MCD: As a matter of fact, I have been dead for a while. God, I've gotten sick so many times in rapid succession and school has not helped…

I'm so friggin sorry pleaaaaaase forgive me for the wait because im a fraking herpaderp and im losing literacy as i write thissuperfast! Ugh, no words can describe how sorry i am for the FUCKING TWO MONTH WAITING PERIOD, but I also cannot express my thanks at the understanding that some of you have~! *tears up* ARIGATO GOZAIMASU!

Thanks for reviewing, Blackmoon OniOokami! MoonlightdemonKita for reviewing! xXxOtAkU-444xXx for reviewing! AnimeFreakAmanda for reviewing! GintsukiKyu for reviewing! Demon's purity for story alerting! Jessica for reviewing! SB01 for story alerting! DGL4life for story alerting! lonewolfgirl-sademo588 for story alerting, story faving and reviewing! Inoure for story faveing! Yoko Of The Masquerade for story alerting! Vic-Mignogna-is-awesome (THIS.) for story faveing and reviewing! Fallenangel11271 for author faveing! Faye silver for story alerting! Bumblebeecamaro38 for reviewing! Lifeclaw for story alerting! AnimeRoxMiWorld for story faveing/ alerting! Nightmaregirl11313 for story faveing! Akastuki's-princess93 for story faveing! GothKat2SlashFan for author faveing! Dragons redemption for story faveing! Moonlight Rein for story alerting! Mitsuki Hyassi for reviewing! (If I missed anybody, please tell me, I think I saved some to the wrong folder in my email :P )

Brightpaw32 (it was 32, right...?), I purposely ignored you right until the end so that I could say hi! … HI BRIGHTPAW~ I LURVE YOU, MY STALKER(S)~


Where Is Home


"W-what?" Kagome stuttered as she was pulled along the hallway towards her own room.

"I said, you have to leave a bit early, dear," Hungary puffed out, opening her maid's door and flinging both herself and Kagome inside. Urgently, Hungary shoved Kagome in the direction of the closet.

"But, Eliza-!"

"Grab a suitcase from there, please?"

"What do you need a suitcase for?"

"I'm not the one whose going to need it, Kags." Kagome frowned, her brows furrowing at the indication.


"The suitcase, dear."

Kagome sighed and relented. She opened up the closet and pulled a suitcase - her own, from when she had first come to Austria – down. Slowly, she walked back and laid it on the bed for Hungary, who had already started pulling Kagome's clothes out of her dresser. Kagome yelped when a sock smacked her in the face.

"Ok, what the heck!?" she exclaimed, squaring her stance defensively. Hungary blinked in surprise and turned away from the dresser, ceasing her fire of random garments.

"What the heck what?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Elizaveta!" Kagome snapped, glaring at her frying pan-loving friend. "My flight back to France comes tomorrow! I was simply planning on packing then, and I distinctly remember telling you that… so why…?" Kagome trailed off with a hurt expression. Okay, so maybe she wasn't the best maid in the world, but that was no reason to kick her out early…

Hungary's stressed expression softened, her eyes becoming apologetic.

"Oh, Kagome… I didn't mean…" she sighed and smiled sadly, opening her arms. Kagome's tense posture slipped away at the gesture and she walked forward, hugging her friend, and being hugged tightly.

"I didn't mean that I wanted you out," Hungary sighed, her eyes downcast over Kagome's shoulder. She snorted softly. "If anything, I would rather have you stay here as a guest instead of a maid." 'Maybe even more than a guest, depending on Holy Rome's feelings…' "But… something came up, hun." Hungary sighed. Kagome pulled away slightly to stare, confused, into her friend's vivid hazel eyes.

"What do you mean?" she asked softly, a little afraid of the answer. Had one of the countries found out her location and threatened to declare war if she wasn't returned? Or was it something less serious…? Hungary closed her eyes and shook her head, as if disappointed at her own silliness.

"The others… we had an emergency meeting yesterday, and it was about you… and Holy Roman Empire…" Kagome's eyes widened. What? How had the other countries found out that…? …Oh. Prussia…

Hungary bit her lower lip, trying to find the words to explain. Wow, was this awkward or what – trying to tell somebody that almost the whole world thought they were dead?

"I- Kagome, you… the-"

"Everyone thinks that you're dead." The soft voice caught Kagome's attention and she spun around. The voice also attracted Hungary's gaze and she sighed.

"Roderich…" Kagome's voice was soft as she stared at the sober Austrian. "..Is that true?"

"Yes…" Hungary sighed, pulling her handkerchief off of her head and running her hand through her long brown locks. "And Roddy and I just know that there will be hell to pay if we don't get you home fast enough to calm them down…" Hungary explained, her tone ever apologetic.

Kagome just blinked and shook her head, bewildered. She flopped onto the bed corner and stared at the ground with wide eyes, not believing it.

"They… they think that I'm… when I'm…?" Kagome mumbled to herself, frowning. She shook her head, then glanced up at the European nations. "Idiots." She chuckled, lightening the depressing mood in the room.

"Funny, that's the exact same thing I thought when Prussia held everyone in the meeting…" Hungary grinned and the two chuckled. Silence stretched throughout the room for a time, as no one had much to say.

Abruptly, Kagome stood up and pasted a grin on her face.

"Well, even though I'm leaving, at least I'll get to see everyone else after so long!" she grinned, looking back and forth to the two nations. "Elizaveta, would you please help me pack?" Hungary nodded, happy that her friend wasn't too upset with them.

"I'm going to tell Holy Rome that you're leaving early. You may come and say your farewells to him once you're finished here." He nodded, his posture regained, and Kagome giggled at the sudden change.


Austria and Hungary were both glad that she was taking this so calmly.




"What do you mean, 'SHE'SA LEAVING EARLY'!?"

Austria flinched at his ward's shouts of terror. He sighed in irritation and gave the ex-nation a stern glare.

"Holy Rome! Please use an inside voice!" Austria's words came out strained, but they were ignored anyway.

"She'sa leaving early… But we hada at least one more day together! I hada so much planned, she could've seena my old territory (Gah, would that have been too intimate!) or possibly even gone ona a celebratory (well, not celebratory to me, but celebratory as in her return to her lands…) picnic, and we could've- AHH!" Holy Rome gasped loudly and stopped pacing. His hands flew to his hair in despair. "The song! I'ma not even finished witha the song! She'sa going to be so disappointed-!"

"Holy Rome!" Austria yelled, although he was more curious than angry at the moment. Seeing Holy Roman Empire act like this… well, let's just say it had been a long time. Too long. "What are you going on about?" he questioned, exasperated. Holy Rome's face turned a deep shade of red. Very interesting…

"I-I don'ta know whata you're talking about!" the ex-nation exclaimed, holding his head up high and turning towards the balcony windows in his room. A thin, defined eyebrow quirked on Austria's face. Orlly? Roderich called bull shit. [1]

"Well, never mind then. I just thought you had said something about a song for Kagome…" the ex-nation's shoulders stiffened at her name. Austria nearly smirked. Gotcha. "Oh well. I guess I'll just go and check my music room to see if there are any spare music sheets lying around that I didn't write… that I can just, you know, throw away, use for a fire, you know, that sort of thing." Austria shrugged and turned to walk out of the room-

"Y-you wouldn't dare…" Austria turned halfway to Holy Rome and raised an eyebrow in question: as if he didn't already know.

"Wouldn't dare to do vhat, Holy Roman Empire?" he blinked innocently – or, as innocently as a grown man can – and tilted his head.

Holy Rome's expression switched from flabbergasted to annoyed, then accusatory, as if he were about to shout at Austria, and then settled for a pouty glare.

"…I hata you so much." Holy Rome grumbled, turning away to hopefully hide his pink-tinted face.

"Careful now, you're starting to sound like Lovino."



And so Holy Rome was blackmailed into admitting his feelings for Kagome. Again. Right? I think so… woops! Off track, sorry~ Anyways, Roddy said that he wouldn't meddle, but when it was time for Kagome to actually head off…


Kagome took a deep breath and knocked on Holy Rome's room quietly. She swallowed thickly at the thought of leaving him behind. It stung worse than the thought of leaving both Hungary and Austria combined, because… well,-

The door opened and her concentration was broken.

"Hey, Holy- WAA!" she suddenly yelped as her wrist was grabbed and she was pulled behind the speeding ex-nation. She barely stopped herself from tripping and falling over, and he hadn't even looked back!

"H-Holy Rome, where are we-?" she panted, trying to match his pace, but it was in vain. He was determined on getting somewhere fast, obviously!

They cut a few corners – Kagome nearly smacking into the far walls as they turned – but in moments, they had made it to large, ornate wooden doors when they came to a sudden halt.

"Ahh~!" Kagome screamed as she slid on her shoes toward the door, since she had not stopped. However, Holy Rome pulled her back, using the leftover energy to spin her into his arms.

"W~waa…What was that all about, jerk!?" Kagome shouted at him dizzily, leaning on him for support. At such a close proximity, she could easily see that his face was a burning red- whether from the sprint or from their position, she couldn't tell.

"I- I didn'ta mean for that to happen!" he called out breathlessly, his arms stiffening around her. He moved to step back, but Kagome moaned in pain and grabbed his arms, preventing him from doing so.

"W-wait a sec," she hissed. The room was still spinning around her. "I gotta catch my breath…" she mumbled and leaned her head on his chest.

Holy Rome gulped and loosely wrapped his arms around her again, trying not to let himself have a heart attack. Looking around, he sighed happily when he saw no sign of his mother or father figures.

"Here," he mumbled, wrapping his arm around her abdomen and using his other hand to reach for the music room door. "Let'sa just get this over with…" he muttered, and they walked inside.

It was just like it always was; Giant, gaping windows arching upon the walls, allowing sunlight to stream pleasantly through the panes; various different instruments throughout the room, varied from native to foreign, from the taiko to the didgeridoo [2]. However, one of them stood out among the rest – the baby grand piano sitting in the middle of the room, tuned to perfection and without a single speck of dust on its surface. The golden sunlight filtered through the windows and shone off of the gorgeous instrument that sat so proudly as a centerpiece.

Holy Rome thought he was going to be a little sick.

The overall perfection of the room threatened his rusty playing skills. Almost all of the instruments here (of course, not the taiko…) had been mastered by the master of the house. They seemed ominous somehow…

"Holy Rome? What are we doing here?" Kagome asked, looking around the room. It seemed a lot bigger now that they took notice of all the instruments.

Holy Rome glanced at Kagome and he took a deep breath. Slowly, he let his arm fall away from around her waist, from where it had settled, and gently touched her hand. She turned to look at him quickly, her face tinted pink, but his wary, sparkling blue eyes lingered on their hands. With a shy smile, she let her fingers lace into his. She giggled when she saw him blush deeply.

"L-let'sa…" he trailed, gulping nervously. Kagome smiled at him, finding how shy he was to be incredibly adorable. Tenderly, he tugged Kagome's hand and she followed him over to the grand piano. He sat on it and slowly pulled Kagome down, blushing fervently when their eyes met.

There was a moment of tense silence while Holy Rome pulled the music sheets out from under the lid of the piano and placed them on the music rack, and placed his fingers on the starting keys of the song.

"I…" he started, losing his confidence already. Kagome looked to him, her eyes curious. "…I wrote lyrics for the song… b-but I didn't hava any time-a to practice them…" he mumbled, ashamed.

"It's alright, Holy Rome." Kagome smiled and looked at the music sheets. She could somewhat understand how the lyrics went, even though she'd never played an instrument like this. "I'll sing them."

Holy Rome blushed an adorable shade of pink and ducked his head in thanks. He took a deep breath, replaced his fingers on the keys, and then-

Before Holy Rome could start, a soft sound of the violin was heard. The two occupants of the room looked around, but no one was around. Shaking his head, Holy Rome started to play, despite the slight distraction.

"When somebody loved me,
Everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together lives within my heart. Oh, Holy Rome…" Kagome whispered, awed by the beauty of the soft, heartfelt music. The soft cadence rising form the piano rose up like the smell of a sweet pastry and flooded the room with pleasant hums. The accompanying violin made everything all the sweeter, if not bittersweet. Kagome looked to the lyrics.

"And when she was sad,
I was there to dry her tears
And when she was happy,
So was I…
When she loved me."

"Through the summer and the fall,
We had each other, that was all…
Just she and I together,
Like it was meant to be."

They hadn't even had that long… only about a month and a half, but somehow… that was enough time for his feelings for her to form… and completely take him over.

"And when she was lonely,
I was there to comfort her.
And I knew that… she loved me."

Tears were in Kagome's eyes by now. This song was amazingly beautiful and sweet and just…just so~! It made Kagome's heart flutter erratically. She glanced over at Holy Rome, who had the expression of utter concentration… but also, peace, if not a little embarrassment. It was probably the happiest that she had seen him in a while.

"So the years went by…
I stayed the same.
But she began to drift away,
I was left alone.
Still I waited for the day…
When she'd say I will always love you…"

Holy Rome broke into a small sweat as he played. He was infinitely nervous. Not even the sweet, adoring smile shining on Kagome's beautiful face could ease him now.

This… this part, it had been more about his past than the present… it seemed so awkward right now, to have his present love singing about his old love… but….

Holy Rome stole a glance at Kagome and his fingers nearly slipped off of the keys. A sparkling tear was running down the side of her face, shining from the light coming from the windows. She looked choked up, as if she were about to cry. Holy Rome's throat tightened and he felt what she looked like. Depressed. Depressed and disappointed… had she really not liked the song that much…? Still, he pressed on for the last few notes.

"Lonely and forgotten,
I'd never thought she'd look my way.
And she smiled at me and held me, just like she used to do.
Like she loved me…

When she loved me.

When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful.
Every hour we spent together, lives within my heart…
When she… loved… me."

With that, the song came to a close, and though the last few notes hummed through the room for a few seconds afterward, there was a tense silence from its originators. Holy Rome's fingers lingered on the keys, as if he wanted to play another song, one that would make her happy. Or possibly redo the first one, to see why she would be so morose about it… but he couldn't find it in him to even think about playing another song for the rest of his life.

Judging by the tears sparkling in her watery sapphire eyes, he had failed… and that was enough to make him want to go and sleep for the rest of his life. Or crawl in a hole and sob for a good couple of hours. Yeah, that sounded good right about now.

"Holy Rome…" he winced at her watery tone and had barely turned to look at her when he was nearly tackled in a hug. He grunted at the force, but blinked in shock, staring worriedly at the little Japanese woman.

"H-Holy Rome… that was beautiful…" Kagome tightened her grip around his chest, and Holy Rome felt his gaze soften. With a small, blissful smile, he gently wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes, sighing in content.

Unknowingly, the ex-nation had taken her tears the wrong way. They were most definitely not tears of disgust, but tears of joy and happiness, and also appreciation. Joy that this beautiful song had been dedicated to her and made for her by such a dear friend. Happiness because there was the possibility of a reason for this wonderful gift…one that she would be willing to try. And appreciation because it was no easy feat to make something so heartfelt and of this beautiful caliber. Really, she appreciated everything he did for her. She was so happy to have a friend like Holy Rome…

The room no longer felt cold and ominous, but warmed by the sunlight that glowed upon them. The warmth of the hug and the emotions packed into it wafted around the room, creating a sense of belonging. And truly, they did – one heartbroken soul to another, from years long past, a beauty long forgotten and unrewarded. The beauty of simply loving. Truthfully, they were an odd pair, but they melded together to create something more beautiful than all the riches of the world could buy.

It seemed as though years of worry and pain melted away from the ex-nation's heart; anyone could see this by the way that he relaxed into the embrace, the way the wrinkled worry lines disappeared from his brow, and the way his normally cold blue eyes turned endearing at the mention of the woman in his arms.

And as for the woman… well, if the loud pounding of her heart was not enough indication, maybe the tell-tale pink blush on her face would be: possibly even the way she smiled shyly into her friend's chest as she embraced him tenderly? What could this feeling be? Oh, if only she weren't so naïve: she'd see that this friendship was meant to be so much more… and she was already feeling the affects. It was obvious that she liked him a bit more than a friend would, in average, but if only…

"Thank you…" she whispered, and suddenly the world seemed a little bit nicer.


"Nice job," Hungary permitted, standing a little ways away from the door leading to the music room, which was wide open to reveal the two love birds inside.

"It was nothing." The Austrian man commented nonchalantly, snapping the latches on his violin case closed. "Truly, Holy Roman Empire's playing was the centerpiece. I just figured he could use a little push." He nodded, grabbing the case and standing up. Hungary giggled.

"Oh please. Don't pretend that you don't care." She smirked a little, bobbing her head towards the two embracing on the piano bench. Austria gazed calmly through his glasses and adjusted his neck kerchief.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he huffed and walked away. Hungary rolled her eyes but grinned, sparing one last glance toward the almost-couple and giggling.


The plane ride home was, bluntly put, uneventful. Boring and heart-wrenching, seeing as she was leaving her family-like friends and someone whom she loved dearly, even if she did not realize it completely. But, there was one incedent…

"Thank you for everything," Kagome flashed a watery smile, tears already dripping down her flushed cheeks. "I promise I'll visit, and I'll send you gifts from Japan, and I'll write to you all the time, you can even email me or call me, and-" She broke into sniffles and Hungary ran forward and grabbed her in a hug, a tear dripping down her face as well.

"Don't worry dear! We'll see each other all the time, I'll make sure of that. We'll see each other at the world summits and other meetings, and I'll even hire you again if I have to!" Hungary laughed, and so did Kagome.

She was passed over to Austria, to whom she leaned up and poked his curl. He sort of twitched, making her laugh.

"I'm sorry, I just have wanted to do that for a while now," she giggled and Austria rolled his eyes, blushing. She hugged him tightly and he sighed, but returned the gesture with a sweet smile. He kissed her on the forehead and blushed an impossible shade of red.

"J-just take care of yourself, manage your money well, and don't waste a single thing." He mumbled, stuttering, and she giggled.


Finally, she was set in front of Holy Rome, who was looking away dejectedly. She smiled sadly and tilted her head, trying to lean into his line of view.

"Hey, Holy Rome," she spoke gently, trying to get his attention. He glanced toward her and quickly looked away, shoving his hands in his pockets with an angry huff. Kagome sighed and looked to the ground, a little disappointed, but she did not notice the tears pricking the corners of his eyes.

Kagome glanced back at him again and shrugged to herself. Slowly, she leaned up and placed a sweet, chaste kiss on his cheek and then pulled away, her face an adorable shade of pink.

"Goodbye, Holy Rome…" she trailed uneasily, looking toward the two European nations for some relief for the awkward atmosphere, but they just shook their heads.

Sighing, Kagome picked up her bags and suitcase and made her way over to the terminal, her foot barely inside, when-

"Wait! Kagome-!" And suddenly she was enveloped from a hug from behind. She blushed and wobbled, since her foot was not yet on the ground, but the arms embracing her from behind held her steady.

"Not goodbye," Holy Rome whispered in her ear, making her blush an even deeper shade, "not goodbye. We'll see each other again… I promise." He mumbled and let her go, even slightly pushing her inside the terminal gate. Kagome turned around and smiled, her face still a delightful pink.

"Not goodbye." She giggled, stepping backwards into the terminal. "So… I'll see you, Shinsei Roma~" she laughed gleefully and waved one last time to her family-of-sorts, then practically skipped into the plane.

Kagome smiled and stared dreamily out the window, imagining what it would be like to be back home again. Her heart fluttered oddly at this, but she ignored it in favor of imagining the looks on everyone's face when she arrived back in a private Austrian jet.

Italy would be tearing up and his eyes would open for once… America would be flipping out, way too excited for his own good… Japan would tear up, and his eyes would light up with rare emotion… Germany would gape in shock…

Suddenly, Germany's imaginary shocked, sky-blue irises were replaced with sparkling aquamarine eyes filled with compassion and stubbornness. His slicked-black hair was suddenly covered by a familiar black hat and his open mouth turned into a gentle smile…

Kagome shook her head, willing away her thoughts and the sudden blood rush from her heart. She tried focusing on her family back in the other parts of Europe, but her thoughts always wandered back toward her starry blue-eyed friend… back where her heart had seemingly decided was home.


Where Is Home


MCD: HEERRPP *has a heart attack* God, I sit here for months- months!-, dying of all the sicknesses winter can offer, constantly falling asleep after a few brutal hours of track and field, and randomly scrolling through the interwebz, feeling guilty about all of my unupdated stories, when suddenly- BAM! Inspiraion hits me like a falling rock and suddenly this is finished in two days. Also, apparently Sarah Mc glawkalawkin does not exist in this fic... because I stole her song.

…sometimes I just wanna smack the little voice in my head. DERP

Anyway, the good news is that I came first place in shotput at 24 ft, 8 in, 2nd in 100-meter dash, and third in discus, at 50 feet even. Also, I am in the process of writing the next chapter for Breaking Barriers and When In Cuba, so hopefully I'll have those up soon. Aikiowah said that she's almost finished with most of her fanart and that she might be posting them soon on her DA account; I'll post the links on my profile once she puts them up. Once again, HI BRIGHTPAW~! Hmmm… anything else? I don't think so, besides more profuse apologies for the wait, but I hope that the length is enough to compensate.

PLEASE READ THIS PART -And… I find myself sad to say this… but the next chapter is the last. I mean, I'll probably end up posting an epilogue, and I'm apparently making a sequel upon a very specific request of one of my reviewers (with babies. They shall have babies. Which I intend to name Miroku and Sango and Shippo… or maybe I'll become creative in that short span of time :D)

And well, that's it, except for the side notes:

[1] HA! Roderich!? yeah, sure! I can't imagine him saying that, not in a million years… but it's so hilarious to make him do it anyway XD

[2] The taiko is a type of traditional Japanese drum. God, they're so much fun to play! I mean, it's hard to get the stance down and remember the songs, because we don't use music sheets, but it's sooo much fun when you get used to it! {Japan also uses a taiko in the movie, APH: Paint It White, near the end. I've got Wa Wa World Ondo on my laptop and I've been practicing it!} And the didgeridoo is an Australian instrument… I'm not really sure how to describe it, other than the noise that it makes is sorta like WOWWWOWWWOOW XD and it's often used in movie scenes that take place in the desert, to sorta embody the sound of heat waves.

…I'm such a nerd XD I love you though, Crockadile Dundee~

Why are my author's notes long than the friggin story!? Well, G'night, everyone! Have a happy spring break~!