A/N: I do not own Alice in Wonderland or any of the characters Except for Lord William!

It has been a year since Alice left Underland and Tarrant grew depressed he remembered distinctly what Alice told him before she left. She said 'I'd be back be for you know it!' and yet she is not back and Tarrant's madness has gotten worse and he is not the fun tea loving hatter he once was he is now a depressed violent slurvish pig. He tries to pretend as if nothing is wrong but it simply doesn't work he goes into one of his mad spell's he destroys everything in sight. So he locked himself in his home not answering the door to anyone he didn't care who it was he just didn't want to lose it and harm one of his dear friends. Then one day Mally and Thackery decided to ask Tarrant if he would like to join them for tea but he didn't answer his door.

" 'Atter! Are ya home? ' Atter!" Mally called but no one answered.

"Spoon….." Thackery muttered as he looked into his empty tea cup.

Then Mally jumped on Thackery's head and started to pick the lock with her hat pin sword. Then it finally opened and they both ran inside.

" 'Atter!" Mally called.

Then they came across a very haggard looking Tarrant laying on the sofa then they noticed all the books from his bookshelf's were scattered all over the floor along with his sewing machine, materials and hat. Then they seen his favorite tea cup Alice gave him shattered on the floor.

" 'Atter!" Mally shouted as she jumped on his chest and started to poke his face with her small furry finger.

Then his eyes snapped open and they weren't their normal golden and green color they were dark blue which meant he was sad.

"What….." he growled his Scottish brogue slipping in.

"You cant keep yerself locked up in this 'ouse forever 'atter!" Mally said angrily. "And you 'avent ad tea in weeks!"

"There's nah point in….drinkin tea…..anymore…." Tarrant muttered.

"No point? Who 'ar you and wha 'ave you done with 'atter?" Mally yelled.

"That Tarrant Hightopp is gone…"

"Is this all 'cuz of Alice?" Mally asked.

"She left…..te return te Overland…..and left us….left meh…..behind…." Tarrant growled.

" 'Atter you 'ave to snap out of this depression Alice will come back soon!" Mally frowned.

Then Tarrant stood causing Mally to fall off his chest and he glared down at her and Thackery his eyes turning orange.

"Don't yeh tell meh wha te dew! Yeh guddler's scuttish pilgar lickering shaken juggling slunking ur-pals bar lom much egg brimni!" Hatter shouted.

Then Mally and Thackery hide behind the sofa as Tarrant started to mutter things in Outland and pull at his hair. Then suddenly Chess appeared and looked down as the poor hatter.

"Tarrant…..you need to calm yourself…" Chess sighed.

"She left meh! She's gone! I'm nothin with out 'er!" Tarrant shouted as he started to rip his books apart.


Then Tarrant dropped to his knees in front of the shattered tea cup Alice gave him and his body started to shake with anger.

"Leave meh alone….I need te beh alone…." Tarrant whispered in a shaky voice.

Then Mally, Thackery and Chess sighed and left his home once they were outside Mally turned to Chess with a sad expression on her furry face.

"Chess! We 'ave to go to Memorial! We 'ave to beg the queen to bring Alice back! For 'atter's sake!"

"I agree…..he's a mess with out her…..it's hard to see him like this…." Chess sighed.

With that they all left for Memorial they walked for hours but it was all worth it to see Tarrant smile again. Once they got to the castle they ran toward Mirana at full speed. Once she saw her visitors she smiled kindly and walked over to the gracefully.

"Hello my friends ….what can I do for you today?" she smiled.

"We need Alice back! For 'atter 'es gone mad with out 'er!" Mally shouted.

"I know…..Tarrant hasn't been to work in weeks….the poor dear…" Mirana frowned.

"Can you do it? Bring Alice back?"

"Perhaps…I shall see what I can do….Chess will you please fetch Mctwisp?" Mirana asked kindly as she, Mally and Thackery walked toward the kitchen.

"It will be my pleasure your majesty." Chess smiled as he disappeared.

Meanwhile in Overland Alice and her sister Margret were sitting in their backyard. Alice seemed uneasy and nervous while Margret was beaming with happiness.

"Margret…I'm not sure if I should marry this man….." Alice muttered.

"Alice your twenty years old! That pretty face of yours isn't going to last and this man is not at all like Hamish he's very handsome and respectable!" Margret smiled.

"I'm still not sure…."

"Whys that's?" Margaret frowned.

"For some reason….I feel like I'm forgetting someone very special in my life….." Alice muttered sadly.

"Someone special? Your just being silly Alice everyone dear to you is here!" Margret smiled as she tucked her sister's hair behind her ear.

"I suppose…what is my fiancée's name again Gorge?" Alice asked confused.

"No his name is Lord William Dashnel!" Margret laughed.

"Right…." Alice sighed as she looked over to the garden maze.

Then Helen Kingsleigh came running over to Alice and started to smooth out her dress then she stopped.

"Alice…..your not wearing a corset again….." Helen sighed din frustration.

"I told you….a corset is like a cod fish to me…"Alice sighed.

"Alice I don't want any of your nonsense today, understood?"

"If I had a world of my own….everything would be nonsense….."Alice grumbled under her breath.

"What was that?" Helen asked.

"Nothing…..I said I understand…." Alice lied.

Then Helen started to smooth Alice's hair out and puffing out her dress. Then she turned toward the house and smiled.

"There he is!" she muttered.

Then Alice squinted and saw a tall blonde man walking toward her once he got to her he held out his hand and she took it.

"Hello Alice….it's lovely to finally meet you…." he muttered as he kissed her hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well….William…" Alice muttered.

"Why don't you two take a walk in the garden to get to know each other!" Helen suggested.

"What a lovely idea!" William smiled as he gave Alice his arm.

Alice nodded and followed William into the garden maze. They walked around in awkward silence for a moment until William broke the silence.

"So tell me Alice….how was your trip in China?" William asked.

"Oh…it was nice…..tell me William….have you ever tried thinking of six impossible things before breakfast?" Alice asked.

"Six impossible things? Hmmm well I cant say that I have….do you?" William asked confused.

"Yes….I do…" Alice muttered.

"Ah" William nodded.

"You know once I had this vision of all the men in dresses and women in trousers…" Alice smiled.

"That's rather ridicules don't you thing?" William said with a nervous laugh.

"I suppose….but it would be quite entertaining…." Alice chuckled.

"I suppose so…."

Then William looked around the garden and walked over to a rose bush.

"White…roses….hmm I really like the red ones….they mean love…" He smiled as he looked toward Alice.

"You can always paint the roses red." Alice smiled.

"Paint? Erm yes….you know Alice your quite odd…." William muttered.

Then Alice saw a white rabbit in a waist coat and a pocket watch running threw the garden and she froze.

"Alice? Is there something wrong?" William asked as he shook her slightly.

"There…..I saw a rabbit in a waist coat…" Alice muttered.

"Rabbit in a waist coat?" William asked confused. Then he started to laugh "My Alice you have quite the imagination!"

"But…I saw him just there…." Alice frowned.