So holy bananas batman, long time since I updated.

Well here it is, fairly rushed and as always unbeta'd. So all mistakes are mine(probably quite a few =/ ).

SO MANY people have reviewed, I'd have to make a chapter to just squeeze my response all in. So for now I'd like to thank all of you for your reviews.

This chapter is M, and fairly Holiday related.

So this is my present to you all.

Have wonderfully holiday


It had been a week since Penny's arm had been dislocated; she was wearing a sling per request of Sheldon. Sheldon had worked the past two days from dawn to dusk, leaving very little time to talk. Their 'tree house' was very near completion; the only item left was a roof.

Penny, under the scrutinizing eyes of Sheldon was allowed to help with the roof. Thatching, as he had showed her, was a very simple method of looping the palm tree leaves underneath one another, thus keeping out the rain. Penny just finished adding another leaf as Sheldon came up behind her, placing another stack of leaves next to her.

"Is your shoulder faring well?" inquired Sheldon. Penny turned around; Sheldon looked at her shoulder then back to her face. Penny smiled.

"Yes sweetie, I'm doing fine and since we're on the topic of my shoulder. When can I take this damn thing off?"

"In another couple of da-" Penny gave a slight pout causing Sheldon to pause mid-sentence. Penny recently seemed to have a stronger effect on him. Her happiness directly related to his, it was at times discomforting. "Maybe tomorrow," a smile returned to Penny's face. "But, only if you can pass a few simple tests with it." Penny was exuberant. The sling was itchy and irritating to say the least.

Sheldon walked across the bridge that connected their rooms. Surprisingly he showed little fear on such an unstable surface. Sheldon since finishing house dove into his science; he constantly sketched formulas and symbols all over the remaining papers.

Penny started humming to herself, some piddly little tune that reminded her of home. Within the next couple of hours she finished the roof, exhausted and with her arm aching. At numerous points she wanted to pull the sling off and use her arm but, Sheldon seemed to do hourly cheeks, he even brought food and drinks for lunch. He was determined not to let her work straight through lunch.

She sat down nursing her drink from lunch, just resting and looking up at her handy work. It was finally done; their home was finished, at least for now. Almost as if on cue, a thunderous rumble emanated from the sky. Sheldon came out of his room; he caught her eye and called out. Penny shook her head; she couldn't hear him over the pounding of the rain. He stood there with his pockets in his hands, he looked to be debating something, sure enough within the next few moments he sprinted across the bridge, making into the other side but, not before he was drenched. Penny gave out a slight chuckle. His clothes stuck to him, his hair splayed about. He looked like a dog that just had a bath.

"Well, that was a bit daring? All we need is you to slip." Said Penny; eying him a slightly bemused manner. He shook.

"I calculated that it would be safer if I ran across then you." He moved his hair into the proper place and then started to squeeze out the water from his clothes. Penny touched by his constant concern for her safety.

"I guess you're stuck of here with me."

"I would not say stuck but, yes I am over here with you." He twisted another part of his shirt; the drops of water falling and escaping through the cracks in the floor. They situated themselves on the floor, watching the rain come down.

An animal shot in out of the rain. It secured its self on the tree. Sheldon jumped and stood up away from the offending creature. Penny looked up; it was the same animal from before. Sheldon clearly disturbed by it.

"Sheldon, it is fine. He just wanted some shelter from the rain." However, Sheldon wasn't having any of it.

"Yes, and there are plenty of other places for him to find shelter besides here." Penny pushed herself up, situating herself between the creature and Sheldon. She looked at Sheldon he had a determined look in his eyes. She huffed, this was going to fun.

"Sheldon, it is fine, he isn't bothering you is he? No, he's just minding his business. We can go to the other platform if it really is that important." Sheldon relaxed his posture; Penny had talked him down somewhat.

"No, that is not necessary. Also, it would be unwise for us to cross the bridge with how slippery it has become." Sheldon gave the creature one last look and sat back down, he sat rather stiffly, but he sat down nonetheless. Penny shook her head and the creature nestled himself on one of the branches. His black orbs closing to sleep. Penny agreed he had the right idea.

Sleeping on rainy days, a most fabulous idea, unfortunately for Penny, the pitter patter that echoed off the roof would normally lull her to sleep kept dripping through a small crack in the roof.



It kept landing on her leg, creating a wet spot. Sheldon was sitting erect, not daring his back to touch the bark where the creature lurked. He tapped his finger on his pants in bouts of threes. Penny felt her mind wander to those fingers at the magic they could undoubtedly produce. Her vision clouded as her nerve endings were set a flame by imaginary fingers. The source of her pleasure called out breaking her reverie.

"Penny." Her eyes lingered on his fingers until he finally moved them out of sight, her eyes snapped up to his.

"Yes." Came her strangled reply, Penny's face was flushed, her blush turning her face a deep crimson. Sheldon mistaking her sudden change of color as a sign of aliment, he moved over to her kneeling in front. His fingers moved over arm, brushing her forehead. Penny squirmed underneath him.

"Sheldon." She gasped, he was destroying her control. She finally managed to move out from underneath him. Calming herself she looked back at him, his brows were drawn in with concern, his eyes held an unfamiliar look.

"You were flushed, I-" he trailed off, hang his head in shame like a dog that had just been chastised. Penny slithered back over soothing his worries.

"I'm fine sweetie just a bit tired, I appreciate your concern." Sheldon immediately spun into a long winded lecture about the necessity of sleep and although he could function with minimal Penny was required to sleep for at least eight hours. Penny cocked an eyebrow at his protective nature. She finally ended up falling asleep to Sheldon's voice.

Sheldon looked down after Penny hadn't responded to his question to find her dozing; her head leaned back against the tree. The rain had reduced to a drizzle, a slight chill had crept into the air. Sheldon fetched Penny a blanket, He felt himself long for a bed of some fashion. Sheldon sat there the rest of the e rest of the day remained watching, Penny sleeping into the later hours of the night.


The calendar rested in a pile of papers. Its corner just jutting out of the side, a thin amount of dust rested on top. It was Sheldon's finished stack of formulas. The air had an unnatural chill to it; Sheldon and Penny were constantly wrapped in blankets, staving off the bitter air.

Sheldon classified this change as temporary; he said that a week ago. Penny let out a breath; it wisped around her before disappearing. She narrowed her eyebrows.

"Temporary, mhm" she let out sarcastically, she wrapped the blanket tighter, pulling it in closer to her chest. Her feet were freezing, she relented and slide down to the floor pulling her feet in under her. The papers fluttered with another gust of wind, a paper slid off on onto the floor. She leaned over picking up, various number and symbols riddled its every surface. She moved to put it back on the pile when the corner caught her eye. She slid the calendar out from underneath; opening it she flipped through a few months. Her breath caught in her throat as the month of their disappearance came up, she moved past it quickly she stopped on December; Christmas day had red circles all around it.

Sheldon entered his 'room', Penny was snuggled her blanket, her hand was rubbing the calendar methodically with a hint of nostalgia.

"It's December." She stated, he crinkled his forehead calculating.

"I would come to that conclusion as well." A hint of a smile appeared on Penny's face and then abruptly transformed in to more a longing look.

"I miss them all, by now Dad would have called, he'd ask if I had any permanent boy. Mom would tell him to ease up." She stopped, wiping away tears that were threatening to fall. "I was supposed to go back home for the holidays this year."

"I never much cared for the holiday. Christmas was ultimately arbitrary." Penny momentarily forgot how much Sheldon abhorred religion. He watched Penny as her eyes turned downcast and skittered around the room. "Nonetheless," he began warily "I can understand missing the holiday. We could always have our own celebration." The words were out of his mouth before he registered the suggestion.

Penny's eyes light up like a string of lights. Penny jumped up hugging him, he awkwardly stood there, she left him go and ran out of his room her blanket trailing behind her. Penny disappeared over the next couple of days however; Sheldon didn't worry he knew she was around by items appearing. Vines that were apparently representing tinsel were encasing the house. Pennys' representation of mistletoe was strung up in 'doorways'. Penny also at some point had roamed the island finding a tree that had a remarkable resemblance to a Christmas tree.

The tree resided underneath the bridge, vines were wrapped tightly, a menagerie of items draped from the branches, anything from shells to flowers.

Sheldon leaned on the railing and watched as Penny meticulously hung another ornament. He wracked his brain for some idea, a brilliantly ingenious gift for Penny. Penny kept wildling away at the tree, decorating brought out a more joyous side of her. She kept humming some tune as well, a cheery and obviously holiday tune. Penny danced around the tree; Sheldon began to wonder if she had managed to find some liquor somewhere.

Liquor. Now that was an idea however, Penny had made no inclination she missed her intoxication. Sheldon was once again at a loss. Penny looked up at him catching his eye and winked before returning to her task at hand. Sheldon stretched his back; he headed back to his room, on the side lay the unfinished bed. One of the many unfinished projects; as his eyes raked over it an idea was now firmly engrained in his head.

It was the day before Christmas, at least that's what they had decided, not entirely able to calculate the exact day. There was a hearty amount of holiday cheer in the air despite, Sheldon's disposition towards Christmas. Penny had managed to catch Sheldon under the mistletoe four times, two by accident and two on purpose.

Penny slept most of the day, exhausted from the decorating. She snuggled closer into her blanket. It was well into the evening when Sheldon awoke her, he dragged her outside with no comment and they sat on the bridge as it snowed around them. The wonderful white flakes twisting and swirling around them. Penny had a doe-eyed look on her face; she smiled and chuckled as she spun in circles in the snow. She shivered and made her way underneath the roof.

"It's going to be freezing tonight." Sheldon tugged on her blanket a little bit edging her over towards his room. Finally he coaxed her inside. He looked, sounded, and acted nervous.

"I know it's not Christmas yet but I feel like tonight is the best time." He continued to ramble on. Penny planted a kiss on his mouth. When she pulled away she looked up, make that five now.

"I know it's Christmas Eve sweetie, it's fine." She nodded to him encouragingly. He walked over his fingers gripping the sheet and he pulled it off. Underneath was a queen size bed, it was made entirely out of bamboo. The mattress was a pile of blankets. Penny gasped, it was amazing, a piece of civilization right here on this island. She hugged him, he returned it quite readily.

"Merry Christmas Penny." He kissed her, Penny stood still shocked from his display. He pulled away and looked up, a sprig of mistletoe hung from the ceiling. Penny rose and eyebrow trying to recall when she had put a spring in here. It hit her fairly quickly, she never did. Penny looked at Sheldon; there was a wolfish grin on his face. A type of forlorn look took over his eyes.

Penny shook her head, him? No. He stilled her and pressed another kiss, he licked the top of her lip, and she let out a moan. His tongue did a dance inside her mouth, his arms encircled her waist, his fingers slipped under her shirt and he began drawing shapes on her skin. Penny backed Sheldon up, until he reached the bed. They were about to test his work. Sheldon switched positions with Penny and laid her down on the bed.

His mouth moved from her lips kissing her jawline down to her neck. He nipped her lightly. His fingers lifting her shirt off, Penny whimpered when his mouth left her body, after the shirt was successfully off and on the floor. He continued down, his fingers playing with the edge of her shorts. Penny's hands were quickly working on his shirt; his shirt was unbuttoned in recorded time. Her hands roamed his chest, feeling the hard muscles below; he had become more defined and toned in recent months. She moaned appreciatively as Sheldon began working on her breasts taking one a time. Penny squirmed under him.

"Damn." Sheldon let out a throaty chuckle, a completely new sensation, the chuckle resonated well. Sheldon was working her out of her shorts, refusing to touch anywhere below her waist. Penny flipped them over, her waist now grinding into his growing erection. The pants were becoming uncomfortable very quickly.

Penny pulled his pants off, her hands now roaming his body, she kissed him hard on the mouth, he responded rather quickly trying to dominate. Penny smirked; he was a bit power hungry.

Penny slid her hand down his boxers grasping him firmly; he let out a slight whimper.

"Penny." His southern accent flowed freely now, his voice deeper and richer. "That's not a good-" before he managed to finish Penny started stroking him, his hands gripped the blankets, and he was bucking into her hand. Penny felt him grow rigid and his body was shaking as he tried to hold back.

Finally gaining enough momentum, he escaped from Penny, who was now on the bottom. Sheldon slipped her underwear off and immediately slipped a finger in.

"O God" She moaned. Sheldon slipped to other fingers in while he kissed her. His fingers keeping a constant rhythm, she was pushing into his hand, willing his fingers to go deeper. Sheldon kept control though only allowing a certain amount.

Sheldon pulled away and his mouth wandered down below, his tongue swirled over her clit.

"Sheldon." He began working his tongue around her clit avoiding her entrance. He removed his fingers and inserted his tongue. Penny's hands were balled and her eyes slammed shut and Sheldon moved his tongue all around.

Penny felt her walls tightening.

"Sheldon, I'm going to-" She never managed to finish as Sheldon rub her clit with his finger; he lapped up her as she came. Sheldon waited until Penny caught her breath, she had a determined gleam in her eye. Sheldon began kissing Penny again, his lips were rough and his tongue was savory. Penny opened her legs, Sheldon lined himself up, and slowly entered her, and he let out a low growl. Her walls griping him tightly, before Sheldon was even situated she began rocking against him.

Sheldon ground his teeth; he was already hard and Penny just kept making him harder.

"I'm pulling my triumph card." Sheldon growled out. Penny stopped moving and stared at him a curious look. "I'm serious." He held a deadpanned look on his face.

"Okay." Penny replied, she stopped moving beneath him. He gave himself a second; She was waiting for what he wanted her to do. He leaned down next to her ear.

"I want you to let me have you over and over again." Penny smirked and started moving against him. This time they were meeting each other. Sheldon was passionately kissing her as he bucked into her. He was close, he felt Penny clench even harder. They quickly spiraled into going faster and faster, his cock slamming into her. Another clench nearly claimed him.

"I am right behind you." He whispered into Penny's ear. One last thrust and Penny was screaming Sheldon's name and Sheldon hers as he came. They laid there, Penny snuggling next to Sheldon. Sheldon pulled up the blanket as it was still snowing outside. They were quiet for a while.

"You're pretty good at that for refusing to have sex." Penny looked up at him, his piercing blue eyes staring back. He was rubbing circles on her back.

"I am an expert in" he lowered his voice "everything Penny." He kissed her nose. Sheldon was drifting off to sleep when Penny whispered back.

"Merry Christmas my love." Her sweet and simple confession struck a cord in him, did his feelings constitute as love? He had read the definition and the numerous articles and novel that all pertained to love.

He figured, yes it did.

"Merry Christmas to you too, my love." Penny snuggled in closer to him as the slept soundly into Christmas day.

Review, because an email box full of reviews on Christmas day would be lovely.