helloooo readers (: just as the name of the "chapter" implies, this is final thank yous ! THIS IS NOT PART OF THE STORY . You don't have to read this if you don't want to .

Okay so first order of business is to answer all the basic questions:

"Is there gunna be an epilogue?" Answer: no.

"Are you gunna make a sequal?" Answer: no.

The reason is because one: I wouldn't know what to write & two: I don't have the time.

HOWEVER ! I decided that I WILL be making another story sometime soon(: when ? I'm not sure . Add an author alert on me or just check in every now & then for it . & im not just saying that because I want author alerts ! I just figure it would be easiest for everyone !

So now I have my thank yous(:

THANK YOU to everyone who reviewed this story. Did you review? This statement is for you. (hey that rhymed(: )

THANK YOU to everyone who added a Story Alert, Favorite Story, Author Alert, &/or Favorite Author for this story. Did any of that? This statement is for you.

THANK YOU to everyone who gave me a harsh review. (That's what reviews are right? That's why they call them reviews. Not good thoughts.) Did you give me a harsh review? This statement is for you.

THANK YOU to everyone who has taken the time to read this pointless "chapter." Are you reading this right now? This statement is for you.

THANK YOU to my constant reviewers. (I'm talking like five or more.) Those wonderful readers are:















THANK YOU to my "Multiples Club" members. That is, the readers who were lucky enough to give me a review that landed on a multiple of 100! Those lucky readers are:

100 - Updater

200 - envelope123

300 - Nobody2012

THANK YOU to the reader who gave me the best message that I have ever gotten. I appreciated & loved every review I got, but for some reason, her's just stuck with me. That reader is:


THANK YOU to all the readers who promised they would pray for Jack Jablonski at his time of need. Did you pray? This statement is for you.

THANK YOU for sticking with me through my late updates & cliff hangers. Did you read through the end? This statement is for you.

Okay well that's about it (: if you have any more questions, just review or shoot me a message (: Author Alert me so you can stay updated on my next story! When will I get it out? again, no idea. But hopefully before we all die of old age.

I hope you enjoyed SS Poseidon !
