This is a crossover between Harry Potter and X-Men First Class.

To explain my timeline : Hadrian was born in 1945, just at the end of the war, and I assume he's going to meet all the first class X-Men in the 60s, while he's 17, so that he's an adult in the wizarding world.

Disclaimer : Harry Potter and X-Men First Class belong to their respective owners.

Here is the first corrected chapter. Enjoy!


Prologue :

It was in 1945, just a few months from the end of the second biggest war in history, World War II, though another secret war was lurking in the shadows, in a certain secret community. Despite all the horrible deaths, both in number and brutality, that this war generated, life went on.

As it were, The Potters, in their hidden family manor in an unplotable location in England, were about to welcome one more member. And what an important event it was to be, not only because of the tensed situation in the world, but also because Charles and Dorea Potter were awaiting their first child, and thus heir to the Most Ancient and Powerful House of Potter. They were anxiously waiting for the moment when the Family Magics would recognize the little baby and estimate his potential. You see, the Potters were not what a lot of people would call normal. They were wizards. In fact, very rich and powerful wizards.

After a suspiciously short time following the beginning of the contractions, a baby's cry was heard. Both the parents and the nurse were surprised by the short time for the birth process, but they didn't complain, after all it was better than the contrary, right ?

Afterwards, they went to look on the family tapestry what the magical Family Tree had added. It was their second surprise of the night, although certainly not a good one. Hadrian was indeed recorded as the first scion of the House of Potter, however this one shock was far more upsetting in the Potters' world.

On the 31st of July in the year 1945, Hadrian Rowan Potter was born a squib... yet so much more...