TBR- HEY GUYS! I am so sorry that's it's taking me so long to update. But after some help I got an idea. This story will be longer than all the others and I do hope you'll enjoy. Oh, and one more thing. I would like to thank Dragonblaze66 for the idea of this chapter. With out this dude, I wouldn't have been able to update until next month. Now, on with the story!

Blossom- wait, we don't get to speak?

Brick- that's not fair. -.-

TBR- shut up! I already said 'on with the story' so that means no one should talk!

Boomer- but you forgot to mention something


Bubbles- TomboysRule does not own any characters in this story except Eve and her magical kingdom. Also, starting next chapter, a surprise will be found for all viewers. Bubye!

TBR- -_- …. What she said

The four teens made their way down the hallway and into the kitchen.

"boy I'm starving." Blossom said. Brick nodded in agreement. But he couldn't help feeling like something was off.

"you guys just wait a few minutes and I'll cook something up for you." Bubbles said with a smile on her face.

Boomer walked over to the fridge and pulled out some things. While the two blues were busy in the kitchen, (A/N: not what any of you pervs might think. They're just cooking) Brick and Blossom decided to wonder around the castle for a bit. That is until they heard someone talking.

"look, I know you disagree with me. But these four aren't like that. They will be on my side the whole time. they're not like the previous subjects." Brick and Blossom looked at each other with a condused expression.

"I understand what you think. But for all we know they will work against us. Then we will be forced to lock them up along with the rest." This voice sounded familular to the two teens. But they couldn't seem to figure out why.

"will you just trust me? Look, they have another test today and I can prove you wrong." With that Brick and Blossom both fled.

Once the two were back in their rooms they both started to pace.

"what on earth was that about?" Brick asked.

Blossom shrugged. "I have no idea." She said. "subjects? What are we, a science experiment?"

Brick gave Blossom a look. "really?" Blossom smiled sheepishly. "it's like we're playing a game of chess." Brick finally said.

Blossom was confused at first, but then she caught on. "she's the queen, and we're her pawns." Brick nodded. "so that other guy must be the king. And the people before us-" she stopped as realization strucked. Blossom began to frantically look threw her stuff.

"blossom?" Brick asked. "what are you doing?"

"I'm looking for something." Blossom replied. Then she showed up with two different photos. "ah ha! Found it."

Brick looked at the two pictures. One was of her and her sisters and then the other was of all six of them. "why do we need that?"

Blossom rolled her eyes. "look at Buttercup." Brick did as told. "you see anything different?" Brick shook his head. Blossom sighed knowing that she was going to have to explain everything. "ever since the alliance our green siblings have been acting weird. I always thought is was because of the new situation we were in. and a year later I got used to it. But only now can I see that I thought something was wrong, because something actually was! Buttercup was acting differently but we thought she was the same person. The thing is that she wasn't!"

Brick went into deep thought and then he realized what Blossom was talking about.

Flash back

Brick was in the living room reading a book when Butch and Buttercup came down stairs. Buttercup was giggling at Butch who had a huge smile on his face. The two headed for the door but stopped at the sound of Brick's voice.

"what are you two laughing about?" he asked.

"nothing, just mind your own business." Butch said. Brick raised an eyebrow.

"then where are you two headed?"

"we're going to play some ball." Buttercup said.

"then where you're ball?" Brick asked. Butch glared at his brother.

"we're going to buy one." He snarled. Then the two left.

That's when Blossom and Bubbles came downstairs.

"where are those two going?" Bubbles asked.

Brick shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure. Buttercup said that they were going to play some ball. But Butch said that they we're going to buy one."

"that's weird." Blossom said. "Buttercup told me that she was going to go see a movie."

"buttercup lied to you?" Bubbles asked, clearly shocked.

"yeah," Blossom said with a hard expression, "I guess she did."

End of flash back.

"Buttercup lied to you. And she knows better than to do that." Brick stated.

"yes, and have you noticed something different in her features?"

"uh," Brick started. "they started to grow?"

Blossom frowned and threw a pillow at him. "no! her eyes were a shade darker than usual."

"oh." Brick looked back at the two pictures and saw that she was right. "ever since the alliance those two have been acting weird. I mean, Butch wasn't as competitive, the two were getting along, Buttercup lied to you. It just doesn't sound like our siblings."

"because they weren't. they were someone else." Blossom said. "we need to get to the bottom of this. Lets start tomorrow when everyone is asleep." Brick nodded in agreement.

Eve made her way to the kitchen and saw everyone eating. "good evening everyone," she said with a cheerful smile, "I hope everyone has made them selves at home." Bubbles nodded. "good. Now, after you're done eating I have another test for you. This will test your guys' friendship and loyalship. Understood?" everyone nodded. "good. Now meet me in the main hall in one hour." And with that she left the room.

"I don't know why, but I can't wait for these tests to end." Blossom said.

Bubbles gasped, "Blossom, not wanting to do a test?" she stood up and pointed a spoon at Blossom. "who are you and what have you done with my sister?" Blossom couldn't help but laugh. Bubbles joined not too long after.

Boomer looked between the two and then to Brick who shrugged. "girls," Boomer started, "can't live with them, can't live without them." This earned him a smack across upside the head. "ow!" now it was Brick's turn to laugh.

As the three teens laughed none of them were aware that down below the basement, four unknown shadows where running around the corridor.

"come on," a female voice said. It was smooth and sounded like angles. "we have to get out of here and warn the mistress."

"okay genius, and how do you expect us to do that? Last time we tried we ended up down here." A male voice spoke.

"no time for talking, we have to keep moving." The first girl said.

"moving where?" a voice bellowed around the room. A figure stepped into the light. "you four should really stop trying to leave. You won't get far without being caught."

A male stepped forward, "get out of the way Eve. We don't work for you anymore."

Eve shook her head. "such a shame. I was really hoping you guys would join my side. but oh well, I have new subjects now. Some who won't fail me."

"we didn't fail you! You failed us!" a different female voice spoke up. It was horse, like it hasn't had water in days.

"who are these newcomers?" the first female asked. Eve smiled wickedly.

"lets just say, they are the ones who will help me achieve victory." Eve waved her hands and the four figures disappeared. With that Eve proceeded to walk down the hall.

TBR- So I think this is all I am going to write for today. In the next chapter things really start to take a twist. Brick and Blossom find out what's going on and form a plan. Bubbles and Boomer become Eve's favorite, and four faces are tortured. I know this story is moving along fast, but for good reason. I hope you guys can trust me as to where I am taking you and don't forget to R&R your thoughts and PM me if you have any ideas once so ever.

Bubbles- so Eve is an evil person.

Buttercup- no, she just has a secret love for toast.

Boomer- Eve is in love with toast!?

TBR- *face palm* no Boomer, she was just being sarcastic.

Boomer and Bubbles- ooh