Disclaimer: The Harry Potter series belongs to J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros.
Inc., Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Raincoast, and any other affiliated party.
This chapter is dedicated to Richard Harris. God bless his soul.
5 years later.
"I'm going to be a Mage Knight today! I'm going to be a Mage Knight today!" yelled 11 year old James as he tore through the hallways of Godric's Hollow Palace with a look of pure joviality. He apparently didn't seem to care about the fact that it was barely dawn and most of the palace was still fast asleep. Or at least, they were until the crown prince came racing by their hallways shouting at the top of his lungs.
"What's all that shouting?" said a yawning Lin Potter as she emerged from her bedroom, still in her nightgown.
"I'm going to be a Mage Knight! I'm going to be a Mage Knight!" yelled James as he zoomed passed his twin sister.
"Well actually, we only become squires today to begin our Mage Knight training at Hogwarts. The actual promotion to Mage Knight is going to happen for a few years," said Lin with a smirk.
"Oh fine! Spoil my fun!" said James while crossing his arms.
"That's what you get for disturbing my sleep," said Lin. James stuck his tongue out at her.
"What's going on here?" asked a sleepy looking 10 year old Virginia as she came out of her room, also still in her nightgown and clutching a stuffed bear.
"James is sugar high," said Lin.
"I am not!" said James rather heatedly. "I'm just excited that we're finally going to get go to Hogwarts today. I've been waiting for this day for a long time."
"You can say that again," said Lin. "These past few years it's been nothing but, 'when do we go to Hogwarts? When do we go to Hogwarts? When do we get to become Mage Knights?' Gave me plenty of headaches." James decided to ignore his sister.
"I'm going to miss you two," said Victoria. "It's really not going to be the same around here without you two. I don't know if I'll cope." She started to get a little teary eyed.
"There, there now," said James with a soothing voice while Lin rubbed Virginia's back. "It'll only be one year until you join us at Hogwarts. Than, it'll be the three of us once again."
"Four, if we include Chris Weasley," said Lin. This brightened Virginia up considerably.
"Take care of Nomie while I'm away, OK," said Lin.
"Or at least until we convince Dumbledore to allow us to keep a dragon on school grounds," said James. "Hagrid will love that."
"It's against the rules!" said Lin rather icily.
"But you know it's what you want," said James with a trademark Potter grin, that caused even his sisters to stutter a little.
"Where are Dad and Mom anyway?" asked Lin, changing the subject. "Didn't James's childish display wake them up as well as the rest of the castle?" James stuck his tongue out at Lin again.
"I'm not sure," said Virginia. "I stopped by their room and they had silencing charms on the doors, not to mention they were locked."
"Grandpa Sirius says to just leave them alone when it's like that. He's says Dad and Mom will explain it to us when we're ready, whatever that means," said James.
At that moment, Harry and Hermione emerged from a nearby hall, still dressed in their nightclothes and their hair messier than usual. Despite the fact that their two older children were leaving for Hogwarts, Harry and Hermione were in an unusually good mood.
"Good morning children," said Hermione. She bent down and kissed first James then Lin on the forehead. "I'm going to miss you two. My angels are growing up too fast."
"Oh, we'll come back by Yule," said James. "And besides you two practically live at Hogwarts whenever there's a Mage Knight emergency."
"Except those Mage Knight emergencies are very few now, especially after the Children of Tempest were defeated," said Harry. "I suppose that's a good thing. It means peace is finally coming back to Magiterran."
"I don't understand," said Lin. "If peace is coming back, why do we still need Mage Knights?"
Harry sighed. "I don't know how to explain that, but we'll always need Mage Knights to keep the peace, to put it in simple terms. The one of biggest mistakes a nation can make is to relax and laze off during a time of peace, because otherwise, they'll be caught unprepared when evil return. Because it will return, one way or another. If there is one unbreakable law, it's that evil never cease to exist." Harry smiled at his older daughter. "There, did that help answer your question?"
"A little, yes. Thank you, Dad," said Lin.
"Well then come on, we need to get you children dressed," said Hermione.
"I can take care of that," said Harry. He clapped his hands two hands and with a flash of light, their clothes were changed. Harry was dressed in his usual Mage Knight armor and Hermione was now in royal, violet robes and a golden tiara. The children were also now dressed in royal clothing of scarlet and white.
"Hmm, I really should learn that spell some tiem," said Hermione. Harry grinned at her.
* * *
A few hours later, the twins were packed and ready to go.
"Remember to write to us as soon as you get there," said a tearful Hermion as she hugged the twins close.
"We will, Mum. I promise," said Lin. She and James held onto Hermione another few seconds before they turned to Harry.
"Take care," he said while he ruffled the twins' hair. "And remember to wreck havoc in Snape's classes."
"Oh, we'll remember all right," said James with a mischievious grin. He gave Harry a high five and a hug. Lin also hugged Harry before she went over to pat Nomie whom was now as big as a house.
Only about a hour later, James and Lin were at Hogwarts, Virginia was at Ron's place playing with Chris, and Harry and Hermione were making their way back to Godric's Hollow. As they made their way back, Hermione stiffled a sob.
"You're not getting sentimental are you?" asked Harry.
"I suppose I am," said Hermione. "Their growing up so fast. It only seems like yesterday when they were so small and adorable. Before I even realizing, their going to have me take care of the gandchildren."
"Whoa! One step at a time! They haven't even become Mage Knights yet."
"It's going to pass quickly," said Hermione. She started thinking for a few minutes before she said, "Harry, do you really believe that evil will never truly be banished."
Harry sighed and said, "Yes. I suppose that's why it's called the never- ending war. But I'm sure our part is over now."
"Do you really think it's fair, passing this burden along to them? They don't deserve that."
"No one does," said Harry. It was their choice to make, not ours. They're the ones who decided to take on that life."
"I know. I'm just worried. Motherly instincts I suppose."
"Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm feeling the very same fatherly insticnts." Harry grinned at her and said, "Now, I just want to sit back and enjoy the rest of our lives together."
"No how can I resist that?" said Hermione with a smile. Their lips met into a long passionate kiss. When they finally pulled apart, they were both breathless.
"You know I love you right?" said Hermione.
"I know. I love you too."
"I'm just going to continue reminding you that I love you, for the rest of our lives and beyond."
"Oh? Really? Even beyond?" said Harry with a grin.
"That's right, because you're stuck with me, Harry Potter."
"How can I say no to that, Hermione Potter?" Hermione's answer was another kiss.
A/N That's it! That's the end. Finished! Concluded! Ended! Comprende? It's over! Thank you so much to all of my readers who never abandoned me through this story. It was because of you lot that I was actually able to complete this story.
If you go to Schnoogle or my Yahoo Group, you can read my latest story, "Different Paths". I MIGHT post this story on fanfiction.net some day but I have no immediate plans to do so. So if you want to read my next story, I'm advising you to go to my Yahoo Group or Schnoogle.
Once again, Thank you so much for sticking with me on this story. It has been a joy to write, and I am truly overjoyed to have written it.
This chapter is dedicated to Richard Harris. God bless his soul.
5 years later.
"I'm going to be a Mage Knight today! I'm going to be a Mage Knight today!" yelled 11 year old James as he tore through the hallways of Godric's Hollow Palace with a look of pure joviality. He apparently didn't seem to care about the fact that it was barely dawn and most of the palace was still fast asleep. Or at least, they were until the crown prince came racing by their hallways shouting at the top of his lungs.
"What's all that shouting?" said a yawning Lin Potter as she emerged from her bedroom, still in her nightgown.
"I'm going to be a Mage Knight! I'm going to be a Mage Knight!" yelled James as he zoomed passed his twin sister.
"Well actually, we only become squires today to begin our Mage Knight training at Hogwarts. The actual promotion to Mage Knight is going to happen for a few years," said Lin with a smirk.
"Oh fine! Spoil my fun!" said James while crossing his arms.
"That's what you get for disturbing my sleep," said Lin. James stuck his tongue out at her.
"What's going on here?" asked a sleepy looking 10 year old Virginia as she came out of her room, also still in her nightgown and clutching a stuffed bear.
"James is sugar high," said Lin.
"I am not!" said James rather heatedly. "I'm just excited that we're finally going to get go to Hogwarts today. I've been waiting for this day for a long time."
"You can say that again," said Lin. "These past few years it's been nothing but, 'when do we go to Hogwarts? When do we go to Hogwarts? When do we get to become Mage Knights?' Gave me plenty of headaches." James decided to ignore his sister.
"I'm going to miss you two," said Victoria. "It's really not going to be the same around here without you two. I don't know if I'll cope." She started to get a little teary eyed.
"There, there now," said James with a soothing voice while Lin rubbed Virginia's back. "It'll only be one year until you join us at Hogwarts. Than, it'll be the three of us once again."
"Four, if we include Chris Weasley," said Lin. This brightened Virginia up considerably.
"Take care of Nomie while I'm away, OK," said Lin.
"Or at least until we convince Dumbledore to allow us to keep a dragon on school grounds," said James. "Hagrid will love that."
"It's against the rules!" said Lin rather icily.
"But you know it's what you want," said James with a trademark Potter grin, that caused even his sisters to stutter a little.
"Where are Dad and Mom anyway?" asked Lin, changing the subject. "Didn't James's childish display wake them up as well as the rest of the castle?" James stuck his tongue out at Lin again.
"I'm not sure," said Virginia. "I stopped by their room and they had silencing charms on the doors, not to mention they were locked."
"Grandpa Sirius says to just leave them alone when it's like that. He's says Dad and Mom will explain it to us when we're ready, whatever that means," said James.
At that moment, Harry and Hermione emerged from a nearby hall, still dressed in their nightclothes and their hair messier than usual. Despite the fact that their two older children were leaving for Hogwarts, Harry and Hermione were in an unusually good mood.
"Good morning children," said Hermione. She bent down and kissed first James then Lin on the forehead. "I'm going to miss you two. My angels are growing up too fast."
"Oh, we'll come back by Yule," said James. "And besides you two practically live at Hogwarts whenever there's a Mage Knight emergency."
"Except those Mage Knight emergencies are very few now, especially after the Children of Tempest were defeated," said Harry. "I suppose that's a good thing. It means peace is finally coming back to Magiterran."
"I don't understand," said Lin. "If peace is coming back, why do we still need Mage Knights?"
Harry sighed. "I don't know how to explain that, but we'll always need Mage Knights to keep the peace, to put it in simple terms. The one of biggest mistakes a nation can make is to relax and laze off during a time of peace, because otherwise, they'll be caught unprepared when evil return. Because it will return, one way or another. If there is one unbreakable law, it's that evil never cease to exist." Harry smiled at his older daughter. "There, did that help answer your question?"
"A little, yes. Thank you, Dad," said Lin.
"Well then come on, we need to get you children dressed," said Hermione.
"I can take care of that," said Harry. He clapped his hands two hands and with a flash of light, their clothes were changed. Harry was dressed in his usual Mage Knight armor and Hermione was now in royal, violet robes and a golden tiara. The children were also now dressed in royal clothing of scarlet and white.
"Hmm, I really should learn that spell some tiem," said Hermione. Harry grinned at her.
* * *
A few hours later, the twins were packed and ready to go.
"Remember to write to us as soon as you get there," said a tearful Hermion as she hugged the twins close.
"We will, Mum. I promise," said Lin. She and James held onto Hermione another few seconds before they turned to Harry.
"Take care," he said while he ruffled the twins' hair. "And remember to wreck havoc in Snape's classes."
"Oh, we'll remember all right," said James with a mischievious grin. He gave Harry a high five and a hug. Lin also hugged Harry before she went over to pat Nomie whom was now as big as a house.
Only about a hour later, James and Lin were at Hogwarts, Virginia was at Ron's place playing with Chris, and Harry and Hermione were making their way back to Godric's Hollow. As they made their way back, Hermione stiffled a sob.
"You're not getting sentimental are you?" asked Harry.
"I suppose I am," said Hermione. "Their growing up so fast. It only seems like yesterday when they were so small and adorable. Before I even realizing, their going to have me take care of the gandchildren."
"Whoa! One step at a time! They haven't even become Mage Knights yet."
"It's going to pass quickly," said Hermione. She started thinking for a few minutes before she said, "Harry, do you really believe that evil will never truly be banished."
Harry sighed and said, "Yes. I suppose that's why it's called the never- ending war. But I'm sure our part is over now."
"Do you really think it's fair, passing this burden along to them? They don't deserve that."
"No one does," said Harry. It was their choice to make, not ours. They're the ones who decided to take on that life."
"I know. I'm just worried. Motherly instincts I suppose."
"Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm feeling the very same fatherly insticnts." Harry grinned at her and said, "Now, I just want to sit back and enjoy the rest of our lives together."
"No how can I resist that?" said Hermione with a smile. Their lips met into a long passionate kiss. When they finally pulled apart, they were both breathless.
"You know I love you right?" said Hermione.
"I know. I love you too."
"I'm just going to continue reminding you that I love you, for the rest of our lives and beyond."
"Oh? Really? Even beyond?" said Harry with a grin.
"That's right, because you're stuck with me, Harry Potter."
"How can I say no to that, Hermione Potter?" Hermione's answer was another kiss.
A/N That's it! That's the end. Finished! Concluded! Ended! Comprende? It's over! Thank you so much to all of my readers who never abandoned me through this story. It was because of you lot that I was actually able to complete this story.
If you go to Schnoogle or my Yahoo Group, you can read my latest story, "Different Paths". I MIGHT post this story on fanfiction.net some day but I have no immediate plans to do so. So if you want to read my next story, I'm advising you to go to my Yahoo Group or Schnoogle.
Once again, Thank you so much for sticking with me on this story. It has been a joy to write, and I am truly overjoyed to have written it.