MCD: … my first fic! Yay!..?
Disclaimer: There once was a pathetic fangirl, who traveled the world in sandals, but when she got home, she said on the phone: I do not own anything which I use.
Kagome/Holy Roman Empire (*minifangirlsquealgiggle*)
Where Is Home
A book of German to Russian translations flew across the room and Kagome ducked just in time for it to hit the wall where her head had been with a loud thump. She scowled, though on the inside she was freaking out. Big time.
All the nations were fighting, and she meant all of them. At least, all of them at the current G8 meeting in France.
Germany was currently throttling France for all he was worth; England and America were bickering, trading the occasional slap; Italy was cowering, holding the broken end of his white flag towards the two as Russia and China cornered him, only to start fighting among themselves (Russia pulled out his pickaxe after he finished with his rusty pipe and China was defending himself with his wok); Even Canada and Japan, the two quietest, shyest nations were fighting lightly, though they didn't seem happy about it (Japan was holding his katanas and Canada was trying to land a hit with maple tree branches, Kumajiro snapping at the oriental country's legs).
Kagome was just about fed up with it, after only a year she had had enough. This was the final straw.
Kagome could practically feel her eye twitching. Why did she always attract the crazies? First it was demons, now personified figures of nations... she needed some headache relievers...
"Do not worry, Kagome-sama." a familiar voice lined thick with a Japanese accent said next to her. Kagome snapped out of her thoughts and smiled at her close friend, Kiku Honda. They had met up in the Feudal Era and after she had completed the Shikon as well, in her era. She had found out almost immediately that he was her country, but she hadn't anticipated meeting every other country as well.
"I know Kiku-chan, it's just that I'm nervous. What are they like? What do they do besides...well, be country-ish?" she said awkwardly. Kiku gave a small smile.
"Not to worry, Kagome-chan. They are.. interesting, but you rill indefinitely survive. You get used to them. But watch out for England and America when they are within 10 feet of each other.." he mumbled the last part, but Kagome heard it and sweatdropped.
Soon they reached the doors to the conference room and truth be told, Kiku was on pins and needles. Kagome, being the beautiful young woman she was, with the plus of a large heart and motherly nature, would surely win the other countries over. But that's what he was scared about. Honestly Kiku was afraid they would take to her too well... Kiku felt a little jealous that he had to share her in the first place.
Kagome opened the double doors and was greeted with an interesting sight.
A muscular, blue-eyed blonde man was sitting at the table, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance while an ecstatic brunette talked a hundred miles an hour, waving his hands around excitedly even though his eyes were closed; two blond men were bickering- well, the blue-eyed bespectacled one looked amused while the one with the impressive set of eyebrows (were those fairies above his head?) looked genuinely pissed and were having a one-sided argument; a handsome blond man was quietly sipping wine and eating some sort of french food while an Asian boy with a pony-tail muttered something about "healthy noodles, aru": and finally another poor blonde was being squashed under the white-haired man that was currently sitting on him. The snowy-headed man had a chilling aura... but Kagome wasn't really affected, living with demons for two years had that sort of effect.
Kiku gave a small polite cough and the French man was first to notice.
In the next second Kagome's hands were in his and he gave her a dazzling smile as rose petals and a weird pink aura surrounded them both.
"Mademoiselle, your beauty is enough to rival even my own! I'm so glad you caught my eye, hon hon hon! I-" he rambled, rubbing circles on her hands with his thumbs. Kagome refrained from blushing. Kouga had done this many times, she was quite used to it.
"-name is Francis! Come with me, mon cheri and we shall spend the night together-" he continued and Kagome paused him when she spoke.
"Pardonnez moi monsieur, but I understand French, so I would appreciate it if you didn't call me "my love" as soon as you met me. Also, I am not currently looking for a relationship and my name is Kagome, not mademoiselle." she deadpanned, pulling away from him.
She realized that the room had silenced and all eyes were currently on her. She gulped, blushing lightly and she bowed.
"Hello, my name is Kagome Higurashi. I am a friend of Kiku's and it is a pleasure to meet all of you.' she said and waited for everyone to speak.
Japan was quite pleased that his Kagome-chan was not at all fazed by France, who was currently in a state of shock since Kagome was the first woman to reject him..ever! Italy was first to greet her back.
The excited Italian ran up to her and crushed her in a hug, giving her his own introduction. "Ciao, Kagome! I'm Feliciano, but you can call me Feli! I'm from Italy and I love pasta!" he said with his eyes closed still (Kagome wondered how he could see..) and suddenly he cupped her face in his hands and planted kisses on her cheeks, muttering "Ve~!" the whole time. Kagome blushed pink and gently pushed the man away when he was done. Then there was a rush of introductions... everyone wanted to meet this mysterious girl first (technically fourth).
Ludwig was the tall blonde German man, she noted with a blush how handsome he was. ("A pleasure to meet you, Miss Kagome.")
The bespectacled blonde American was Alfred, who shook her hand vigorously. ("Hi! I'm the hero, so you can come to me for anything! Hahaha!")
The British man with the large eyebrows was Arthur, who had quite literally shoved his way in front of her. ("Hello lass, it's good to meet a friend of Kiku's- wait, fa- you can see them too!" he had said giddily.)
The Chinese man with the colorful clothing was Yao. ("I'm Kiku's older brother, aru. I love Hello Kitty, aru!")
The tall Russian man with the iron grip was Ivan, from Russia. ("I am Ivan. Become one with Mother Russia, da." he said, which elicited a small laugh from Kagome. "Sorry, like I said I'm not looking for a relationship.")
And the final one was Matthew, a shy, quiet Canadian boy that was surprised she could even see him moping in his seat. ("I-I'm M-matthew! Y-you can see me?" he asked shakily and she gave him a confused look. "Of course. You're not a ghost... so why not?" "Matthew, when did you get here?" "I've been here the whole time...")
From that point on, Kagome got along fairly well with the countries, though they did not with eachother. It was starting to irritate and sadden her, and after a while she found she just couldn't take much of it. Random fights between the countries over her made her feel guilty, though Japan had told her frequently that it wasn't her fault. But it it all lead up to the current situation...
Kagome glared at Kiku the next time she caught his eye and he gave her an apologetic, nervous look as he sliced the maple branch in half, leaving a squeaking Canada defenseless.
Kagome was sick and tired of it. If this was what it meant to be with these guys, she would have to leave. In no way did she want to be the one responsible for WWIII. The next thought she had saddened her greatly. It was like having to leave her Feudal Era friends all over again, just different circumstances. But as soon as the next wine glass shattered a few feet away from her feet, the sadness turned into anger. Dammit, she would stop this fighting if it killed her! ...Hopefully that was a worst-case scenario.
She headed a little bit towards the conference table were Germany still had France in a choke hold, though his nose was bleeding now, probably from the flailing the blonde beneath him was doing. She grew frustrated when they didn't separate themselves when she shouted at them, as well as the other groups. It was like she didn't even exist, when her going to a different country had been the reason they were fighting like drunken sailors in the first place. Now she was pissed. Her infamous temper was no good in situations like this.
In response to the fighting she grew more frustrated, more angered until she snapped, forming a bow and a sacred arrow with her miko ki. She pointed it at the ceiling and released it. It created a loud boom, though it did no damage the light was intensely bright and all the nations were frozen. When the light cleared, all the nation's muscles were frozen in awkward fighting positions as Kagome glared at them all with sad and angry sparkling blue eyes.
"What has gotten into all of you!" she hissed, causing them to stop and take a look at what they were doing. They were practically trying to destroy each other... everyone lowered their weapons and dusted themselves off, staring at the miko.
Japan mentally cursed. Though Kagome was close to everyone, they hadn't known about her powers. That was one thing he refused to share with some of the more power-hungry countries such as Russia. And telling one of them meant telling them all, and that was a disaster waiting to happen.
However with the stunt she had just pulled, there was no cover up. The black-haired woman in the center of the room continued in righteous anger.
"What the hell do you think you're doing? Take a good look at yourselves! You're fighting like mad men!" she scolded. Russia let the bottom of his pickaxe thump on the ground as he glanced at China. Germany quickly got off of France, sitting on his bottom. Italy was cowering from Kagome's anger this now. England and America were paying attention because of the display they just had, both believing in the paranormal and supernatural. Kagome went on.
"You should be ashamed, letting petty anger and jealousy blow up like that! You guys should be more behaved. You're countries for kami's sake!" she said and looked at them with sad eyes. "That's why I can't stay here any longer." she said quietly.
There was a collective gasp as Kagome made her way to the double doors leading out to the lobby. Germany snapped out of his stupor in time to yell to the tiny asian woman across the room and he stumbled to his feet. "Kagome, vhat do you mean you can't stay here any longer?" he asked, a hint of desperation in his voice. He liked Kagome, she was an amazing woman and a great friend...not to mention a teeny tiny crush he had pushed to the back of his mind. She turned to look at him with hidden sadness in her eyes.
"I mean that if I'm going to cause this much fighting, I can't stay here. I don't want to be the cause of such pain." she said. China gaped at her, holding his wok by the handles close to his chest.
"But Kagome-chan, please stay aru! I don't want to lose my little sister, aru." he said and sniffled a little. Kagome gave him a small smile.
"Yao-nii, I'm not leaving forever. I just..I need time to get away. And time for you guys to calm down." she said and grasped the handle of the door. Japan made one desperate attempt.
"But Kagome-chan." he said, and she turned to him. His heart flew into his throat at her undivided attention. "If you are leaving, how long will you be gone? Will you stay home, in Japan?" he asked, mentally scolding himself for not giving her a reason to stay. His statement drew some attention and England piped up, saying she shouldn't have to go, and also not wanting her to leave and a little jealous at Japan's message.
She frowned, looking back and forth between all of them.
"I don't know how long...and home is where the heart is, Kiku. Right now, my heart is scattered across the world... and I need to find somewhere to put it all." she said and finally slipped out the door without another word. After a few minutes all of them snapped out of the trance like state at her announcement and rushed to the bottom floor lobby and outside, only to find she was already gone. Kiku and Germany stared dumbfounded at the street.
Where Is Home
MCD: FAIL FIRST CHAPTER. But I'm working on it. Our friend Holy Rome will come in tha last part of next chapter, then it'll be all him and Kaggy. BTW: I don't know how often I'll be updating, but I'll do it whenever I can. Sayonara!