Chapter three: We can be strong out on this lonely run, on the road to love.

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.

Nothing exists except you and the wide open road. Taking the first step might be the hardest thing to endure, after all you're leaving everything behind. The air is hot and suffocating and the sun is at its brightest, sweat begins to dribble down my forehead from the dampness of my hair, and my mouth is parched already. Mexico is fucking hot.

I'm traveling from Guadalajara to Puerto Vallarta, in Puerto Vallarta I will meet a "Coyote" (Smuggler) who will drive all the way to Tijuana where the international border is, he is going to take me through it. This guy from what has been heard around Mexico is legit. But he charges a legit amount of money as well. Fifteen thousand dollars just to drive me through the border, but hey who can blame him? It's a risky and highly dangerous mission.

I could go the "classic way" and jump the border but that's even more risky. A lot of people have died trying, and I can't risk it, I need to get to the U. S. in order to work and get money for my family, and I'm going to try and get my papers, although it seems impossible, and finish school, if I want a better, brighter future.

It's just me, my bag, and my partner: Lightning. He's my dog, my best friend, wow that makes me sound like a loser, but it's true, I've had him since he was a puppy and he's absolutely loyal and brave. I know we're going to make it. We're going to be okay…

Somewhere in Iowa.

James and Logan were chatting, Logan the driver, while Kendall was in the back resting, he had driven all the way from Duluth Minnesota up until an hour into Iowa before he decided he was beat and needed sleep. Logan was more than willing to take over the wheel for his exhausted friend. James was hyper as usual, well of course he would be full of energy, all his lazy ass has been doing is sitting in the passengers seat, taking naps and complaining. Turd.

They were into a conversation about James' dreams, of course, Logan would complain but he decided not to, the endless chatter was the only thing keeping him awake and alert and it was nice to have his mind off of his parents abandonment.

"Hey Logy?."


"You think we're going to be able to go to Malibu beach when we get there?." the brunette asks with a hopeful tone. Logan looks at him before turning at a stop light right before entering the freeway.

"I'm sure we'll be able to visit the beach James, I mean this is a "Vacation:" he air quotes, James smiles happily and leans back in his seat.

"Man, I can't wait to get there, this is so exciting." he closes his eyes and sighs deeply. Logan chuckles silently and speeds up now that he's gotten on the freeway.

There is a stirring in the bag followed by a husky groan. James turns to look back and smiles as he takes in the sight of his boyfriend looking adorable, post sleep. His hair is askew, his cheeks are flushed and he's yawning.

"Morning sunshine!." greets James. Kendall rubs his head.

"Keep it down babe." he mutters in that sexy sleepy voice guys get while rubbing his tired eyes.

"Sorry." whispers James making a zipper motion across his lips.

"Where are we?." he asks grabbing a water bottle.

Logan looks into the side mirror at a sign that's fading away into the distance.

"Well once I get on this intersection that will take us to highway 13, we'll be in Strawberry Point." says Logan switching lanes.

"Hmmm, well I'm hungry." complains the blonde.

"When aren't you hungry?." whispers Logan rolling his eyes.

"Well, I printed out an itinerary of sights we can visit while driving through whatever state we are currently driving through." says James opening the glove department and taking out a stack of stapled papers.

"Wow, I don't know what's more surprising, the fact that you know what itinerary means, or the fact that you actually did something…useful." says Logan smirking at James.

Said boy glares at him." I don't know what's more shocking meh, meh, meh, meh, mah." he mimics the smart boy and sticks his tongue out at him.

"Anyways, as I was saying before I was interrupted, there is a shit load of places to see and I heard that Strawberry point has the worlds largest strawberry. Oh and there is this place called salad of the gods, that has like these salads from the gods."

"Wow very descriptive." says Logan.

"Well if they are indeed, salads of the gods, I say we go, I'm starving and I want a damn salad of the gods." says Kendall stretching his long arms, and making sure to flex his muscles for James.

"Okay, jeez we'll get you a damn godly salad." sighs Logan. James claps happily and Kendall mutters something about waking him up when they get there before burying his face in the pillow. A while later Logan was exciting the freeway and driving down a road surrounded by trees.

"Oooh look! There it is!." James exclaims pointing at the large badly faded World's tallest strawberry. It's the bulbous top of a 130 ft. tall water tower. Very clear and vivid if you're driving within a few feet's range. Logan pulls into the parking lot that's half full, and puts the van in park.

"Kay we're here." he says as he takes the key out of the ignition. They're about to get out when they here a loud obnoxious snore. Logan looks to James and James smirks before crawling towards the back. Kendall is sprawled out, limbs stretched wide apart. James carefully straddles the sleeping boys' waist and leans down to his ear.

"Wake up sleepy head." he whispers into his ear. Kendall smiles slightly and adjusts his lower half causing it to rub James and suddenly he's very aware of the prominent erection Kendall is sporting. Smirking devilishly, James grinds his hips down making Kendall hiss and thrust his hips up.

"Wake up Kendall." he whispers hotly into his ear before taking the soft lobe between his teeth.

"Ngh…Jamie." he groans thrusting upwards. James kisses his way towards Kendall's pulse point and bites down hard. Kendall's eyes snap open with a yelp of pain.

"Ow James what the hell!." he sits up grabbing his neck. James sits up still comfortably seated on his lap.

"Oh look you're up." he says smiling sheepishly.

"Yeah, by a rude and totally unfair awakening." he scowls and blushes at his little problem.

"Yeah, yeah, get up, Logan is waiting for us." he gets off of Kendall.

"You owe me later!." yells Kendall as James steps out of the van. Totally unfair, you do not go and get him all hot and bothered and just walk away.

"Okay if you two are done banging in the hippie van, can we get a move on." says Logan annoyed.

"Hey she is not a hippie van. This is Darlene." says Kendall patting the car.

"Oh so it's a she, and she's got a name?." says James crossing his arms and raising a perfectly groomed brow.

"Yup…she's my girl." says Kendall smiling dreamily at it. James' jaw falls in shock and he stomps away angrily.

"Aw! C'mon Jamie! You know I was just kidding! Baby!, sweetie!, Jamie-Pie!." he runs after a very jealous James. Logan rolls his eyes and follows them.

"I need to get new friends."…

An hour later, the boys step out with bloated bellies and loud burps.

"Man that was great." says Logan as they walk back to the car.

"Yeah, truly a salad for a god." mutters James with a burp.

"And how." Kendall groans stepping into the drivers seat.

Once they're all buckled in, Kendall pulls out and drives off into the darkening road.

"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends. Make it last forever friendship never ends, so tell me what you want, what you really, really want, I'll tell you what I want what I really, really want!." sings James loudly from the back, head phones placed in his ears as he sings his rendition of the "Spice Girls" Kendall and Logan laugh at their friends crazy antic. It's around 10:00 at night and it's dark, almost pitch for such an early hour. Kendall turns his head lights on higher and they land on two figures walking straight ahead.

"Hey are those two girls?." he asks, leaning closer to the window, Logan does the same. Kendall speeds up and it is indeed two young girls, around their ages they assume. They're both carrying backpacks and a large duffel bag.

"Whoa, should we stop?." asks Kendall, his leadership instincts kicking in. Logan looks at him incredulously before realizing that he's probably right. He nods at the blonde and he pulls up besides them.

Logan rolls down his window just as the two girls walk past.

"Hey! Are you guys alright?." he asks, the girls turn around and hesitate for a moment before stepping closer.

"Um, hi." the brunette one says.

"Hi, are you guys okay?." he asks again. She looks at her blonde friend.

"Um, I guess?." she says.

"Do you need a ride? Sorry but we couldn't help noticing that you're carrying bags." says the smart boy. The brunette girl bite her lip and looks to her blonde friend, they send like a silent message to each other.

"Uh, that would be nice, but we don't want to burden you." she says. Logan looks to Kendall.

"No it's okay, you guys probably don't want to be walking out in the dark, it's not safe you know?" says the blonde from the drivers seat. A crazy James suddenly appears at Logan's window.

"You're girls." he states. They two girls chuckle.

"Yup. Well I mean that would be really great." she says. Kendall tells James to open the door. The girls step in with the help of James.

"Thank you so much." says the blonde girl, they hear her voice for the first time.

"Yeah no problem." says Kendall looking back at them.

"I'm Camille Rogers and this is Jo Taylor." Camille introduces them.

"Nice to meet you Camille and Jo, this is James Diamond (he waves) Logan Mitchell (he smiles friendly) and I'm Kendall Knight."

"Nice to meet you boys." they giggle. Kendal starts the van up again and he drives.

"So I hope you guys don't mind me asking, but where exactly are you going to?." Kendall asks, looking at them from the rear view mirror. Camille looks to Jo before answering.

"Well, okay this is going to sound totally cliché, but I guess wherever the road takes us." says Jo. Kendall's brow cocks upwards.

"Oh, so California it is then." he grins.

"You guys are going to California?." Camille gasps. James nods enthusiastically.

"Yup." he pops the P.

"Wow, I've always wanted to go there." she says.

"Well here's your chance."

"So, uh I hope this isn't too nosy, but why are you guys headed to California?."


"James I don't think that's very appropriate right now!" hisses Logan.

Jo and Camille look at the boys questioning.

"Oh c'mon Logan! They're girls, they probably think it's hot." says James.

"What would we think is hot exactly?." asks the blonde girl as her eyes turn to the pretty boy. He gives her a small smile and shrugs his shoulders blushingly.

"Well, we're from Minnesota, and people there are not so, accepting."

"Wait what do you mean "accepting" asks Camille furrowing her brows in confusion.

"Well me and them are, are, are (gulp)

"Are you guys…gay?." asks Jo. And suddenly the air turns thick and it's awkward. James blushes and puts his head down.

"'Cause if you are, that's totally cool, you have nothing to be scared about." says Camille with a friendly smile.

"Besides, so are we (she grabs Camille's hand and smiles lovingly at her)

The boys' eyes dart to them at the same time with shock written all over their faces.

"You girls are…girlfriends?." asks Logan. They smiles and nod.

A few more minutes of awkward silence pass before James musters up the courage to ask.

"So what's your story?."

"Same as you guys…

Bad Kids have to stick together.

so? tell me what you think. Just press that button down there, you know the one. So basically this was the intro to Jo and Camille and yes they're girlfriends, Carlos we'll explore him in the next chapter and see if he's doing okay. Until next time.

Stay strong Bad kids ❤