Sean had closed the door of his locker in his new school, trying to make the rest of grade 10 year okay was harder than he thought.

Though, it was better than Degrassi, everyone trying to talk to him. Least with Wasaga High, no one tried to talk to him, just stared.

His hair had grown out a bit but he still looked the same. Built well for his age, same old grey sweater and black tuke... so I guess you couldn't really judge his new hair since he never showed it anyway.

Seemed he came here at the wrong time, this school was going through their own tragedy.

There was some guy, who was really good in art he heard. Kelly something... the guy had become obsessed with some girl, and shot himself over a few months ago.

The school looked like it was getting back on it's feet though.

Hell, they should try going through a shooting.

"Whose that?" Emma asked Tyler Bishop.

You may remember Tyler, the kid Sean had defened. He was the schools basketball star. He was at his locker with a bunch of his friends who were glaring and whispering about Sean, watching him down the hall until Emma cluelessly asked him who he was.

Emma saw Sean walk in a minute ago, something about him and she couldn't take her eyes off. He looked a little... mysterious. But she could figure one thing out... he was sad. He tried to hide it but Emma, being good at hiding that type of thing too, could spot it in anyone.

What did he have to be sad about? God was clearly good to him. Good musceled arms, very good looking face, sparkling blue eyes-

Tyler raised an eyebrow at Emma. She had her head tilted to get a better look at Sean, looking way too curious.

"Sean Cameron." He replied, snickering, "He use to live here. He's a loser."

"Why don't I remember him?" Emma asked him.

"He was a loser back then too." Tyler bittered and glared over his shoulder watching Sean. He looked back at Emma and said, "Don't go near him." He warned her.

Emma looked away from Tyler but nodded, Tyler nodded back and then walked off to class when the bell rang.

Emma snapped out of it and blinked twice. SHIT! She was late and didn't even have her books.

Emma squished through the crowd and went to run to locker, to run smack into somebody. She stumbled back but two hands caught her waist and she rebalanced, putting her hands on the persons arms.

Wow. Very strong big arms.

Emma looked up and blew the hair out of her face to find Sean, he was smirking a bit at her when she did that and then coughed, quickly letting her go when she stared at him.

Wow, her eyes were so pretty, Sean tried to look away but had to stare back "sorry." He finally said.

Emma put a hair behind her ear and said, "No, it was me. Sorry. They don't call me clumsy Emma for nothin'." She replied with a big bright smile.

Sean chuckled only a little bit.

Which was great progress for him to tell the truth, he hadn't smiled since... for a month now... and then this stranger, this girl, had oddly got it out of him.

He looked Emma over. She was... well, lets face it to be honest she was probably the most beautiful thing he's ever laid eyes on. Tall and model like, he was just a little bit taller. Her skin tanned and glowing, with long blonde hair. She was sort of giggly, and preppy, ohhh and she wore a red Wasage Cheerleading outfit.

Sean raised an eyebrow. She didn't seem the type. Most of the cheerleaders stared at him, but weren't daring to say a word. This girl seemed brave.

Emma took Sean's low chuckle as not very amused. But he was... and curious about her. Emma bit her tounge, she sucked at jokes, that was probably actually really lame. God Emma, your an idiot, she kept telling herself.

"Well... I'mmmm going to go." Emma said, slightly embarrassed and slowly turned around, her heart pounding like no tomorrow.

Sean stared blankly but watched her go until out of sight.

His heart was doing funny things too, things he's never felt before.

Later that day Sean sat on one of the benches outside, he didn't feel like eating. He looked around and sighed a bit. Was this a mistake?

He felt his phone viberate.


Why couldn't she just leave him alone?

He checked the rest of his text messages, Jay had been calling too.

He tried to distract himself by looking around again and watching other peoples lives, wishing he could have their's, until something finally did distract him. The blonde from earlier sat on a bench with a bunch of jocks and cheerleaders.

The friends around her were being idiots, playfully beating another up to impress the cheerleaders he bet, and some of the girls were flirting with the jocks... but not Emma.

Emma sat on the bench table, as where everyone else either leaned on it or around it. She sat there, staring down at the table, she looked so in thought... so lost.

Sean furrowed his eyebrows, curiously watching her. He felt the need to want to go over and talk to her... help her. But then he snickered, he couldn't even help himself.

He watched at the one and only Tyler Bishop came over to her and sat beside. He clenched his jaw, ofcourse she'd know Tyler.

She didn't look so pleased when he sat down next to her though, she looked pretty uncomfortable.

But she wasn't leaving for some reason.

Sean eyed her as close as he could. God. He really wanted to figure her out.

Last class came into session and it was like God had actually heard him. Emma sat in the back of his next class. Luckily, no one sat next to her.

Sean felt nervous but pushed it away, slowly going over.

"Anyone sit here?" he asked, leaning over the chair toward her and Emma looked over.

She let her mouth hang until snapping out of it, don't act like an idiot again!

"Yeah." She admitted with a smirk of her own, "But I'm sure you could take them."

Sean smirked back and her knees felt weak. Thank god she was sitting down already. He sat next to her and snuck a glance back over.

He couldn't help but want to get to know her. Back at Degrassi he even didn't care if people talked to him or not, but here, he wanted to talk to her... badly.

"Sean, by the way." He introduced himself.

Emma smiled, she already knew but hey! "Emma."

"Right, clumsy Emma." Sean said outloud, remembering and grinned at her with those sexy little dimples.

Emma blushed and looked down, smiling. It's been a while since she had smiled too...

"Alright class, get your notes out." The teacher said, staring class.

That's when everyone sat and Tyler turned to go take his spot until seeing Sean sitting there, smiling with Emma.

"What the hell?" he asked.

Sean and Emma looked up and he looked between the two and scoffed in disgust, taking a seat up front instead but sent Sean one more glare.

Emma gave a wierd look, glancing at Tyler to then look at Sean.

What problem did these two have?

The rest of the week, Sean only got excited for last class, to see her again. Everytime he did, he stomach fluttered. It was the oddest thing.

People at Degrassi would laugh at him, not knowing he was capable of this. But Sean didn't even know what 'this' was... yet.

But Emma had now switched seats, and back to sitting beside Tyler.

Sean took his normal spot as another guy took Emma's. He watched her every now and then, she had that lost look on her face again.

"Names Pauly." The guy from beside him said, Sean looked over and clenched his jaw.

He didn't really want to make a friend.

But what the hell, fine.

"Sean." He greeted back with a nod.

Pauly had his ear stretched a bit and a tattoo on his neck of some girls name. He was a tall thing, sort of skinny though, kind of like Craig Mannings. He wore a purple V shirt, a few more tattoos on his arms and black pants. His hair was jet black and cut in a Justin Beiber kind of way.

"Bad news." Pauly informed with a playful tone in his words as he nodded up at Emma.

Oh shit, he caught that huh?

"She dating him?" Sean asked.

Pauly snickered, "No way. Never. Would never... but their friends." He thought about it and corrected himself, "Sorta."


What did that mean.

That left Sean thinking about it for the rest of the week. Thinking about her for the rest of the week... even dreamt about her smile... you know... when he wasn't having nightmares of Rick pointing a gun at he , Toby and Jimmy.