My Babysitter's a Vampire
Blood Bond
Summary: When Jesse bites Ethan at the end of ReVamped, they both feel a strange connection to eachother.
Warning! Slash! If you dont like it, then you shouldnt even be reading this fanfiction.
Chapter 1: When It Started
Jesse's PoV
'Sarah needs to learn that no goes against me' I thought as I held the struggling piece of meat that she called her friend. I realized then that I knew just what to do.
I looked back up at Sarah and Erica and said "We'll see" and thats when I pulled his arm up, pushed away his sleeve at bit him, and it wasnt what I expect coming from him.
His blood tasted like nothing Ive ever had before. I could taste the power of the seer in him, but thats not what Im tasting from him. It was addictive and strong, and it took all of my will power to pry my mouth from his wrist.
Next thing I knew I was smiling from the taste of blood on my lips after such a long time. I was blown from my trance when I saw him groaning in pain from the transformation that was going on. I saw Sarah and Erica looking down at him and then that Benny kid came running in and yelling his name.
"Either you become one of us, or he does. Its your choice" I opened the doors behind me so I could escape. "See you soon" and then I vanished from their sight.
But I stayed close to see what Sarah's choice was going to be, and just like I thought she bite him to save his life. For some reason I was happy that he was still alive and I knew that I was going to find out why.
That's when I fled the school, for now.
Ethan's PoV
I didnt expect Jesse to just come out and bite me like that. The pain was too much as he took my blood, but there was more than pain from the bite. There was a hint of what seemed to be... pleasure? It was one of those things that cant be described, that you have to feel for yourself in order to understand.
I groaned from the pain and next thing I knew that I was on the floor going through the fledgling. I didnt even hear Benny shouting my name, all I heard was my heart beat going 100 miles an hour and all I felt around me was Jesse. I could feel that Jesse was still hear and that was the only thing on my mind when I passed out.