The sun was streaming in through the open window, a light breeze blowing the dark auburn strands attached to Rose's head around her. Her arms felt warm as the heat of the sun seeped into her bare skin. She looked into the mirror at her hazel eyes, looking like the bright green fields outside where she was to be married in less than two hours. Married. Married. Committing herself to someone forever. One person to love, one person to cherish, one person to live for. Her lips curled up into a smile and she could feel tears building behind her eyes. All of her dreams were coming true. She was in a steady job, she had great friends and she had met the love her life and was marrying him. She looked behind her in the mirror as her mother curled her hair. Hermione had insisted on doing everything the "muggle" way because "weddings were special days and were magical on their own."

Hermione picked a few strands from the front of Rose's hairline to pin into a halo, the rest of her hair in loose curls. It cascaded down her back and would end right below the start of her dress. Rose glanced over at the white dress hanging off of her closet door. She had bought it soon after her engagement and hadn't tried it on since the fitting, but she was dying to have it on her body again. She couldn't wait for him to see it.

"Rose, turn around." Rose swiveled on the chair to face her mom who was smiling down at her, tears glistening in her eyes. Her mom didn't cry often and the fact that just preparing her daughter for her wedding was arising this emotion surprised Rose. She felt her eyes start to water as Hermione titched. "Rose, I can't apply your makeup if you are crying."

"I would stop crying if you stopped!" Rose laughed, wiping her eyes quickly. Normally, she could apply her own makeup perfectly fine, but her mother had insisted on doing every preparation. She allowed her mother to put her make up on before turning around and looking in the mirror. It was simple; light brown eye shadow, mascara, brown eyeliner, pale pink blush and pale pink lipstick. Rose twisted her engagement ring around her finger and smiled at her reflection.

"You look radiant!" Rose heard another voice say from behind her. Rose whipped her head around to find Eleanor standing there. She squealed and jumped out of the chair to hug her friend. Rose hadn't seen Eleanor since a year ago after she and Albus had broken up. Eleanor wanted to branch out and travel while Al had wanted to get married, which Eleanor was not ready for. They broke up mutually and Eleanor had left to travel the world, doing work for a travel column in the Daily Prophet.

"Look at you Ellie! You dyed your hair!" The previously dark haired girl was now a blond, however, she retained her green streak.

"Yeah I did." Eleanor smiled.

"And I think I did a pretty good job at picking out bridesmaids dresses because you look great." Rose smirked looking at the midnight blue dress encasing Eleanor's body. Veronica appeared in the door way as well along with Lily in the same dresses. It looked good on everyone and Rose was so happy. Damn I have a hot bridal party.

"Put the dress on Rose! Let us see it!" Lily exclaimed. Rose shook her head with a coy smile on her face.

"Just in case he randomly wanders up here, I'm not going to put it on." Rose stated firmly, crossing her arms across her chest. The three other girls sighed as Hermione smiled at her daughter. "You will all just have to wait to see it." Rose stated, sitting back down on her chair as her three bridesmaids filed into the room and Hermione slipped out.

"I'm jealous. I'm not going to even lie." Veronica stated, her dark brown hair falling into her face. Rose looked at her coworker and smiled. "You have a hot, perfect guy who you are marrying. Can I just be you?" Rose laughed and Lily hmphed.

"I feel you. I mean Rose, I don't even think you know what's in front of you."

"Lily!" Eleanor smirked, nudging the girl in the shoulder. "Since when-"

"Since he came back from the war. He's all rugged and sexy and unf. Rose you are too lucky." Rose's eyes widened at her cousin.

"Wow Lil, I guess I better keep him away from you…"

"No, no. It's not him specifically, it's just who he is. Does that make sense?"

"Not even." Rose laughed and grabbed her earrings, sticking the through the holes in her ears. They were oval shaped opals and dangled down from her lobes. "Can you hand me that box behind you Eleanor?" Rose soon had the cherry oak box in her hands. She pulled the lid up and ran her fingers over the necklace. A heirloom his mother had given her. It fell just below her collarbone and was white gold encrusted with diamonds and emeralds.

"So Eleanor, you planning on getting back with my brother?" Lily asked, twirling her bright red hair around her finger. Eleanor looked at the younger girl and sighed, looking away. Rose could feel the awkwardness filling the room.

"Has anyone seen Scorpius?" Rose asked, shutting the lid of the box and setting it behind her. Eleanor nodded and Rose could tell she was grateful for the subject change.

"Saw him downstairs earlier. He's here, don't worry." Eleanor laughed, tucking her hair behind her ears. Rose smiled. Good. He'd be a dead man if he wasn't.

"It's 4:30…I guess I should put the dress on." Rose sighed as if it was a chore. The girls around her clapped and she smiled, pulling the dress down and out of it's dressing bag. "Help me get it on!" Rose stated, her hands shaking. Holy shit. She was getting married in half an hour. Half an hour. Within a blink of an eye, the dress was on her and she couldn't breathe. She had forgotten what she looked like as she stared in the mirror. It was strapless and white with pink undertones. It clung to her body, all the way to her hips where it became loose and swirled around her legs. She sat down and pulled the emerald colored heels from their box, strapping them onto her feet. She had to admit, green looked stunning on her. She just never wanted to admit it.

"Wow Rose…" Lily stated, clasping her hands in front of her. Rose felt Eleanor put the necklace onto her neck and she took a deep breath looking at the final product of her wedding outfit.

"I think he is actually going to pass out when he sees you."

"No he's too cocky to do that. I mean, remember how many girls he has been with." Rose rolled her eyes, not at all uncomfortable with talking about her fiancé's past. It was the past after all.

"But Rose, he's even said it himself and we've all seen it, there is no one in comparison to you." Veronica stated as Lily and Eleanor nodded. Rose bit her lip, feeling the heat rising in her cheeks. It was true and she felt the exact same way. There was no one else. Not now, not ever.

"Well, we better go and find out then." She smiled, feeling her stomach shake. She was ready for her wedding, but she was still more nervous than ever. "Check to make sure he is outside alright?" The three nodded and left. Rose paced the room until her father appeared.

"Hi Daddy." She hadn't called him daddy since she was ten but this was a daddy situation.

"Rosie, wow, um wow." Rose smiled at her awkward father and looped her hand in his arm. "Are you sure you want to do this? Sure you want to marry him? Sure you don't want to stay with your mother and I forever? Sure-"

"I am so completely sure." Rose smiled and her dad nodded before they began their descent down the stairs of her childhood home. He opened the door to the garden and she stepped outside. The congregation rose as she took Ron's arm again. The garden was covered in flowers; roses red, white, pink and yellow. Everything moved in slow motion as she made her way towards the trellis. Then she saw him.

His steel gray suit made a stark contrast with his blond hair. It had grown since it was cut, but only a little bit. He was looking healthier than the last time Rose had seen him, more like his old self. Her eyes traveled up his body, saving his face for last. By the time she reached the stairs and her father kissed her on the cheek, she allowed herself to look up at him. His face was awestruck, an expression she didn't normally see on him. His gray eyes were scanning her like they used to back at Hogwarts.

"Scorpius, you are drooling." Rose smirked, reaching her hand up and running her thumb across his lips. That was a dumb decision. Her heart began racing at the ability to feel his smooth lips again. He did this to her every. time. She should have known not to touch him, to feel him electrify every nerve in her body.

"Rose, you are frozen." He murmured back, touching her on the elbow, turning her towards the minister. He smirked at her and smiled back. She barely even heard the ceremony go on. She was too preoccupied with Scorpius and the fact that he was standing next to her, marrying her. She was marrying her best friend and was ecstatic. As he slipped the ring on her finger and she did the same, she felt her breathing begin to regulate. This was happening and everything was okay.

"I love you Rose." Scorpius whispered as he squeezed her hand. With the final words of the ceremony, Scorpius leaned down to kiss Rose. Her mind exploded into a million fireworks as she heard the cheers around her. She pulled away and looked up into those gray eyes and knew right then. This was her life and it couldn't have been any better.

The End

see! i told you things weren't as they seem! aww happy ending. i hope you guys enjoyed this story! i definitely enjoyed writing it. first chapter of fire burns will be coming soon so make sure you sign up for a story alert for that one! leave me some comments for this one! thank you my loyal readers :)