Hi! I decided to do a parady of IZ and Corpse bride here is the first chappie! different ending. :P Purpls a girl in the fic.



Zim- Victor


Scoodge- Mr. Everglot

Tenn- Victoria

Blood(OC)- The Corpse Bride

Dib- the priest dude

Gir- Scappers

Tiki(OC)- Lord Barkis

Others will stay the same.

Disclaimer- I only own Blood. and Tiki the orange eyed irken.

Red and his wife Purple walked out of the house

It's a beautiful day.

It's a rather nice day.

A day for a glorious wedding.

A rehearsal, my dear, to be perfectly clear.

A rehearsal for a glorious wedding.

Red scowled-
Assuming nothing happens that we don't really know,

Purple nodded-
That nothing unexpected interferes with the show.

Red and Purple walked to the carridge-
And that's why everything, every last little thing,
every single tiny microscopic little thing must go...

Purple looked at Red-
According to plan,

Red smirked-
Our son will be married.

According to plan,

Our family carried,

Red and Purple standing together-
We'll go right into to the heights of society...

Purple smiled-
To the costume balls,

In the hallowed halls.

Rubbing elbows with the finest.

Red bowed-
Having crumpets with her highness.

Red and Purple got in the carridge
We'll be there, we'll be seen, having tea with the queen.
We'll forget everything...that we've ever ever been.

"Where is Zim? He's gonna make us late!" Purple said. Zim Ran out of the house and got in the carrige.

"Mother? Shouldnt Tenn be marrying a Lord or something?" Zim asked.


*across from Red and Purples house*

Tak glared and looked at her husband.

Tak started walking away from the window Scoodge following-
It's a terrible day

Scoodge looking at Tak-
Now don't be that way

It's a terrible day for a wedding.

It's a sad, sad state of affairs we're in,

Tak frowned-
That has led to this ominous wedding.

Scoodge sighed-
How could our family have come to this?

Tak and Scoodge-
To marry off our daughter to the noveaux-rich.

They're so common,

So coarse.

Oh, it couldn't be worse!

Scoodge shook his head and walked to an empy safe.

It couldn't be worse? I'm afraid I disagree.
It could be land-rich bankrupt aristocracy,
without a penny to their name...just like you...and me.

Oh, dear.

Tak and Scooge walking away from the safe-
And that's why everything, every last little thing,
every single tiny microscopic little thing must go...

According to plan,

Our daughter will wed.

According to plan,

Our family lead,

Tak and Scoogde
From the depths of deepest poverty,

To the noble realm,

Of our ancestors.

Tak and Scoogde
And who'd have guessed in a million years that our daughter, with the face

of an otter in disgrace,

Tak and Scoogde
Would provide our ticket to our rightful place?

Tenn sighed."What if Zim and I don't...like each other?"

"Do you suppose your father and I like each other?" Tak asked.

"Surely you must...a little..." Tenn said.

"Of course not!" Tak and Scoodge said.

"Get those corsets laced properly...I can hear you speak without gasping." Tak left Scoodge following. "Marriage is a partnership. A little 'd think a lifetime watching us" Tak said then sang,

might have taught her that.
Might have taught her that.

Scoodge and Tak started down the stairs

Everything must be perfect

Everything must be perfect

Everything must be perfect

Tak and Scoodge
Everything must be perfect, perfect,

Out side.*

Red and Purple-
That's why everything, every last little thing,
every single tiny microscopic little thing must go...According to plan!

Purple fussed over Zim straightening his shirt and his antennae as Red rang the door bell. The door opened. Zim pulled away from his mother. Tak scowled.

"Come in." she said. Red, Purple and Zim walked in. Everyone headed to the dining room except for Zim. Zim looked around the house and saw a piano, he sat and played some notes. He smiled and started playing.

Tenn was fixing her hair when she heard someone playing the piano. She stood and went down stairs. She stood beside the piano and listened to Zim play, Zim looked at her and jumped up knocking the stool down.

"Do, forgive me!" Zim said.

"You play beautifully!" Tenn said.

"I do apoligize Ms. to, well, excuse me." Zim picked the stool up. Tenn smiled.


"Once again from the beginning, again! With this hand I will lift you sorrows, you cup will never empty for I will be your wine. With this candle I will light your way in darkness, with this ring I ask you to be mine." Dib said then he looked at Zim. "lets try it again."

"Yes sir. With this candle," Zim tried to light the candle and it didnt work."this candle." he sighed. The candle lit and he smiled."With this candle," the candle went out.

"Continue!" Dib said.

The doorbell went off.

"Get the door!" Scoodge ordered his butler. The butler left, and came back with a card.

"A Lord Tiki sir."

"Lord Tiki? Is he from your side?" Scoodge asked his wife giving him the card as an orange eyed irken entered the room.

"I cant remember. Emell(I think thats his name...) get a seat for Lord Tiki!"

The butler grabbed a chair and Tiki sat down.

"lets start again, shall we master Zim?" Dib asked.

"Y-yes, certianly!" Zim said raisng his hand."With this...this.."


"With this hand, I will-" Zim walked into the table(Poor Zim he is so nervous).

"Three steps! THREE! Can you not count? Do you not wish to be married, Master Zim?" Dib snapped.

No, no, no!" Zim said

"You do not?" Tenn asked.

"No! I mean no i do not not want to be married. That is I wish very much to- OW!" Zim was cut off by Dib hitting him with the staff.

"Pay attention!" Dib ordered."Have you even remembered to bring the ring?"

"Yes! Ofcourse!" Zim said pulling out a ring Red and Purple smiled at each other. The ring slipped out of Zim's hand and everyone gasped.

"Dropping the ring! This boy doesnt wont to be married!" Dib said. Zim cased after the ring as it rolled away and under Tak's dress. Zim grabbed it. and stood. Tak was shocked. Then her dress caught fire. She gasped. Scoodge pushed Zim out of the way.

"Out of the way!" he said as he started somping the fire out. Purple and Red looked at each other.

"Oh I hope it doesnt stain!" Purple said. Dib groaned and closed the book in his hand. Tiki walked over a cup of win in his hand and dumped it on the fire putting it out. Everyone stood shocked. Dib pushed through the crowd.

"Enough! This wedding cant take until he is properly prepared!" Dib looked at Zim."Irken, learn your vows!" Dib sneered. Zim gulped and looked at everyone. Tak and Scoodge growled at him, and him parents glared. He backed away turned opened the door, and ran. Tenn watched.

"Well, he sure is a catch, isnt he?" Tiki said looking at his claws. Tenn looked at him then back at the door.

*with Zim*

Zim sat on a fallen tree at the entrance of the forest, he sighed."Oh Tenn...She must think I'm such a fool. This day couldnt get worse!" Zim stood and walked in to the forest."Really. it shouldnt be that hard. Its just a few simple words." He stopped and looked at his hand. "With this hand I will take your wine... no thats not right" he started walking again."With this hand, I will cup your- Oh Irk no!" He groaned."With this candle, I will..." he sighed."I will set your mother on fire." Zim said shaking his head. He sat down."Oh its no use!" He pulled out the ring. His eyes narrowed. He stood."With this hand, I will lift your sorrows." he smiled."Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine." He said.

He faced a tree as he tossed the ring up and caught it."Ah, Mrs. Tak you look ravishing this evening." He said shaking a hand like twig. Zim turned to a stump. "What's that Mr. Scoodge? Call you Dad? If you insist sir!" He walked away and snaped a twig off a tree."With this candle, I will light your way in darkness." he kneeled infront of a hand like tree sticking out of the ground. "With this ring, I ask you to be mine." Zim finished putting the ring on one of the claw like twig of the odd tree. He looked up when he heard cawing. Suddenly the hand like thing grabbed his arm. He gapsed and pulled away braking the arm off. He pulled it off and dropped it on the ground.

Zim looked over at the spot, to see a irken come up, she was in a wedding dress. She pulled the veil away from her face. She was pale green and had dull blood red eyes. Her antennae were long. She smiled.

'I do." she said. Zim screamed as she walked towards him, he jumped up and ran. As the bride followed she grabbed her arm and attached it. Zim ran as fast as he could. he looked behind him and saw the corpse. He looked ahead and ran into a tree. He covered his eye and looked back he gasped when he saw the dead bride walking towards him he started running again. He stopped when he got to the bridge. He looked back panting and sighed. He started backing away then turned and yelped when he came face to face with the dead irken. He backed away, backing up against the side of the bridge. The undead bride stepped closer to him. She put her arms on his shoulders.

"You may kiss the bride" she said. She leaned in and kissed Zim as they were surrounded by bats.

Me- Sorry bout the beginning. I dont own the movie so I had to go with what I remembered.

Zim- That was creepy...

Purple- WHY AM I A GIRL?

Me- BECAUSE YOU ARE! Red was gonna be Bonejangels but this happened.

Red- Aww... I wanted to be him...

Me- Review!

Tenn- No flames!