I heard the call waiting sound on my phone and looked at the screen. "Sorry Ali, one sec." I said, pressing the "send" button and answering with a cheery "hello!"

"Hey." I heard Eli's familiar voice on the other end of the phone. I smiled.

"Hey." I replied.

"I have a question for you."

"What is it?" I said, opening my bottle of apple juice.

"How would you like a one on one interview with moi?" I could hear the smile in his voice. I laughed.

"No nervous breakdowns this time?" I said, taking a sip of the apple juice.

"No promises." I laughed. "By the way, I didn't know you liked apple juice." I raised an eyebrow.

"How'd you-"

"Turn around, dumby." He laughed and I turned around, seeing him standing beside a familiar looking hearse. I got up and walked to him, laughing.

"You jerk, you freaked me out." I slapped his arm. "I thought you had some weird sixth sense or something. Or worse, you were hiding under the bench."

"Nah, but I would check for Imogen. Ever since I told her to get lost she's been EVERYWHERE. I even saw her standing outside my house in the rain." He cringed. I laughed.

"I can't say I blame her. You are quite the catch." He chuckled then smirked.

"I know, right? I just have girls chasing me all the time." He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled.

"That reminds me, when did you get Morty fixed?"

He shrugged. "I've been working on him for a while now. Finally got him completed." He smiled and patted the hood. "I was just taking him for a test drive when I saw you and Ali." He shrugged again.

"Well, I'm very glad. Just don't go crashing him again, got it?" I looked up at him. He half smiled and nodded.

"Will do, Miss Edwards." He chuckled then kissed me. I forgot how to breathe for a moment before kissing back.

It felt like an eternity since we last kissed. I forgot how warm and soft his lips were, how much feeling was behind his kisses. He pulled away and smiled at me. "Come on." He said, grabbing my hand.

"What?" I raised my eyebrow.

"We're going for that one on one interview." He smirked. I raised my eyebrow again. "Not like that. Come on. We're going to the Dot." He got in the hearse and I got in the other side. I looked around and remembered all the things that happened in that car.

"This is where I killed my girlfriend." He said, looking out the windshield. I felt panic rising inside me.

"Excuse me?" I looked at him.

"Last year we had a fight. I guess I said things I shouldn't have..." He looked pained. Deeply pained. I just looked at him. "She was really upset. Took off on her bike in the night. And got hit by a car." He glanced at me for a moment then looked back out the windshield.

I was relieved, but only for a moment. He was so hurt by losing her. I swallowed hard. "I am so sorry." I didn't know what else to say. He smiled a little, but only a little.

"Just like that, the best person in my life was gone." I felt a ping of hurt inside me. Was I jealous that he loved her so much? Or just upset that he still cared so much about her. I stayed quiet. "Because of me."

"You had no idea..." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It's not fair." He looked at me. "Why shouldn't I get to be happy?"

"Clare!" I jumped, coming out of the memory. "Clare?" I looked over at Eli.

"Sorry...Just...day dreaming." He chuckled.

"Get your head out of the clouds, blue eyes. We're here." He smiled and got out then walked to my door and opened it.

"Thank you." I smiled and got out, kissing his cheek. "Such a gentleman." He chuckled then stopped.

"Oh my god. Shit." He looked at me. "Let's go somewhere else. The Dot is overrated." He said, starting to walk back to the hearse.

"What's wrong?" I looked at him then at a table outside. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, that is until I saw Jake. "What are you doing here?" I walked over.

"Move along, Clare Edwards." I looked over and saw Imogen. "Jake Martin is mine now."

"Clare come on." Eli walked up, taking my hand in his firmly. "They don't matter anymore."

I looked at him. "You're right." I nodded.

"By the way, where you're standing is where I deflowered Clare." He smirked and walked away, me following along.

"Eli!" I slapped his chest. "Stop telling people that! They're going to start believing you!"

"Isn't that the point, my dear?" He smirked. "Come on, let's just get McDonald's." He laughed.

"Ugh, sometimes I hate you. You know that right?"

"I do now." He smirked and opened my door. I rolled my eyes and got in then waited for him to get in the driver's side.

"Can you believe it? Jake and Imogen." I cringed.

"She has a way of manipulating people anyway she wants. It's not that hard to believe." He shrugged, looking out the windshield as he drove.

"Still. I would think Jake would have a bit more standards than what she classifies as." I shook my head. Eli shrugged.

"It doesn't matter, because the greatest girl in the world is already spoken for." He smiled at me. I laughed and looked at him.

"Since when did you get so cheesy?"

"Since I read that in one of your girly magazines." He laughed and parked.

"I always knew there was something funny about you." I laughed and got out.

"Clare Edwards, are you implying that I am gay?" He looked at me, making his mock hurt face.

"Why yes, Eli Goldsworthy, I am." I giggled. He walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Well, miss Edwards, I am certainly very straight."

"Prove it." I smiled and bit my lip.

"With pleasure..." He smiled then kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back, forgetting we were in the middle of a sidewalk.

"Get a room!" I heard an old lady yell. I laughed and pulled away from the kiss.

"Hey, I wasn't finished." He smirked, leaning in again. I stopped him.

"After we eat. And I can make my breath smell nice. Come on." I grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the restaurant.

"Ruin all my fun." He laughed and led me inside. I smiled as I looked around.

"I just want a milkshake and fries."

"Chocolate or strawberry?"


"Why did I even ask?" He laughed. I smiled up at him as he walked to the counter and ordered.

"Thank you." I smiled as we grabbed our food and walked outside. "You're the best." I kissed his cheek then sat on a bench outside. He sat beside me and smiled.

"I love you, Clare." I looked at him.

"I love you too, Eli." I smiled. He leaned over and kissed my cheek and I laughed.

"I missed you, blue eyes."

"I missed you, too." I kissed him. He smiled against my lips. I pulled away and eat a fry. "I think they just re-fry old fries." I said, looking at a fry I was holding.

"They're still delicious." He said, eating one and chewing loudly. "Mmm." He smirked. I laughed.

"Still." He shook his head.

"Maybe after the play you can do an editorial on fast food fries."

"I can see the head line now. Fast Food:How fast is too fast?" He laughed. "You know...you weren't the only one with writer's block..." I looked down.

"Really?" He looked at me.

"Well, writer's block, insomnia, and annoying best friend." I shrugged. He smiled a little.

"Well I guess we can both get back to writing—and sleeping—again." I smiled at him.

"Thank goodness." I hugged him tightly. He paused for a moment then hugged back.

"I forgot what that felt like." He laughed a little. I smiled.

"Me too." I closed my eyes and held onto him.

"You saved me, Clare." He whispered. I teared up and held onto him tighter. "Thank you." He whispered. I swallowed hard and felt the tears falling down my cheeks and onto his jacket.

"Don't mention it." I laughed a little. He pressed a kiss my forehead and I looked up into his eyes.

"Please...don't leave me again." He looked at me, tearing starting to form.

"I won't." I wiped a tear away with my thumb. "You're stuck with me." He laughed. I smiled at him again.

"I'm perfectly okay with that." He kissed my cheek. I smiled and bit my lip.

"I love you, Eli Goldsworthy. So very much."