Hi there! Well I decided that I just needed to write myself a Klaine fic, because I just love them sooooo damn much.
So here is "You Should Have Asked Me For It", a multi-chapted AU fic.
Essentially, just imagine out boys at Dalton, but without knowing they are gay.
Prologue - I Hope All My Days Are Lit By Your Face
If you asked Kurt Hummel who his best friend was, he'd nail you with a solid bitch glare as he rolled his eyes. And really, that would be the correct answer. No one asked Kurt Hummel who the most important person in his life was, everyone just knew.
Everyone had known since his very first day at Dalton when he was set up to room with Blaine Anderson and within minutes they were chattering each other's ear off about Disney and Vogue magazine and foreign movies. For two young boys who had very rarely gotten an opportunity to be themselves around other boys their age, the gift of meeting each other was one they clung to fervently. In the four years since then, Blaine and Kurt had been inseparable. When one was looking for one of them, you would always find him at the other boy's shoulder, or standing next to him, and chatting in his ear.
But it was more than just a physical closeness borne from spending every minute together that united the boys and made them truly the best of friends.
Within a week of meeting, they had confided to each other why each of them had found themselves within the safe and secure walls of Dalton. And from that moment, that baring of souls, they wound themselves tightly into each other's lives. It was in a subtle way, shocking them occasionally with how powerfully they needed and relied on each other.
They were important years, those four years that changed them from small twelve year old boys to sixteen year old men. Endless things had happened in those four years, but none of that was important.
What is important, and is something you need to remember, is that during those four years, Blaine always had Kurt and Kurt always had Blaine.
You need to remember this because things change. Things always change. People grow older and grow apart because things change and the world is relentless in it's orbit of the sun. Remember though, how much they meant to each other in those four years, how much they loved each other. You'll need it.