Again, another sorry for the wait… this is short since I didn't want any more waiting for this chapter.

Umm… Amuro and Sara is not a very well-known character for me, since I have been slacking in the updating of my reading and episode watching's. So expect a bit of OCC's in their charactering. Probably in the future I will enter them in more accurately and adjust the story, but for now just bear with me.

I will try to post the next one as soon as I find out what to do next. Suggestions accepted and probably faster, but of course I will be starting up school again. So don't expect too soon.

See ya!

Chapter 10: Twins Casting?

"Ossan entered us into a, what!?" Conan and Arthur exclaimed at the same time when they heard the full explanation of why they were pulled out practically midday of school.

Ran smiled apprehensively, already knew of the reaction upon heard the news, "Yeah I said the same thing, when I found out an hour ago."

One hour before…

Ran sighed when her father stomped up the stairs to his office after they taxied back from the hospital, and slammed the door shut with enough force to rattle the glass panes of café Poirot. Azusa, the family familiar waitress, poked her head out from the entrance with worry, "Did something happen to your father Ran-chan? I saw the ambulance this morning when I arrived. I was worried."

"No, it's nothing," Ran answered back, "Just a little prank our newest addition did to my father."

"Do you mean the little boy who looked like Conan-kun, minus the glasses and addition of messy hair?" she asked curiously then burst out the café completely upon her nod, "He sent Kogoro-san to the hospital, on his first day? That's something that I always expected of Conan to do! So who is he?"

Ran, flustered by the sudden squeal of Azusa smiled backing off a little giving the both of them room, "He's Conan-kun's twin apparently… and the youngest who was sent to relatives, luckily," which she bit out still sourly which made the other surprised at the rarely seen emotion. She sighed and explained, "After their parents were in an accident, they were separated since the intended relatives couldn't keep both. So Conan-kun ended up with Agasa, who suggested me to take care of. Arthur-kun, that's his name, missed him terribly since they didn't have any means of contacting each other directly. He somehow convinced the relatives to send him to Beika to Agasa, which was then to us."

"That's disturbing and amazing at the same time!" the waitress exclaimed hearing the sadly-to-happy-reunion story. Ran smiled brightly at the similar reaction she had.

"Azusa-san, come back in and get back to work, some customers are waiting for their orders taken!" the owner cried out from the door sending Azusa jumping and almost tripping back inside waving goodbye. The owner smiled as she took orders and starting on making them before turning and calling towards Ran who was going to enter the stairway to her home/office, when he remembered something important, "Ran-chan!"

She stopped at the first step and looked towards him, "Yes?"

"A package came for your father when you guys left… umm… hold on let me get it!" he ran back inside after finding it not on hand. A few seconds he was back out with a large manila envelope, "The mailman was at a loss since he couldn't leave it out so he gave it to us to give to you."

"Thank you very much, Pierre-san," Ran bowed taking the envelope.

"No, no, it's the least I could do for Kogoro-san," the owner said with a large grin, "Without him, this little place wouldn't be booming and have such a hardworking waitress and waiter, though Amuro had left for a vocational break; don't know where since he didn't say, but he said it was importatn. Say, I could have a little help every now and then… so if you need a job just come in alright? You can say that we can even the favors."

"Yes, thank you so much!" Ran exclaimed making him laugh and take his leave.

At first, everything was crappy: Arthur's relatives, not Agasa of course, story of not having any room for the twins and only taking one pissed her off; She had to practically threaten her father to agree, though for some reason he was happy by the end of the day; Arthur had somehow managed to get her dad to swallow a helium encased pill, though she thought the chipmunk voice was hilarious, the next day; she missed school that had an important class review on an exam that was coming up soon; And, in hope that what is in her hand is not what she think it is, her father was ordering things behind her back.

But on the other hand: she has a new little brother to add to her family, completely reuniting the twins for the first time in a year since their separation; Conan opening up more than ever with his brother next to him; her father was back to normal and they didn't have to pay anything since his fame was welcomed at the hospital as well as his condition being only time treatable; and she received an any-time needed part time job at the Café downstairs.

"This week is starting great!" Ran said stretching before entering the office.

"Ran! Did a package come in!?" Kogoro asked upon her entering. Ran's good mood shattered as she stomped towards him and handed it to him. He eagerly took it and opened it, not noticing the evil aura his daughter was giving him. But when she only saw a single sheet lifted out of the thick envelope the anger dissipated, changing to curiosity. The old detective whooped in victory after the end of the letter letting it drop to the floor of his daughters feet allowing her to pick it up and read it aloud.

"Dear Detective Kogoro, Thank you for enlisting your twins for the new movie. We are proud to congratulate you, that your twins will be needed on site at the new Nichiuri TV's branch at Osaka on Thursday. We hope to see you, your daughter, and the twins soon! Signed, Nichiuri's Director; P.S. Yoko is looking forward to be working with you! Otou-san!" she shouted with a glare that should be meant to kill when she read the postscript reeling all the anger back to full blast startling her father out of his victory stupor, "The reason you allowed Arthur-kun into the house was because of this!"

"N-now Ran… I-I can e-explain!" he whimpered cowering his back to the window's glass as her shadow towered over him.

Downstairs in Poirot's café, everyone only looked up and returned to their business hearing the screams of pain a father getting owned by his daughter.


"And that's why we are going to Osaka," Ran explained giving a lasting glare to her father as they got off the train. The father stiffened, feeling the icy glare and shivered, gathering the courage to glance at his daughter over his shoulder, revealing the damage she had dealt him.

"That explains the black eye too," Arthur whispered in a snicker.

"Serves him right to things behind Ran's back," he whispered back making them both crack up more.

"Anyways," Ran continued smiling back down at the two smiling charges, "I've explained to both of our schools to tell them that we will be on a trip until further notice. They have already gave the okay and have told me to look out for emails for our homework that we will need to print out and returned when we get back. But the best part is, my test will be pardoned!"

"Ran-chan!" a familiar Osakan female voice sounded through the crowded station making them look up to see a ribbon haired teen heading towards their direction with another dark-skinned detective following behind her with a smirk of his own.

"Kazuha-chan, Hattori-kun!"