A/N: Told you all I would give you all just a short chapter here and there for special occasions. Let me know if you like this one! Just a little one shot to celebrate a holiday!


"I don't understand why we are doing this!" Jean stated in frustration as she attempted to untangle the string of fake leaves. She was instructed by her daughter to decorate the place. Hermione was lost in thought as she sat at the kitchen table in Minerva McGonagall's- well now, Minerva and Jean's quarters in Hogwarts.

"bread, cranberries…" Hermione stated as she furiously wrote on the parchment in front of her, oblivious to the statement her Mum had just vocalized.

"Apple cider seems like a good idea, doesn't it?" She asked rhetorically.

"We need to get a turkey! That is a must!" Hermione exclaimed.

"A turkey!" Jean repeated, just as the front door of the quarters opened.

"Turkey?!" Minerva McGonagall repeated. "What about a turkey?"

"Hermione insists we get one." Jean said as she put the tangeled mess of decorations down and went to greet Minerva properly.

"Hello dear." Minerva said. "Now what is this?" She repeated her question.

"Thanksgiving." Hermione stated simply.

"Oh." Minerva said as she put down her belongings on the table in the foyer and continued making her way into the room. Minerva knew that Hermione had been talking about creating an American Thanksgiving meal this November for the three of them. Of course it was an American holiday but Minerva knew that Hermione was always curious and wanting to experience other cultures and their traditions. Hermione had been planning for quite some time, the past few weeks! Minerva also knew that Jean wasn't as enthusiastic about Hermione's cultural experiences and didn't always put up with them as well as Minerva, herself did. The celebration and even education that never escaped Hermione, of these other cultures, actually brought a good deal of fun in Minerva's opinion- As it seemed they were almost always celebrating something!

"Well, I think it is a fine idea!" Minerva exclaimed as she walked over to greet Hermione. "And how are the plans coming?" She inquired.

"Very well, thanks for asking Minerva." Hermione said, the sarcasm not going unnoticed by her Mum who had joined her at the table.

"So I suppose there is no escaping this cultural experience is there!" Jean said, to which both Minerva and Hermione just grinned in her direction.

"Well then I guess it looks like we need to go shopping." Jean sighed.

"Shopping…" Minerva said, standing up straight. There was a twinkle in her eye. Jean quirked an eye brow at Minerva's mysteriousness.

"Oh never you mind, I just got an idea is all." Minerva reassured Jean. "Now, let us go get what is on Hermione's list." She finished.

"Okay!" Hermione said. Jumping up from her seat at the table she rushed to the foyer and grabbed all three of their coats- Then the three quickly left the quarters and headed to the stores.

"Good gracious, Hermione!" Jean exclaimed, "This is so much food!"

"Well if we are going to do this, we mustn't skimp on any aspect!" Hermione said as they moved through the market.

"We don't have to do it at all." Jean protested, knowing she wasn't going to win this time.

"Yes we do!" Minerva chimed in-Hermione nodded matter of factly.

"Now, we have most everything we need, I just need to grab one thing." Hermione said. "I'll meet you in the front, I will be right back!"

Hermione perused the desserts in the market. Stopping a moment, she took in the smell of the baked goods. Then, she spotted what she was after.

"One pumpkin pie." Hermione asked the server.

"Surely dear!" the woman said, as she packaged a whole pumpkin pie up and handed it to Hermione.

Hermione met her Mum and Minerva in the front of the market.

"What is that?" Jean asked, gesturing towards the package.

"A surprise." Hermione said smiling.

"Well your surprise smells good." Minerva mused.

"Let us go. Are we ready?" Minerva asked. With two nods, in agreement, they headed back for Hogwarts.

The next morning Minerva awoke to a marvelous smell coming from the main area of the living quarters. Getting out of bed and grabbing her night gown, she made her way out of the bedroom. Jean was sitting at the table, reading the paper, sipping coffee and Hermione… She was busy in the kitchen. After a moment of eyeing the girl, Minerva leaned in to speak to Jean. "ah, what is she doing?" Minerva asked.

"She wanted to get a head start on dinner I suppose." Jean said without even looking up from her paper. Clearly not too amused.

"Well, alright." Minerva said. Walking to the kitchenette, she caught Hermione's attention. "Is there anything that I can help you with?" She asked.

"Oh, no, thanks. I will handle it. Just relax!" Hermione said.

After several hours, of Minerva and Jean attempting to assist Hermione and being rejected, Hermione announced that dinner was ready.

"It is only half past noon Hermione." Jean said.

"Yes, well that is how it is done." Minerva assured. "An early meal if you will.

"Exactly." Hermione confirmed.

"Oh, and you two are such experts then..?" Jean teased.

"Come, everything is read!" Hermione said.

Gathering around the table, the smell of delicious, hot food was prominent. They all sat in their usual places- as was usual when Hermione stayed with them- holidays and special cultural experience occasions.

"Ah! Before we eat, it is custom to go around and say what we are all thankful for." Hermione said before her Mum had dished almost the complete bowl of noodles onto her plate.

"I will start then." Hermione said. "Lets see… I am thankful for my education in the wizardry world. I am thankful for the outcome of the battle many years ago. I am thankful for the possibility to be able to do whatever I want to adventure into I suppose. "

"well put." Minerva said. "I will go next." Sighing a bit in thought, Minerva began her list. "I am thankful for Hogwarts, the life and the home that it has given me. I am thankful for both of you." She smiled. "And I am thankful for Hermione who insists on giving us all these new experiences!" she added. Hermione smiled and Jean smirked.

"I know, I know, it is my turn!" Jean said "No jokes then I suppose." She teased- which was met by Hermione's eye.

"Alright, well. I have to say. What I am most thankful for is my family." Jean stated simply. "You." Gesturing to Hermione. "and My dear, Minerva." She gestured to Minerva. "And thankful for the life lessons I had to learn and the things that had to help me along in my life, so I could be here with this family, here and now." Jean said. Looking up from her half empty plate of food, Jean was met by Minerva's tearing eyes.

"Well, let us eat then!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Eat!" Minerva repeated!

The three shared a lovely meal and then retired to the main living area. Minerva switched on her muggle tele that she kept in a cabinet. Changing the dial until she settled on the channel she was searching for.

"The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade!" Jean exclaimed. "Now it is definitely an AmericanThanksgiving!"

The next morning Hermione was startled awake by a bright light shining through the window in her bedroom. Then she realized, she doesn't have a huge window in her room. Moving in between the sheets, she noticed that the sheets were extra soft and did not feel like her own. She slowly opened her eyes and was met by a grand four poster bed and gold silk sheets surrounding her. And to her right was a ceiling to floor wall window. A bit shocked, Hermione sat up. The room was definitely not her own. This room was very elegant and there was gold trim everywhere. Hermione crawled out of the bed and over to the window. Moving aside the window décor- which was also gold, Hermione's eyes were shocked by the sight. Outside the window was not the peaceful ground of Hogwarts. Instead, she took in the sight of tall buildings in every direction, bright lights and neon signs. She also noticed that she was up rather high- 17 floors high off the ground at least. On the ground below she saw streets on top of streets and so many cars. There were yellow taxi motor cars everywhere. Hermione took note that the sky was barely light, the sun peeking through the spaces between the buildings and into her window. Just then, the door to her room opened.

Turning around, she was greeted by Minerva in her forest green apparel.

"Oh good, you're up!" Minerva said happily. "come." And as soon as she had entered the bedroom, Minerva turned and left.

Hermione, still confused, followed. She walked out and down a small hallway that opened up into a larger living area. There was a breakfast nook with a complete morning breakfast, hot and ready to eat sitting on top of the table. There, next to the table was another floor to ceiling window. This one was blocked however, by a figure. The figure of her Mum. Jean was staring out of the window, however, upon hearing Minerva re-enter the area and Hermione's small footsteps entering the living area for the first time, Jean turned around.

"Good morning sweetheart!" She exclaimed.

"Good morning…" Hermione answered, her voice trailing, still looking around the room. The room had two fluffy stuffed sofas, fancy chairs and a huge screen tele. It was just as elegant as her bedroom had appeared.

"Isn't this lovely?" Jean said!

"Yes- um, where are we exactly?" Hermione finally asked.

Minerva chuckled as she dished out the steaming hot breakfast onto three plates. Gesturing the girls to join her at the table she spoke. " Hermione, I decided, that we ought to take the Thanksgiving experience a bit farther perhaps?"

"Oh?" Hermione asked as she began to dig into her breakfast.

"So, as soon as we went to bed last evening, I decided to apparate us all to New York City. In the USA. I thought this is the nicest hotel around and I thought some pampering might do us all some good" Minerva said.

"And we love it!" Jean stated cheerfully!

"Yes, well, I realized as soon as I looked out the window we were in the States." Hermione said. "However, do explain to me the necessity of the early morning hour?" Hermione inquired.

Chuckling a bit more, Minerva stood and walked to the small coffee table set in the middle of the two sofas. Grabbing a stack of papers, Minerva made her way back to the breakfast table.

"My dear," Minerva began as she pushed the papers in front of the girl, "Black Friday shopping!"

Hermione smiled and started flipping through the papers. "Ads?" She asked.

" So many good sales!" Jean said. "It is part of the culture!" She teased.

Hermione rolled her eyes at her Mum. "Well shall we get started then?!" Minerva said as she hopped up from her chair!

"she's got a lot of energy, this one!" Jean whispered to Hermione. "Despite her age."

Hermione just grinned. "I heard that." Minerva called back from the other bedroom.

"Go on, get dressed! Looks like we're off shopping!" Jean said.

The three of the women spent the day fighting the crowds and the hustles from store to store. Making their way to all the fancy, holiday decorated stores in the city. They walked until their feet hurt. Minerva had to drag out a pain potion for Jean. Hermione was tough though- she spent her time shopping not always right with her Mum and Minerva. She picked out holiday gifts for family and friends. She kept an eye on the pair of them however. Hermione had a flash back moment of the first holiday the three of them had spent together, that was many years ago, but Hermione felt like everything seemed to be falling into place- for the three of them that is. Hermione smiled to herself as she saw Minerva grab Jean's hand as they looked at the decorated shop windows.

After hours of nonstop shopping, the three returned to the hotel- many packages in hand. Minerva had suggested she shrink the packages to make it easier to handle as they moved through the crowds, but Jean and Hermione both insisted on carry their packages.

Landing back at the hotel, the three collapsed on the fancy fluffy stuffed sofas. It wasn't long before the trio fell asleep from the excitement of the day.

A little while later however, Jean awoke. She took in the sight around her. Hermione was on one sofa asleep. She was stretched out on the other, positioned next to Minerva, who was also sleeping. Jean moved to sit up and move closer to Minerva. Gently taking Minerva's hand in hers, Jean caressed Minerva's cheek. Observing the closed, soft eyes of the elder witch, Jean smiled to herself and silently kissed Minerva. Awaking at the touch, Minerva began to kiss Jean back. Pulling away, Minerva moved to wrap her arm around Jean- who then moved to settle in next to Minerva again.

"Minerva." Jean whispered.

"Yes dear?" Minerva aske.

"Thank you for making our Thanksgiving special." Jean whispered.

"You're welcome." Minerva said, tenderly patting Jean on the arm.

"And thank you for caring enough to do so. About Hermione." Jean said. "And me." She added.

To this, Minerva did not speak. She only leaned down to gently kiss Jean atop of her head, before closing her eyes again and retreating back to sleep.