Summary: HitsuHina AU: Momo is new in Seireitei High and since her first day, she's been curious about the loner Toshiro Histugaya, who is as cold as ice to everyone...except her. Well, at least not as much. Will Momo melt his frozen heart?
Age: Toshiro - 16 almost 17, Momo - just turned 16 (in case you haven't read my other fanfics, I have a thing for making the males older than the females...)
Also, they're both still short, but Shiro-chan is just the tinsiest bit taller...cause I'm a sucker for the-boyfriend-is-taller-than-the-girlfriend relationships ^^; even though it doesn't really matter...
"Class, first off let me say, welcome back to your second year of high school! I hope you all had a great summer holidays. We have a new student this year, please welcome, Hinamori Momo." the sensei, Shunsui Kyoraku, lifted an arm covered in floral robes and rested his hand on the her shoulder.
A short, raven-haired girl with brown eyes and uncertain look on her face stood next to him. She looked down at her shoes unceratinly. A dark haired girl at the back by the window suddenly stuck her hand up. "You can come sit by me if you want."
Momo's head snapped up at her voice, and she smiled. "H-hai," she stammered. What she didn't notice was that a white-haired boy was looking at her with faint interest, an unusual feature on this particular boy's face. On the other hand, a spiky redheaded boy noticed this and 'accidently' tripped Momo as she walked past, sending her flying towards the white haired boy sitting behind the redhead. Her bag skidded along the ground towards the girl, yet Momo landed in front of him.
"Hey, are you ok?" the snowy-haired kid immediately asked, getting up and grabbing her upper arm, pulling her to her feet. When they both stood to full height, Momo realised three things; one, he was just a bit taller than her in a nice way; two, judging by the grip he had on her arm, he was quite strong and under those grey skinny jeans and ice-blue hoodie there were pretty streamlined muscles; three, even though he was scowling he was quite cute with his snow-white hair and teal eyes.
"H-hai, thank you." she stammered. He let go of her arm.
"Baka. Next time pay attention to your surroundings." he muttered. He then slapped the back of the red-headed boy. "And you, Renji, shouldn't trip girls. It's impolite."
"Why should I listen to you, kid?" was the reply. A few sniggers travelled the room. His eye twitched, but the white-haired boy said nothing, simply sitting down again. Momo quickly seated herself, blushing bright red.
"Now class, settle. I want you to turn to pages 10 and 11 in your maths books and do both pages. If you finish before the bell, you have free time."
The whole class settled into the work, murmuring quietly to the person next to them. Momo noticed the white-haired boy sat alone.
"That's Toshiro Hitsugaya," the girl next to her whispered suddenly, making Momo jump. The girl smiled. "I'm Rukia Kuchiki, nice to meet you, Momo."
"Nice to meet you too." Momo smiled. "So, uh, is he always soo...cold? Toshiro?"
Rukia nodded. "Cold as ice, he is. Though I'm actually surprised, he was being quite friendly with you just now."
"That was friendly?" Momo whispered in surprise. She looked down at her maths and decided to get started on it. After the first page was done, she glanced around the class. Most had frustrated looks on their faces; obviously they found maths difficult, like she noticed Rukia did. She then noticed that Toshiro was already finished. His textbook and writing utensils sat off to one side of his lonely desk, and he was reading a book that sat on his lap, his hair falling in his face. She noticed him stiffen, as if he felt her eyes on him, and he ever-so-slightly tilted his bowed head, so that he caught her eye. She blushed and went back to her work. She failed to notice the faint upwards tilt of Toshiro's lips before he went back to reading.
"So let me introduce you to the Group!" Rukia laughed, leading Momo down the hall to the roof where they usually ate. When they burst through the door they were greeted by a bunch of teens from different years.
"This is Ichigo Kurosaki," Rukia pointed to the orange-haired, super tall teen wearing a plain, tight-fitting white shirt with 15 in a sort of symble on it and tight jeans. "That lot over there are Renji Abarai, Ikkaku Adarame, Kira Iziru, Ishida Uryuu, Sado Yasutora, but we call him Chad, Orihime Inoue, and Tatsuki Arisawa." she pointed in order to the redheaded teen who had tripped her earlier, a bald boy who claims he shaves and is NOT bald, a blonde boy, a skinny teen guy with black hair and glasses and a super-freaking-tall dark-haired teen who screamed strength. Inoue was a orange haired girl with big gray eyes and large assets and obviously loved floral themed clothing. Tatsuki had short black hair and the tomboy-ish air of confidence about her. They all greeted her and she greeted them back.
Momo ate her lunch in silent, only talking when she was answering questions. She sat a little way away from the group, and had a pretty good view of the school grounds. There were lots of kids eating outside in this nice weather. However, she found herself searching out one in particular...
She spotted him under a cherry blossom tree, farthest away from the school. He was alone of course, which made Momo wonder if he had any friends.
"What you starin' at?" Rukia asked, looking in the same direction as Momo. Momo quickly found a group of older teens and pointed to them. "They were talking to Renji earlier, are they also part of this group?"
"Nah, they're from the year above us, but our group hangs with theirs sometimes. Matsumoto throws alot of parties too, and we're like the VIPs of them everytime, which is cool." she grinned. "Matsumoto Rangiku is the strawberry-blonde with big boobs. She's 'secretly' - though it's never a secret if it involves Matsumoto - dating the gray-haired boy with the weird smirk, Gin Ichimaru. That crazy-looking guy with the spikes and eye patch is this guy Zaraki. We don't know much about him, he just likes picking fights. And then there's the good-looking guy with the scars and 69 tattoo...that's Hisagi Shuhei. He has a lot of fan girls running after him because he has that hot 'bad boy' look."
Momo wasn't paying attention to Rukia's babble, she was watching Matsumoto call over Toshiro, who wouldn't budge. She then shouted something else, making Toshiro jump up and start yelling. This obviously didn't faze the girl because she replied with something else, making her group, plus the other nearby kids who'd overheard, point and laugh at Toshiro. Momo couldn't see his face, but she could tell he was angry judging by the way he swore at Matsumoto and stormed off behind the cherry blossom tree and into the woods.
"I'm gonna go walk around a bit." Momo didn't even realise she had spoken until she heard Rukia replying.
"Okay, you want me to show you around?" she asked. Momo shook her head.
"No thanks, I just wanna explore for a bit. We have half an hour before lunch ends." Momo smiled to make it more convincing. Rukia shrugged and got up to go yell at Ichigo, or whatever. Momo took her rubbish and threw it away in the next bin. She wandered around, making sure to stay away from Matsumoto's group and out of eyesight of Rukia's group. She found herself under the very cherry blossom tree Toshiro was under not five minutes later. Petals fell and danced in the summer breeze, tickling her skin and making her smile. She looked behind the tree and saw a small path through the undergrowth; it was the path Toshiro had taken when he ran away from the people laughing at him. She hesitated, then quickly ran down the path.
I have waaaay to many story Ideas in my head right now. Most of them are songfic ideas, sooo...