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers or anything affiliated with it.

Last chapter guys…it's been great. An enormous thank you to everyone who's kept up with this little story since the beginning, and a big thank you to those kind enough to review and keep me going with your great words. I appreciate it all, even the ones who didn't review, but read and enjoyed it along the way, because your enjoyment is what matters to me.


He keeps a constant sonar scope during recharges, and Dylan never catches on, no matter how many times he's tried to sneak up on him and failed.


Soundwave's body forms a silver aegis for him to hide under as a missile tears through their formerly secret outpost.


He tries to cross from lane to lane, to avoid what he thinks may be an Autobot, but they're on his tail without respite.


Punishment is swift and unmerciful, the Watch-Bot simply obeying, entering his nervous system, sending him into torturous spasms.


His reaction is almost virginal in a satisfying kind of way, all soft sounds and small resistances that are easily pushed aside.


His desk is disarranged and Laserbeak is glaring at him, claws scraping against the glass surface of where his computer once stood.


The Autobot attack leaves him with a fractured vertebrae in his thoracic spine, and he lays in bed with rainy eyes and nothing to say.


The record's sound is grainy and echoes, but when Dylan listens to his father's music he becomes tired and so content that a blush blossoms across his face.


The humans must take an antiviral every year, and it disgusts Soundwave how quickly the illnesses change and adapt on this planet.


The human is lying recumbent in his driver's seat, head resting on the window as they travel through the night on a lonely road.


Laserbeak's wile becomes less friendly and more cruel as the years pass, seeing Dylan no longer as an associate but as a tool.


They're dehumanizing the city and he can't watch, no matter how often he tells himself they won't kill everyone.


Their reunion is short and terse, Dylan's smile falling away and cleaned up by the façade of a businessman once Soundwave immediately begins to detail the plans.


Their planning will fulminate in a terrific assault, and the operative behind it all was the pin that held the joint together.


Dylan performs a backstroke down the swimming lane, staring up at the blinding sun as too many what if's and when's fill his head.


Watch-Bot's torture is unspeakably painful and slow, but once it is given the order to cease, it simply crawls back around his wrist and fastens itself on with a quiet click.


Their great shapes cast eerie shadows over the African landscape like some kind of forgotten gods who have only just awoken.


Dylan sits atop his shoulder, holding on as Soundwave strolls past newly arrived Protoforms, and the human smirks for a moment before remembering himself.


Soundwave sits in the Gould estate's garage, watching as Dylan personally repairs some of the car components that were damaged by a severe chemical burn.


Dylans rumination is interrupted when Soundwave suddenly stops the pleasant drive and partially ejects him from the seat, stating they have arrived.


"They will slaughter her, do you understand? In an instant."


The liaison is useful; no human would suspect another of subterfuge when it came to a war between species such as they.


He tries to look kingly sitting where his father once sat, the board looking at him with judgment passing behind dull, old eyes.


"You better believe I'm pissed, I've arranged cargo flights and bribed I don't know how many FAA officials to look the other way, and now he wants to stay in Africa!"


Death is an aery feeling, he can't feel himself as he remembers suddenly that Dylan Gould should have a body, but his mind turns blank like white paper.


The food is baneful, and Soundwave would rather transform and carry him home than have the human stopping to vomit every few minutes.


The tentacle moves in with an inch of increment, and Soundwave learns the slower he goes the more rewarding the reaction.


Dylan hears of the attack on Mission City, and Soundwave returns to a careworn insect operative who looks all too relieved to see him safe.


Their session continues on uninterrupted, Soundwave having sent Laserbeak away, wanting to take his time that particular afternoon.


The human has grown nervy, much to the annoyance of the protoforms, who have to regard his rank as an operative higher than theirs as simple soldiers.


Sam sees them find and inspect the body, and whatever unreleased anger or pent up frustration he had with the man vanishes with a sad sigh.


Their goal is so close, so attainable that Dylan ignores fear of death or pain for one of the few times in his life.


Whenever he begins to gasp and beg, Soundwave will snarl for him to be silent, but at that point the liaison's body is beyond his control.


Dylan has an estranged friend who was a bit too knowledgeable about the family business – that friend finds himself at the bottom of a ravine during a hiking trip courtesy of Laserbeak.


Those who know about the plans are finicky and scared, and Dylan must often renegotiate the deals, lest he kill them and have to restart the entire process.


The epitomized efforts of both factions have come now to this battleground, and they are mere men stuck in a war between gods.


In truth he is a thrall, and he is well aware, but rather to live a slave than die a hero.


Decepticons operate similar to investors and bankers, Dylan finds - backstabbing, lies and all.


Laserbeak sits equipoise on Soundwave's shoulder, looking down at Dylan and clicking now and then.


The human's lust is never sated, but Soundwave sessions are a rare occurrence; usually it is a man or woman of striking beauty who never visit twice.


Soundwave enjoys pushing him to his breaking point, until the poor thing can't even vocalize his pleasure when the time comes.


He watches the tension uncoil from the liaison's body as tells him the meeting has been cancelled.


Starscream's cadged tone gives Dylan nothing, he wasn't fooled when he was younger, he won't be now.


The will to overachieve has driven him since he was a child, wanting to be the best, needing to be acknowledged as such.


Megatron is giving the Decepticons a speech, and once breaking into how they will save Cybertron, Dylan can only liken the passionate words to an evangelist.


His muscles tense and between every arch of his back there is a whimper that is sweet music to Soundwave's ears.


The human performs unerringly until the final moment when he hesitates to kill the Witwicky boy, for whatever reason unknown.


"Be truthful, human. If you lie, we will know, and you will suffer."


Energy from the pillar moves to coalesce on the body that is knocked back into it, expecting a Cybertronian hand to accept the electricity, not a frail body that is torn apart by it.


Dylan breaths weakly – tired - and looks up at Soundwave with lazuli eyes, and the Decepticon is taken aback by how much those eyes know him.

Thank you all so much - please tell me which sentence or sentences were your favorite!