Here is a bonus chapter for the week. Please let me know what you think so far.

**Most of the story is written and you should be expecting an update at least twice a week (Wednesdays and Saturdays).

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Academy, all rights go to Richelle Meads. I'm just having fun brining her characters to life in my own world.

"I'm going to grab some sodas for us. Rose would you like anything?"

"No thank you, I'm good."


Dimitri paused the game before getting up for the first time since we arrived. A couple hours had passed and the guys were still playing some important mission. I followed Dimitri's frame till he stepped out the door.

"You can stop staring at my friend."

"I'm not staring; I'm just admiring his muscles."

"You have not stopped blushing, it's ridiculous. You should pick up your jaw and wipe that drool off your face."

"I'm not drooling." I was definitely staring but drooling I would not agree to.

"Believe what you want, reason number 8578 why I did not introduce you two sooner. He's acting the same way."

"If looking at a television for a couple hours completely ignoring your guest is drooling over someone Christian you have a lot to learn."

"Sure, I need to use the facility. Don't go through his stuff Rose."

"Got it captain."

Christian made his way towards door stopping before turning the knob.

"I mean it."

"Got it."

Once Christian closed the door behind him I started to take a closer look around. Leaving me alone in a stranger's room expecting me to keep my hands to myself; not a chance. I started to explore Dimitri's room more; I remember being impressed by his music collection. Making my way towards the French doors, the roses outside had multiplied since I was last here. From the corner of my eye a shiny piece of metal caught my eye. Dimitri did not look like the guy who would have wind chimes outside his window but he did. I ran my fingers through the small pieces of metal my

"You're going through my stuff again Roza?"

Gasping, I moved my body to face him "Dimitri, you startled me."

"What do you have there?"

"Your windmill, why the earing?"

Lifting his hands, his fingers brushed against mine, grabbing the small earing between his fingers,

"I came back from a trip and it was on my bed. I added it to my collection when my older sisters didn't claim it. It's a very old piece, this design is one of a kind too. I call it my lucky charm."

"It definitely is one of a kind." Dimitri looked around the room, searching for something.

"Where's Christian?"

"He took off to the bathroom and said to stay here, I hope you don't mind, I took a closer look at your room. You have an impressive collection of music and books."

"I don't mind one bit." Dimitri gave me another small smile never breaking contact. He reached over and brushed something from my shoulder.


Shuffling behind us announced my lovely best friend. Breaking his spell on me, Dimitri turned to face Christian.

"Ready for another round?"

"Actually, my mom texted me and I am under strict orders to take Rose home. Rematch tomorrow?"

"That works for me." Extending his hand out to mine, I grasped his hand. "It was great meeting you Roza."

"It was nice meeting you too. Maybe we can catch up during lunch on of these days."

"Maybe we can."

"Rose and Dimitri, I am under strict order to get you home young lady. You both know how my mother is; I intend on living a long life and I'm not going to let either of you spoil that plan."

Turning into my street I spotted a familiar red car two house away. Immediately I looked at Christian, a small cloud starting to form over our good mood we were currently in. Maybe if I distracted him I could preserve the smile on his face.

"Drop me off right here, I'll sneak in through the back."

"I know she's here."

"Of course you do."

"Rose, Lissa's car is right there."

"I know."

Christian made a turn at the end of the cul-de-sac before pulling up to my house. I spotted Lissa sitting on Abe's favorite chair, a veil of gold hair surrounding her face. He parked just out of eye sight, leaving his car idle for a quick exit. We both were quiet turning our attention to my best friend. At one point she was the love of his life, now all that love was a fading hate. A very slow fading hate.

They had a rocky start, Lissa's older brother Andre hated him. Tasha is a well off business woman but in Lissa's mothers world 'New Money" was not an option. But Lissa loved Christian and Christian loved Lissa or at least that's the way it looked. She brushed off the topic every time I tried to find out more and Christian still will not talk about it. Sometimes I would catch him looking at her and that soft smile he only had for her would appear. Looking over at Christian now all I could see was a frown.

"I didn't know she would be here."

"I know."

Letting out a long breath Christian focused his attention to the empty road ahead. "Lissa has a mind of her own Rose; she's probably worried about you. Look at her, its 4am and she's sitting outside of her home. That's very uncharacteristic of her."

"It's not, I know a different side of her than anyone ever will."

"We all do, they're not all pretty Rose."


Christian placed his hand on the gear shifting from parked to drive. "Let's agree to disagree. She's not someone I want to talk about, call me when you wake up and we can grab some lunch."

I unbuckled my seatbelt, gaining access to lean over. I gave him a quick kiss on his cheek earning a smile. "Thank you for everything tonight. Dimitri was very interesting, I'm definitely going to bother him on campus."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you." I opened up my door, softly closing it behind me. "Don't stay up too late."

"Ha Ha Mr. Ozera, I have a feeling Lissa is going to be here for a while."

" I agree." Chrisitn focused his sight behind me before facing the road agaian. Before I could say anything, I heard her footsteps.

"Rose, where have you been."

And that's my que to leave. Call me tomorrow Rose."

"Got it, lunch on you."

I started to walk away from his car when you rolled down his windows .

"Rose, be careful and avoid him for a while at least. Let things cool down."

"I will, promise."

Christian responded with a weak smile before driving away. I turned around to face my best friend. She was still in her outfit from the party down to her heels. Linking our arms together we made our way up driveway.

"Should I pretend I'm not offended that you left the party with him. I was in the other room when you stormed off. You could have found me, I would have happily brought you home hours ago."

We made our way to the top of my front steps. Sitting on the porch swing, I left my body rest, placing my head on her shoulder.

"You were on a date."

"And you broke up with your boyfriend. At least that's what Natalie said."

"I think Natalie has a better idea of what happened than I do,"

"Everyone is talking about it. And poor Adrian, he is so devastated. Rose he got caught up in the moment and feels awful. You on the other hand don't seem one bit affected by it. Why is that?"

"I don't know. I want to say I'm upset and heart broken but I'm not. I feel no responsibility for what happened and his behavior. Every time we see each other it's another argument and once again you're here to plead his case. I don't deserve a friend like you, you know that Lissa."

"You have no idea how much I know that, I'm basically the best thing that's ever happened to you."

We both started laughing our voice carrying throughout the night. Lissa started to push her body off the seat.

"You're leaving do soon?"

"Yeah it's late and Adrian is at my place waiting for me to come back." I lifted my right eyebrow at her statement.

"Why is Adrian at your place?"

"It was either he stayed at my place or came with me. I'm sure he's the last person you want to see."

"Definitely the right choice on your part." I stood up wrapping my arms around her waist lifting her off her toes.

Lissa started to giggle, wiggling in my arms. "Rose you needs to stop you're going to drop me like the last time,"

"I dropped you one time and you'll never let me forget it."

"How could I, you fell into a pile of roses the same night."

That was the same night we broke into Dimitri's home. Which up until tonight I had no idea Christian had ties to. I let her go and watched move down the steps.

"Hey, Lissa"


"Why did we break into that house? Did you know it was Dimitri's home?"

A playful smile crossed her face. "Of course I knew that asshole lived there. I can't stand him and last time I checked the feeling was mutual. Good night Rose."

I lifted my hand offering a small wave. Watching Lissa unlock her car and silently take off towards the empty road was my cue to head inside. I'm definitely bugging Dimitri on Monday.