Story : Penny drags Sheldon onto a ship for a possible acting gig trouble ensue and for once not just because of Sheldon.

This will be a multi-chapter story. Also, despite having watched all of BBT I may have errors, please inform if you find any.

Not Beta'd all mistakes are my own.

Comments, Questions, Concerns? Send me a message.

Disclaimer: Much to my dismay I do not own Big Bang Theory or any of the characters.

"Sheldon..." Penny looked expectantly at Sheldon.

"Absolutely not, do you know the amount of germs on a ship, not to mention the numerous amounts of ship wrecks, and the potential to get lost at sea." stated an exasperated Sheldon. For the past 30 minutes and 27 seconds Penny had been attempting to coax Sheldon into accompanying her to dinner/audition on a boat. Penny was supposed to meet a director in order to talk about a possible role. However, she had been informed of his prowess had come to the conclusion after much thought that Sheldon was her only hope.

"Sheldon, I need you help and as a friend you are entitled to help. I'm sure there is something about that in the friend agreement." Penny continued to look at him in a sweet and innocent way, Sheldon sighed.

"Is there a reason you can't get Leonard to do this? Or perhaps one of your other mates? Also, may I point out that in many other societies using coitus to achieve a higher standard of life is normal." Penny inwardly cringed, despite, her known high sex drive didn't mean she would sleep with every man she happened to see, she did have some standards.

"This is a little more delicate situation that acquires some one of a higher standard then, Leonard." Penny just lied through her teeth and Sheldon would never know. She smiled a little to herself, take that genius.

"Fine, but..." Sheldon pondered for a moment on how to dumb this down so Penny would understand. "This will consume your monthly Mandatory Presence pass, as it is described in section 21 part B. This will not be reinstated for you use till next month. Understand?" Sheldon looked at Penny; she didn't seem to be paying attention.

"Yeah, whatever you say sweetie." Penny left Sheldon's and Leonard's apartment but, she quickly turned around and walked back in "Don't forget to be ready by 7 and wear that suit you bought with me." Sheldon simply nodded and shook his head at the same time.

As Penny was leaving, Leonard was coming up the stairs. Penny greeted him and then continued on into her apartment with a smile firmly planted on her face. Her blonde hair followed her into her apartment; Leonard was temporarily distracted but quickly shook his head. As Leonard entered the apartment he noticed Sheldon was staring at his computer and was typing with rapid ferocity. Leonard put the leftovers from his dinner with Pria into the fridge. The taping that came from the computer had now ceased, Sheldon was staring off into space.

"So, what are you working on?" Leonard quickly realized the absurdity of the question; Sheldon only strived for one thing, the Nobel Prize. Sheldon appeared to have not heard him and as Leonard made his way to his room he called out.

"I've been requested by Penny to attend a boat trip in hopes that this will launch her acting career. At first I refused of course however, she employed the friendship clause and I couldn't refuse. My problem is that I'm not certain as to what type of ship it is." Sheldon continued his staring. Leonard inwardly sighed and asked the obvious question.

"Why is the type of boat important?" Sheldon swiveled around in his chair and looked at him with a curious stare as though he had grown another head.

"Why to have an escape route planned should anything fall amiss, of course." Of course, Leonard rolled his eyes and he turned back around and made for his room.

Sheldon was ready by seven as Penny had requested, wearing the suit she had picked out for him. It was crisp, clean, and there wasn't a wrinkle in sight partly due to Sheldon ironing it twelve times. Sheldon raised his hand and the customary ritual that was required by his OCD followed. Sheldon finished the last part of his knock and Penny opened the door.

"Hey, Moonpie." Penny was wearing a dark blue dress, which had a very slimming look. Sheldon gave her a condoning look.

"Penny, how many times must I inform you that only my Meemaw calls me by that nickname?" Penny shrugged her shoulders and locked her door and then, promptly put her keys in her purse. "You know your tendency to call me by whatever name you feel appropriate is rather infuriating. How would you feel if I refer to you as Penelope or that Nebraska Girl or perhaps the women from 4B?" Sheldon continued his rant down the stairs to the main level. Sheldon was just about to enter in another supporting topic as to why he should be called by only his name, when Penny stopped him.

"Look swe-" Penny quickly corrected herself "Sheldon I get it." Sheldon ceased talking and was quiet for the rest of the ride but, he did occasionally glance over at the dash and then, shook his head. Penny pulled into the parking deck, paid the parking fee, and looked for a parking spot. She noticed the other cars; it appeared she was not the only one in the position for this acting gig. After she found a parking spot they left the car and approached the docks, where they were greeted by a man. The man was astutely dressed in a very expensive suit, he worked for the director. This gentleman escorted them to the ship; he bid Penny a good luck and took his leave.

Sheldon hadn't made a peep the whole time; Penny surmised it was because he was thinking of all the germs or his work. Once on the ship Sheldon commented.

"I really find this to be a horrendous idea Penny. I mean of all places to audition. Do you have any idea how far off the shore we will be going?" Sheldon didn't even stop for her to reply "I really hope this man maintains his boat, most capsizes occur due to storms and the wear on unmaintained equipment." Sheldon and Penny had made their way up to the main deck. Penny had already grabbed a drink, the boat had set out and Sheldon's face now had a constant pale look to it.

"Sheldon we're only going a couple miles off the shore. Unless there is some major storm which, isn't supposed to happen plus, there are lifeboats." Penny gave Sheldon a smile, Sheldon remained unconvinced. The director approached them, he was short man no taller than 5'6' he had a very expensive suit on just like the other man. His facial features were lacking along with the rest of his body.

"Ah, Penny wasn't it?" Penny nodded; the director did a slight bow and gave a kiss to Penny's hand "It's an honor to meet you and who is this gentleman?"

"This is my boyfriend, Sheldon." Penny latched an arm around his arm; Sheldon squirmed a little bit but remained silent.

"Dr. Sheldon Cooper, that is. It's an honor to meet you."

"I'm Dave; it's nice to meet you to." Dave was eying Sheldon up and down "Well, the meetings will be conducted over the next few hours. But until then feel free to mingle." Dave went as quickly as he came.

"That was disgusting, Penny how could you let him do that to you?" Sheldon visibly shuddered. Penny nearly patted his cheek before simply saying.

"Relax, let's mingle." Sheldon verbally scoffed.

A few hours later….

Penny still had yet to be called for her audition. She had already witnessed a few of the other actresses come out in tears. She had asked one of the women what was wrong, according to the women he was horrible man. His comments were outlandish and rude; apparently he was a complete jackass. The women thought that someone was going to snap with all the comments he was making. Penny was becoming increasingly nervous. Sheldon simply stood there, Penny began to wonder if bring him on the ship was a good idea. Shortly thereafter Penny was called to the audition room.

The audition room was a tempered green color there were two chairs, the director sat in one and he gestured for Penny to sit in the other. Sheldon told her he would wait outside the room. Penny sat down she crossed her legs in a lady like fashion, she spread out some wrinkles on her dress, took a deep breath to calm her nervous and was now ready to begin. However, a man came on the speaker asking Dave to report to the deck as soon as he had finished the interview. Dave replied and at that moment the ship jerked and then rocked. Dave fell out of his chair and collided with the side wall making a thud sound. The chair Penny was sitting in was bolted to the floor but Penny wasn't and she nearly fell out of her chair. Once the director collected himself he left and said he would be back. A few minutes later the door opened however, it was not Dave it was Sheldon who immediately grabbed Penny dragging her out the door.

"Sheldon what in the hell are you doing?" Penny wasn't sure if she was referring to why he was touching her or why he was interrupting her interview. Sheldon didn't respond he just keep pulling her along. They were nearly at the main deck when the ship rocked again, Sheldon lost his grip on Penny as he hit the wall, and by the time he had recovered Penny was demanding an answer.

"SHELDON! What in the hell is going on? You can't just barge into my interview and drag me out." Penny was furious, first he had interrupted her interview and now his nails were tearing into her dress.

"Penny there is no time to explain we really must ..." Sheldon was attempting to give a valid reason but the ship rocked again to the side. A sickening crack was heard and then some screams. Penny's face changed from fury to curiosity to dread. "Please Penny we don't have time." Sheldon was shaking he was just as scared as Penny but, he held a mask of bravery one of the good characteristics his comic book super heroes displayed. Penny swallowed, nodded and followed Sheldon who had reacquired his hold on her left arm.

The rolling of the ship was getting more and more noticeable. Sheldon lead her to the back of the boat, water was splashing onto the boat from the waves, another crack and more screams. Penny remembered Sheldon mentioning that the safety boats were located on the back of boat; he even made a point of showing her. When they reached the back Sheldon grabbed two life jackets, he put one on himself and the other on Penny. Penny saw that he was sweating profusely and his pupils were enlarged and darting about at a rapid pace, his breathing was even labored. Sheldon command her to stay there and don't move. Sheldon quickly busied himself with a life boat.

A multitude of thoughts were racing through his mind, he truly hoped this was a simple dream and at any moment he would wake up. After a few moments he managed to successfully lower the life boat. They both made it into the life boat just as the ship wretched to the side. Sheldon began hoping that the waves would carry the boat away from the ship, luckily it did. They managed to get about 300 yards away. The ship still seemed fine despite tipping a few times to the side once in a while. Just as it seemed that the ship had normalized it began to lower into the sea. The screams got louder and she saw that orange dots were jumping into the water.

"Sheldon we need to help them" Penny cried, after a few moments of waiting for a reply she turned around to see Sheldon was no longer there. She called his name again, no reply. She looked out into to the sea; she didn't see an orange dot anywhere near the boat. She climbed over a few of the seats to find that there was a compartment under a tarp. Penny descended and found Sheldon down in the hold.

"I thought you had fallen over board." Penny's voice was riddled with fear, she was frantic.

"No." said Sheldon completely unemotional. Penny marched up to Sheldon and jerked his arm to turn him around, Sheldon squirmed about. "Stop, why are you touching me?" Penny realized that Sheldon reverted to his same old self. Penny simply sat down unable to comprehend what happened while Sheldon stood there staring at the metal wall sorting the many thoughts that occupied his head.

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