Welcome. As you probably know, this is the final chapter of Feelings for Cat. It took me a while to come up with an ending that brings some stuff together, while showing each character's growth throughout the story. It's kind of sad. This story is like my baby, but every baby grows up eventually and every story has an ending. For those of you who have been here since the beginning, I thank you. For those who read the story in a single day, thank you too. On to the finale!

Disclaimer: No. I don't think so. Just not feeling it. I, along with Stephen Colbert and his super pac decided to buy the show. Then we got the pope to bless the entire cast. Then Loki, god of mischief and cookies came down from Valhalla to give us infinite cookies for life. Of course, we had to call upon Thor, god of thunder and milk to get infinite milk for all those cookies, because who the hell has cookies without milk? True story.

The rest of the week was very bland, at least for me. I decided that it would be good for me and Cat to spend some time alone, to cool down after Monday. We still spent time together at school, but that's it. I used this time to mentally prepare for this "girls' night" at Vega's house. Probably chick flicks and pizza.

Well now it's Friday during the final class. The bell rings and I make my way to the car. Cat is already in the passenger seat when I get there. I get in and start driving. When I drop off Cat I give her a kiss and drive home to get my things ready. Luckily, when I get home nobody is there. God damn I hate being around my parents.

I go inside and pack anything I think I might need while I'm at Tori's house. Extra clothes, my laptop, my phone, my pillow, my headphones, and a book. During this mindless task I get to thinking. That bitch Selina will be there. I guess being there means I can keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't try anything, and hell. Maybe I can convince Cat to defile Vega's bed with our love making. Man I would love to see her reaction to that. A girl can dream.

When I finish packing I just sort of dick around on the internet until about five thirty. We're supposed to be there at around six. I get up, grab my stuff, and leave to pick up Cat. When I get there she is actually waiting outside for me. She gets in and throws her stuff in the back as I take off. On the way to Tori's house Cat gives me some sexy glances, which says she just might be up for doing a few naughty things at Tori's house. Things are looking good.

We arrive at Vega's place at around six. I park and get out, grabbing my stuff as Cat grabs her's. We go to the door and Cat rings the door bell. Moments later a perky Tori answers and lets us inside. As I walk over to the couch I throw my bag into an empty chair and plop down onto the couch. I notice Selina is in the other chair as Cat takes her place next to me.

"Okay. I ordered some pizzas and they should be here in ten minutes. Should we start a movie now, or wait until the food gets here?" Tori asked us.

"We should wait." Selina says.

"Yeah. This way the movie doesn't get interrupted." Cat said.

"Okay." Tori agrees.

"So what the hell are we supposed to do for ten minutes?" I ask, using my usual charm and grace.

"Why don't we play truth or dare?" suggested Selina.

"Yay. I love truth or dare." Cat seemed excited about it.

"Sounds good. You playing too, Jade?" Tori asked.

"Yeah. Why not. And then we can have a pillow fight in nothing but our bras and panties." I say with heavy sarcasm. "So when do we give each other hot oil massages?" I ask, continuing the bit.

"It's just truth or dare, Jade. Kids play this all the time." Tori said.

"That may be, but for anyone over the age of twelve, truth or dare is just a prelude to sex." I said.

"There won't be any sex. Let's just play." she said.

"Fine. I'll play."

"Okay. Now Cat..." the door bell rang. Tori answered it. We all saw her grab two pizzas and pay the delivery boy. "I guess they came early."

"What a shame. I was really looking forward to the two of us making out in the closet." I say to Tori. That's probably the last snide remark I'll get to make about the subject. Vega just gives me a glare.

"So what movie should we watch?" Cat asks. After some debate and a lot of protest on my part, we end up watching the Sex and the City movie. At this point I get my book out and begin reading.

After five more movies, more pizza, and a couple bags of chips we all got tired. All four of us trudged upstairs to Tori's guest room. There is a single bed in here. Fuck it. I grab my pillow and just set up on the floor. I know there's going to be a fuss over who gets the bed and I want no part of that. I just end up laying down and falling asleep about a minute or two later.

Something just woke me up. I rub my eyes and let them adjust to the amount of light, which isn't bad since the moon is shining through. I hear something and stay silent for a moment.

"Come on, Jade. Someone's going to wake up and catch us doing-" I hear Cat's voice get cut off and replaced by obvious kissing. I sit up instantly, as if I hadn't just woken up, and look over. I see Cat, blindfolded with her arms pinned to the floor, with that skank Selina on top of her, doing MY goddamn job!

I get up, and smile at the fact that my boots are still on. That'll help. I quietly walk over and kick the little bitch right off Cat. She feels the sudden jerk and pulls off the blindfold while getting up.

"What's going on?" she nearly yells, waking up Tori in the process.

"Guys, keep it down..." she whines.

"What's going on is I woke up to find this skank kissing and feeling up my girlfriend!" I yell furiously.

"That wasn't you!" Cat says more as a statement. By this time, Vega turned on the bedside lamp.

"No! It was her!" I go to stand over her while she holds her side in pain. "Just who the hell do you think you are? Cat is MY girlfriend and nobody kisses her but ME!" I yell.

"Why would you do that? You know I'm in love with Jade." Cat asks, now standing next to me. Tori looks like she's going to say something, but doesn't.

"Because you're hot and I like you." Selina stands up now. "I see the two of you together and it sickens me. You two couldn't be more mismatched if you tried. I mean look at me and then look at her. It's obvious who's better looking and I'm not someone who enjoys other people's pain or other messed up stuff, unlike her. Just face it, Jade. You're not good enough for Cat and she should just kick your ugly ass to the curb." Selina tells me, finishing her long winded little rant.

Almost the moment she stops talking I hear a loud smack. Cat smacked Selina across the face hard enough to see a bright red hand print on her face. "Shut up! Don't you dare talk about Jade that way! Get your stuff and get out now!"

"You can't kick me out. It's not your house!" she protests.

"Tori, I'm kicking Selina out, is that okay?" Cat asks in a less than serious tone.

"Go right ahead."

Cat grabs Selina's arm and starts dragging her downstairs. I follow them to watch the scene unfold. She gets dragged all the way downstairs. Cat opens the door and nearly shoves her outside.

"We're not friends anymore. Don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't even sit near me. Just leave." Cat told her.

"But my-" Cat slammed the door in Selina's face and locked it. Cat ran over and kissed me.

"I'm sorry I didn't know it wasn't you. I should have known."

"It's fine. You were blindfolded and I did kick her in the side. I guess we could call it almost even." I tease. I wait a moment, waiting for Cat's guilt to burst out, but nothing. "Do you feel bad?"


"Remember at the beach when you flipped out at Tori? After that you felt bad and you didn't even hit her last time. What about now?"

"No. She insulted you and you are my girlfriend and I love you sooo much so I couldn't do nothing while she stood there doing that, especially after she nearly violated me."

"Well... Wait... Nearly violated?"

"She was trying to unbutton my pants."

"That bitch is dead!" I tried to leave, but Cat kept holding me.

"Just let it go. Last time you beat up someone you got suspended." she told me.

"I'm rubbing off on you. If I went to beat someone before we started dating you would say it's not nice and maybe give me a lecture on niceness." I say with a smile.

"Well, I'd like to rub off on you, if you catch my drift..." she said in her very seductive, but innocent voice.

"Okay. Let's do it on Vega's bed." I throw out there.

"Jade... I meant we go to my house. That wouldn't be nice. Tori is our friend."

I sigh. My dream crushed. "Yeah, I guess..."

"Anyways, at my house we don't have to be quiet." Cat gave me a devilish grin. "We should tell Tori we're leaving though."

"Yeah, sure." I lied. I have no intention of telling her.

I ran upstairs and quickly gathered our things. Tori was back to sleep so there would be no need for lame excuses. When I had everything I went back downstairs and left the house. We drove all the way back to Cat's house. When we got in I threw my stuff on the couch, ready and raring to go. Seeing Cat be so forceful back there actually turned me on.

"Go upstairs to my room and get dressed." she said.

"What?" Now I was confused. Shouldn't I be getting undressed?

"I seem to remember you saying that next time we have sex you would wear that outfit I chose for you." she reminded me. Fuck. I'll just have to grit my teeth and endure it. The clothes will probably come off within a minute or two anyway. "The clothes are in my closet. Don't wear the makeup, but make sure you hair is in pigtails. When your done go to the third door to the right from my room." she explained. Something special must be in the works.

I go upstairs and into her room. As I get the clothes out of the closet I start thinking. I was right about rubbing off on her. She's much more confident now, at least I think she is. I start getting dressed. Truthfully, she most defiantly has rubbed off on me. Just being around her makes me feel like a better person. I actually care about her. I mean I did care about Beck when we were dating, but not nearly as much. I feel bad when I upset her and I go out of my way to make her happy. In a messed up way I owe this all to Tori. Had she not slept with Beck I wouldn't be here now. I'd say it was Beck, but since then he's done some unforgivable things to even think of thanking him.

As I finish my pigtails I look in Cat's full length mirror to see if it looks right. Admittedly, it looks hot. Showtime I guess. I walk down the hallway and enter the third door on the right from her room. I look around and see this is a study of sorts. Shelves filled with books and a desk. Leaning against that desk is Cat.

Cat is wearing high heels coupled with black lacy stockings, they end just below her tight black skirt that just hugs her hips oh so well. Her top is similar to mine, a white button up blouse, but this had long sleeves and she wasn't wearing a bow around her neck. Her red hair was up in a bun and she is wearing very sexy glasses, just slightly lowered so she can see above them if she wants.

"Miss West. Do you know why I called you to my office?" she asked. It hit me in an instant and I came up with a response.

"No Miss Valentine. I didn't do anything wrong?" I said in an innocent sounding voice.

"So smoking in the girls' bathroom isn't wrong?" she asked rhetorically.

"But-" I started.

"No buts, young lady. I'm afraid I'm going to have to punish you." she told me. Just then I noticed the wooden ruler in her hand. She was hitting the palm of her hand with it. "Time for your punishment." she said. Oh boy. Tonight is going to be wonderful.

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the grand finale. We've had some good times. Some ass kickings, some drama, plenty of romance, and the occasional Cat on Jade sex. This is the ending of this story, but if enough people wanted one I'd be open to making a sequel. Me for the time being? I'll be taking a break. I will keep writing and I'll be back with some more stories. So my friends, I do hope you review on this, the final chapter. And that little cliffhanger with the sex? Use your imaginations. You'll come up with something.
