Disclaimer: The Lion King is property of Disney. However, I do own my original characters of Kicho, Kito, Kipenzi, Almasi, Sadiki, Hatari, Fela, Zina, Makini, Safia, Safina, Danica and Kadi.

This is a sequal to my first fanfiction, The Lion King: Long Live the King, so read that if you haven't already.

The Lion King: Great Kings of the Past

Chapter 1: New Beginning

The animals of the Pride Lands gathered at the bottom of Pride Rock. Rafiki took one of his gourd fruits, broke it and put the fruit's juice on Kopa's forehead. He picked him up, walked over to the edge of Pride Rock. Simba and Nala stood at the edge of it, staring down the animals. Rafiki came up from behind them and held their new cub in the air. The animals cheered and bowed before the new prince.

From a distance, Zira could see the newborn cub on Pride Rock; the lioness was filled with hatred at the sight of it.

Several months ago; minutes after Simba became King

Standing on top of Pride Rock, Simba looked down at Zira and said, "Zira because of your involvement and support in Scar's plot and murdered your own daughter." "No, I didn't mean to," she protested. "I care about all three of my cubs! I gave birth, fed, nursed and love each of them equally," she said crying. "I never meant to hurt her so badly that it was fatal," Zira said. "Enough," Simba shouted. "My decision is made, Zira you are banished from the Pride Lands," he exclaimed.

Zira looked away from Pride Rock and ran.

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