A/N: I just want to apologize for the late update! I'm so sorry. I was in Ireland with my family then had to move into college.
Chapter Nine: Goodbye Summer /
Revenge is Sweet and So is Slausen's (Part Two)
Saturday, August 12th, 2011
On Vacation: Lorenzo, Phoebe, Gerald, Harold
Wars weren't won in a day.
And Helga wanted to enjoy the sweet look of utter humiliation and pain on Rhonda Wellington Lloyd's face when she pulled the ultimate revenge on her. So she had to wait until the end of the summer to execute her flawless plan.
But until then, she wanted to enjoy the last few weeks of summer.
Trips to Dinoland, pulling all nighters for fun, having an Adam Sandler movie marathons until his jokes stopped being funny, and just forgetting her fight with Rhonda ever happened.
It was perfect.
The usual suspects were laying out on Mighty Pete's tree house floor, watching the car-generated breeze move the leaves. Helga was in Arnold's lap, both stretched out on the floor, while Brainy lied on the old futon. It was silent, each teen lost in their own thoughts about the end of summer and the oncoming threat of senior year. SAT tests and college searches would change everything, getting everyone thinking about the future, freaking everyone out about their careers and making life-changing decisions.
"I think I should learn a new song," Brainy said suddenly.
Helga turned to face him, smiling, "A Taylor Swift song?"
"No. Maybe? I haven't decided. Whatever it is, I have to perform it at Rhonda's party."
Now Arnold sat up, eyes wide in surprise. "You're her DJ?"
"Yeah. I made her pay me a shitload of money, claiming I was missing a good night's work for it. I'm not." Helga laughed and high-fived Brainy for deceiving the enemy. "It's a thousand more than what I usually make."
"What do you usually make?"
"A little less than two hundred."
Helga burst into laughter. "Nice job Brian. What are you doing with the money?"
"Use it to buy a real set of equipment instead of renting it from the music store. I hate practicing on the iPad. It's convenient, but not the same. I almost messed up at TANTALIZING the other night because of it."
"Well I'm sure no one would have noticed. Besides, you should be worried about what you're doing for the party. You actually have to play the whole night for Princess."
Brainy nodded, "That's why I want to learn a new song."
After discussing a few other song options for Brainy, Arnold and Helga decided to walk back to the boarding house. Brainy quickly disappeared to search Google for guitar cords.
"I can't believe summer's almost over," Helga sighed.
The sun was beginning it's initial decent in the sky, a sign that another beautiful day was coming to a close.
Arnold's thumb traced patterns on Helga's palm, "It'll be okay. School's not that bad. Besides, it's senior year."
"Yeah, I can't wait," Helga deadpanned. "More standardized tests and college applications and stress."
"It won't be that-"
Helga's phone dinged loudly.
"Sorry. . ." Helga switched it to silent, only to realize she had a new email from Phoebe!
Helga squealed excitedly, this was the first contact she'd had with her friend in weeks.
TO: helgapataki
FROM: phoebehyerdal
RECEIVED: August 19th, 2011 at 12:01 a.m.
SUBJECT: Trying to Catch Up
Konnichiwa Helga,
First, I wanted to apologize for my complete lack of response to your last thirty e-mails. I was staying far away from Tokyo with my grandpa at his rice paddy. He doesn't have any Internet. I did read them all today since I'm in Tokyo. I can't wait to show you pictures of everything. It's so beautiful and secluded. The poet in you would love it!
But first there's something I have to do. I'm summing up my joy for you with the following erratic slamming on the keyboard: OMGGGAHHGJANMVZHGJKAHG! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I am so incredibly happy for you! And for Arnold, of course. I'm glad that you decided to continue being nice to him. Clearly, showing him who you really are worked!
Also, send my apologies to Brian. I wish I had been there to help you through everything, but I think Brian did an excellent job. I'm just sorry he had to go through it alone.
I will be home tomorrow then you can really tell me everything. I have a feeling you're not telling me all that happened on the camping trip. ;)
I'm so sorry to hear about what happened with Rhonda. I don't believe she'd ever say something that cruel unless she was, in fact, drunk. Gerald sent me a few strongly worded e-mails about how upset he was. I think this fight with Rhonda has given him a new desire to dig through her past. Although I really don't approve of it, I can't stop him. I think you should talk to him when he gets back from Florida today, tell him not to get into deep. We don't need another Thaddeus in our midst.
I think I've covered everything. . . .I'll see you soon, Helga!
Helga grinned, quickly planting a kiss on Arnold before turning away. "I have to go! I'll call you later!"
Helga was already a few yards away, but turned around to shout, "It's Phoebe!"
Arnold nodded understandingly, offering his girlfriend one final wave before heading home.
Saturday, August 30th, 2011
On Vacation Still: Lorenzo, Harold
Helga exhaled for what felt like the first time in ten minutes.
She needed to do this.
In her mind, an extremely microscopic, almost invisible, part of her felt bad about this. And that small part had an annoying voice of reason that sounded a lot like Arnold.
But Rhonda had brought this all on herself by getting information on Helga's family life.
With that new thought encouraging her, Helga knocked loudly on Rhonda's front door. The knock echoed on the hardwood. Helga was about to knock again, making sure it was even louder, but a petite, dark skinned woman opened the door. "Hello?" she asked, her exotic accent thick.
Helga smiled politely, "Is Rhonda home?"
"Oh, ya," she opened the door and stepped aside, letting Helga walk in. "Do you want something?"
"I just need to give her some schoolwork," Helga blurted quickly, hoping the maid didn't know it was still summer vacation or a Saturday.
The woman accepted the lie and resumed her dusting of the family portraits by the doorway. The painting of a younger Rhonda sitting in a chair was flanked by her parents on either side. The passive looks on each of their faces creeped Helga out.
If Helga remembered from her childhood correctly, Rhonda's room was on the second floor, first door on the right. Once in fourth grade, after Phoebe's sleepover had been such a success, the girl's decided to have another. Rhonda had volunteered her house and the night was actually fun.
But now, being in her house after everything that happened, Helga couldn't help but hate that night.
Helga quietly made her way up the stairs, trying to keep her flip flops from clacking against the floor. Finally, Helga reached Rhonda's bedroom door. She had no nervous energy or guilty feelings anymore, all she had was an intense pool of anger settling in her stomach. Quickly, Helga pushed opened the door.
Rhonda looked up from her laptop unsurprised. "Look at what the rat dragged in," Rhonda hissed as Helga shut and locked Rhonda's bedroom door. Rhonda stood up beside her bed, arms crossed over her chest.
Helga stepped forwards, closing the ten foot gap between the door and Rhonda's bed. "So you know about my family, big deal, Princess. I have my sources to get me everything I could find about you."
Rhonda's dark eyebrow quirked up behind her new side bangs. This was going to be interesting.
"Let's see. . ." Helga dug into her messenger bag and removed a folder that was overstuffed with papers. It was mostly old school assignments that she'd found in her closet, but Rhonda didn't need to know that. Helga wanted to seem intimidating.
Gerald had really pulled through and gone above and beyond with this information. Curly's crazy stalking had nothing on Gerald anymore.
Rhonda rolled her eyes at the over-dramatized stack of paper.
"First, I have a beautiful photo of you at your first high school party." Helga grinned and held up the photo, "Too bad you were just an eighth grader at the time." The picture showed Rhonda falling out of a closet post Seven Minutes in Heaven with a senior boy. Rhonda's pants were no where to be found and her bright pink thong was clearly visible. She was missing one shoe and her shirt was ripped, hanging low on her waist. Her bra had been unhooked and hung loosely around her chest, barely covering it.
Rhonda's eyes grew wide as she tried to keep her face expressionless.
"Ah, yes, of course, can't forget the time you kissed Thad," Helga held up another photo. Rhonda blushed.
Helga feigned surprise when she pulled out the next stack of papers stapled together. "Oh, lookie here, Rhonda Wellington Lloyd's detention records freshman year. Tardy, tardy, texting in class, tardy, talking back to a teacher, tardy, making sexual comments in class, texting, tardy... huh, what's this? Smoking in the girl's bathroom? And getting caught under the bleachers doing inappropriate, sexual things to a boy?" Helga grinned, "That's so cliché, Rhon. I thought you were better than that."
Rhonda wasn't going to back down. Instead of responding, she kept staring at her enemy, hoping to pierce through Helga's thick head with her glare.
"Alright, now onto your tenth grade detention records," Helga flipped through her packet, finally reaching her bright pink Post It note, "Oh, wait, back it up. September 2009: your parents stopped sleeping in the same bedroom."
Rhonda's glare fell. "How did you-?"
"Eleventh grade: parent's secret divorce. Renovations were done to the Wellington-Lloyd home, right? To turn your third level into an apartment for your mother since she didn't get to own the house in the pre-nup?"
Rhonda looked devastated. Her eyes grew glassy with the new build up of tears.
"Huh, you know, this is interesting," Helga deadpanned. "Your pregnancy scare happened just around the same time of their final court hearings for separation rights."
A sly grin popped up on Helga's face. "I think my Bullshit Meter is burning up."
Some would call Rhonda's misbehavior and constant acting out as a defense mechanism. Helga knew a lot about defense mechanisms, and Rhonda's couldn't be more obvious.
Rhonda looked horrified. "I don't know what you're talking about, Pataki." Helga grinned and closed her file, returning it to her bag.
"I never knew a girl who'd actually want to defend her fake pregnancy scare. I mean, you sacrificed a lot. Lost the only serious boyfriend you've ever had, suffered constant teasing and rumors until some new sap came along, lost your credit with the boys."
Helga began to circle Rhonda now, like a hunter encircling it's prey. Rhonda stiffened, "Excuse me?"
"Locker room talk, babe. The boys stopped talking about you. So you had to do something to save yourself. Ex-M.I.L.F. status wasn't going to save you. That's why you. . ."
"Stop!" Tears and running make-up flowed freely down Rhonda's face. "Stop digging through my past! I'll stop. I will stop getting dirt on you and talking about you behind your back and fighting you. It'll all be forgotten and never mentioned again. I just. . .please." Rhonda's voice broke when she said her last word.
Helga nodded, "Sure, I'll back off too. . .but there's just one more thing, Rhonda."
Rhonda wiped away her make-up with her shaking fingers before nodding her head. "Anything."
"Don't you ever even think about starting a fight with me again." Helga forcefully poked Rhonda in the chest, "Because I will always come out on top."
Sunday, August 31st, 2011
Finally Coming Home: Lorenzo
You Are Cordially Invited
to Rhonda Wellington Lloyd's End of Summer 2011 Ball
At the end of every summer, Helga did something dramatic to her style. After the first Best Summer Vacation, Helga showed up to school with two eyebrows. Freshman year she showed up with very short hair, then sophomore year with really long hair extensions. On the first day of junior year Helga showed up with brunette curls. (She went back to blond after Thanksgiving Break.)
This year was completely different. This year she wasn't showing up to school with new hair or a new wardrobe. This year she was showing up to Rhonda's ridiculous ball with a date.
And not just any date.
Her boyfriend.
Just the thought of what the night could hold made Helga's heart beat faster.
No one knew how Rhonda got this stupid dance to be such a big deal. Underclassmen who were fortunate enough to be invited treated the Ball like it was prom.
It was a lot like prom though. Girls wore long dresses, and those who wanted to make an impression invested in ball gowns with large skirts. Guys had to wear tuxedos and kids rented limos.
Helga thought it was completely ridiculous, so instead of buying into the fancy dresses she'd usually opt to wear something else. One year she simply showed up in jeans.
This year, though, she was at least going to try and make an effort to look decent. And with Phoebe's help she actually looked pretty damn good.
At eight o' clock sharp Big Bob's voice could be heard up the stairs, "Olga! Arnie is here for you!"
Helga rolled her eyes before doing one last look over. She was wearing a short, strapless, light pink dress with a thin blue ribbon tied around the bust. The dress was silky and flowed freely around her thighs. She paired the dress with low heels and a stylish bun in her hair.
Arnold adjusted his tie for what felt like the thousandth time.
"Dude, relax. You're acting like it's your wedding or something," Brainy mumbled.
Arnold was about to respond, but he felt his heart stop and his brain melt.
Helga stood at the top of the stairs looking as beautiful as ever.
"Wow," both boys gasped simultaneously.
Helga supported a satisfied grin before kissing Arnold's cheek. "We ready?"
The three friends showed up at Rhonda's house early in order to have Brainy set up for the dance. Helga and Rhonda simply shared a glance while Arnold thanked her and offered to help.
With one last pointed look, Helga left the two old classmates to set up different dishes. Helga hung out on the dance floor, watching Brian work.
Brainy began scratching some discs, "So, have you guys done it yet?"
Helga's eyes narrowed as she crossed the floor, "Done what?"
Brainy laughed, "I meant dropped the L-bomb."
"Do you speak English anymore, Brainiac?"
"So. . .that's a no then?"
Helga rolled her eyes and pressed her back against the stage. Crossing her arms over her chest, she glared at the kitchen door. "He knows how I feel. If he loves me, which I doubt he does, he'll have to tell me."
Brainy rolled his eyes. "I know he loves you. Ever since your dance in the forest, he's loved you. That was the deciding moment for him."
Helga scoffed. "Yeah, right."
Brainy was about to say that he had practically heard Arnold confess it to Gerald, but decided against it.
The doorbell rang and Brainy quickly jumped back to his post. Rhonda's heels were heard clicking against her hardwood floor as she dashed towards the door.
The party was just about to start, meaning that summer was ready to end.
Brainy hopped onto a small stool that had been left on stage, carefully adjusting his microphones to ensure there would be no feedback. He tapped it lightly before leaning over and speaking, "I had been asked to play a few songs tonight by our lovely hostess Rhonda, so I decided to save the Taylor Swift for later and open up with this old hit. Feel free to sing along or dance if you know it."
Brainy leaned back and cleared his throat, strumming a few low chords before beginning,
"Wandering the streets, in a world underneath it all,
Nothing seems to be, nothing tastes as sweet
As what I can't have
Like you and the way that you're twisting your hair
round your finger
Tonight I'm not afraid to tell you
What I feel about you."
Helga vaguely recalled the song being popular during her late middle school years. It was by Teddy G-something.
Her thoughts were interrupted when Arnold swopped her into his arms and onto the dance floor. Helga burst into laughter, feeling herself getting completely enveloped by his warmth and comfort.
"I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have,
and cannon ball into the water.
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have,
for you I will,
for you I will.
Forgive me if I stutter,
from all of the clutter in my head,
cause I could fall asleep in those eyes
like a water bed.
Do I seem familiar? I've crossed you in hallways
a thousand times, no more camouflage
I want to be exposed, and not be afraid to fall."
Helga sent telepathic hate signals towards Brian.
She knew exactly what he was doing.
Brainy wanted her to say 'I love you' first. That little bitch, she hissed angrily in her head.
Arnold, seemingly obliviously, continued to waltz with Helga across the dance floor. He hadn't been able to really tear his eyes of her as they danced. It reminded him of their impromptu forest Love Story.
"I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
And cannon ball into the water
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
You always want what you can't have
But I've got to try
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
For you I will
For you I will
For you."
Part of Arnold felt more self-conscious now that they were surrounded by hundreds more people. He could feel the room shift, as if every set of eyes was on him.
Helga's eyes traveled around the circle of teens. "We have an audience," she mumbled.
Arnold felt a surge of confidence build in him when she smiled, "So let's give them a show."
Helga laughed again as Arnold dipped her quickly.
"If I could dim the lights in the mall
And create a mood I would
Shout out your name so it echos in every room
I would
That's what I'd do, That's what I'd do to get through to you-"
Arnold spun Helga around, whipping her back into his arms quickly.
"-I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
And cannon ball into the water
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
You always want what you can't have
But I've got to try
I'm gonna muster every ounce of confidence I have
For you I will
For you I will
For you I will
For you I will"
Just as the song was strumming out it's final tune, Arnold pulled Helga in close, lips pressing against her ear. "Hey," he mumbled casually.
Helga grinned and pulled back, finding it hard to form a response when his emerald gems locked onto hers.
He kissed her gently, the crowd on the dance floor beginning to move as Brainy picked up with a rap song.
"I'll be right back," Helga whispered as Arnold saw Gerald across the dance floor.
Helga exited the party and rested on the patio, hoisting herself up to sit on Rhonda's balcony ledge. She could easily fall back and drop three stories and into the bushes or the pool, but thankfully she managed to balance herself.
Helga watched in silence as the party continued. Brainy was finishing mixing up another mash-up of some foreign guy's techno song and some dubstep. The swarm of almost four hundred people were mostly crammed on the dance floor, grinding and groping at each other. Guys were just holding their drinks and standing as the girls continued to dance, oblivious to their partner's actions.
Helga sighed and rubbed her temples. She was stressed, but she was trying so hard to repress it. Her schedule seemed too ridiculous for an average B student like herself to handle, plus she randomly got thrown into Musical Theater, and she still didn't have the proper text books or school supplies.
She had refused to go shopping because shopping for supplies was like admitting to herself that summer was over.
And if it was over. . .what would happen with Arnold? They were dating now, but what about next week after some hot, slutty girl throws herself at him? And what if she stopped being her new nice self? Would he even bother talking to her then?
Arnold suddenly appeared in the doorway, hands hiding in his pants pockets.
Helga immediately cut her thoughts and felt her heart stop when he smiled at her.
Arnold crossed the patio, "I was wondering where you had wandered off to."
"Just enjoying some space. It's so hot in there," Helga lied.
"Well, you dropped this-" Arnold slipped a small digital camera out of his pocket.
Helga smiled and removed the camera from his hands. She turned it on and began scrolling through the pictures. She had forgotten she snapped pics at all the summer events.
There was one on the first night of summer of everyone dancing around a fire followed by her and Iggy doing a shot. The next photo was a group shot at Slausen's and a few of Brainy and Helga goofing around in Mighty Pete.
Helga laughed at loud at the next set of pictures: Shane and Helga eating a watermelon Jell-O shots, Helga dancing in Brainy's DJ booth, Helga helping Brainy spin, Helga dancing with those three girls.
The firework pictures were next as well as a photo of the soaking wet Eugene after he fell into the water.
"I really liked the next pictures," Arnold laughed as he rested his arms on the ledge. Helga looked down at him, "Camping?"
"Apparently you and Brainy both love to torment me while I sleep."
Helga blushed. She and Brainy had sneaked into Arnold's tent and rubbed whipped cream on his hand before dusting his face with a feather. "Oh, heh. . .yeah."
She continued to scroll through the shots, admiring the ones from nature and blushing at the one of Helga curled under Arnold's arm at the campfire on their final night.
"So, Helga Pataki, do I even dare ask?"
Helga jerked her eyes away from her camera. "Ask what?"
Arnold smiled, leaning his body closer to his girlfriend's. She subtly began to shift forwards too, their cheeks meeting as he turned his lips to brush hers as he spoke, "How was your summer vacation?"
He could feel her smile against him. "Pretty fantastic." She tweaked his nose playfully, "How was yours, Football Head?"
"It was the most amazing summer ever."
"I'll say." Helga sighed in agreement, wrapping her arm around his back and hugging him close.
Arnold dipped his neck down and kissed her quickly, letting his lips linger before pulling back to say, "I love you."
Helga's heart skipped a beat as she struggled to form the right words. "I love you too."
Just after the clock struck midnight, the sound of opening doors echoed through the quiet crowd.
Lorenzo, now deeply tanned and wearing designer jeans, a v-neck shirt and vest, grinned at the party guests. He had been gone for the entire summer in Spain with barely any contact with home.
He locked eyes with Rhonda, who's shocked expression quickly faded to a grateful grin. He knew she of all people would appreciate his grand entrance.
Lorenzo adjusted his vest, eyes traveling around the room in search of familiar faces. He could easily pick out his fourth grade classmates. Eugene, Sheena and Nadine had resumed talking to Brainy over at his stage while Iggy simply stood by, holding up a red Solo cup to acknowledge Lorenzo's arrival. Sid, Stinky and Harold were both standing with three unfamiliar girls and Lila. Thaddeus was busying himself by hanging upside down on a book shelf. Phoebe watched on in horror as Gerald tried to coax him down.
Rhonda was now moving through the crowd to greet Lorenzo at the door. She darted quickly past Arnold, who was holding Helga's hand and whispering something into her ear.
No, wait.
Ew! Arnold was kissing Helga's cheek.
Lorenzo locked eyes with Arnold, trying his hardest to keep his face from looking disgusted and confused. He was gone for three months and missed THAT? Lorenzo could clearly remember Helga's complete and utter disdain for Arnold. But now. . .now they were dating?
Rhonda finally made it to Lorenzo and quickly pulled him into a hug. He grinned and hugged her back before whispering into her ear, "What exactly did I miss this summer?"